Chapter 20

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This chapter contains: some blood

《Chapter 20, finding Sabre》

Time Pov

I searched through the entire house to find him, nowhere.

This wasn't good. Something must of happened. I need to find him.

I can't go by myself.

Who could help...

I went up to hypno steves room to see him wide awake.

"I herd you going threw the entire house. What in origins are you doing?" He said

"I can't find sabre. I checked everywhere in the house and he is nowhere. He went to go mining and hasn't come back" I started trailing off in my words and started panicking.

"1. Relax I'll come with you to look for him. 2 we should get Alex, she probably up at this hour and the guardian might be there too and yes I saw what you guys were doing." His response was. I took a breathe.

"Okay" we headed out of the house and headed to Alex house.


Alex pov

He sat there in silence for a very long time. Nothing was calming down. The scent he was giving off did die down though. I was able to heal my eye but it left a black scar on my face and my green eye was now white.

"Can you hand me that book on the night stand?" He asked. His voice still shaky.

I saw it and grabbed it for him. It looked old and was torn. There seem to be a photo in it as well. I saw a glimpse of an edge of a mansion of someswort but I couldn't see anything else

" how about I'll go get water for you?" I herd him agree and I handed him the book. I went out of the room and reached for a glass. I than suddenly herd a knock on the door. It could be one of the others. I went and grabbed a green eyepatch. The knocking got louder. I opened the door too see hypno and time steve at the door.

"Sabre miss-" time stopped and the two stared at me

"what happened to your eye?!" They both said at the same time.

"Nothing.. just wanted to change my look" I lied. I didn't want them to know what happened.

"Alright..." time said confused. Hypno didn't respond.

"We need to find sabre his missing and the guardian" time said

He is missing. But the guardian is here with me.

"Well I can at least say that the guardian is here. But he isn't in the best mood right now" I responded

"Tell him that were sorry for pushing him to look at the water. I think he saw something we didnt" time said

The two walked in and time started explaining what happened.

"Well you don't mess with peoples fears. One try to fix it and it might change them" hypno said to time about the guardian.

That might explain why he was like that to me.

I herd footsteps behind me to see the guardian out of his room. His hair was a mess and most of it was coming out of the front of his clock. He held his book in one hand. He also had terrible posture.

"Heyyy guardian" time said. They to ignore the fact the guardina looked like a serial killer.
He didn't talk. Time walked up to him and started apologizing

"I forgive you" he said. He fixed is posture but he still looked like a reck

"We should start looking. The last place I saw him was he was heading into the forest by the lake." Time said and we headed out of my house and started our search.

Night Pov

Patrick told me everything that happened in the mindscape and I imidatly slapped him across the face. I felt my hand hit his armor and grabbed my hand from the pain from it.

"I think that hurt you more than it hurt me" pat said

"Shut up. Bee" I responded.

" I'm not a bee! *sigh* We need to focus. How could we figure out how to get to the other world" he asked

"We make a machine" I herd blue said behind us.

"I herd your whole conversation on you meeting the guardian and rainbow steve. We need to figure this out now" he said

"Okay. I think if we create a teleporter you can create a connection to the guardian and that can cause us all to telaport" I threw my idea out there

"That might work" blue said

"I can map out the idea but we will need alot of reasources" Patrick says. I could get the reasoruces

"I'll get them. Just tell me and I'll get it"

We all nodded on this plan. Pat and blue steve went to make blue prints. I headed to my room. I went threw my chest to get my tools.

Guardian pov

As we searched threw the forest.  I was getting more light headed. My train of thought kept going in and out.

I realized I saw a branch that look like it was cut off. I got the other attention and pointed at the cave. The cave felt familiar. I felt ringing go in my ears and the thought was knocked out of my head.

"Sabre said he was going mining. He might of got lost in this caves."

We all walked in the cave and there were no torches. I knew the others couldn't give off light. I summoned light crystals and they lighted up the area

" that works" time said. Everyone held one and we headed deeper. We were more in the cave and there were black shards hitting parts of the wall. There was a burned out makeshift. I looked at the shards and realized how similar they were.....

To mine

Alex pov

"We need to hurry. Sabre might be injured" I herd hypno say. Time nodded and we continued to go deeper.

I herd lava boil and I noticed a trial of blood.

"Hello?" I herd faintly.

"Sabre?" Time response. We ran towards the sound of a groaning Sabre. He sounded like he was in pain.

There was a pool of lava and we saw him laying there a shard stuck in his arm and blood on the wall of the cave he was leaning on.

"Ill help you out Sabre. You guys make sure no one is around" time said. We nodded. I realize the guardian is acting stressed and anxious. I headed over to talk to him.


Sorry for not posting also with guardian design his hair is just white because if I make an animation it will be easier

Okay byeeee

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