chapter 26

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Chapter 26; Revenge
This chapter contains: alcohol and cigarettes

*Unknown* POV

He promised

I trusted him

He could have.......

I know he could

I will make sure he doesn't lie again

I smiled softly as I cut through thick tree with my axe. I wonder how much powerful he is now. Probably have gone soft from taking care of spirit. This will be fun. I walked back the my small camp. I through wood into a fire and stared at it. Remember all the lies he has said. How could Patrick still love a liar?

*Patrick* POV

I slowly sat the guardian down on his bed. Hearing a sigh come from under his breathe. Alex decided to get something to help the guardian it was some sort of potion she was looking for. I was unsure on what it was. But I had to ask him

"Does she know?" I asked staring down a bit. A slight head shake was the response I got.

"Why not? She could help you alot. You remember how she helped you In the past" I stated. Alex was always their for all of us as young kids to youth as origin hated us as creation. She believed we could make it past him.


*Alex* POV

I tried my best for finding something to help the guardian. But I couldn't get over there conversation
"Why not? She could help you alot. You remember how she helped you In the past" I herd faintly from Patrick. His hiding something with him? Something deeper about the guardian. How did he even know the guardian? That's what I'm wondering and how much energy to he has to open the portals and the effects. Not to mention how much the guardian is like shadow.
A shot of realization got me. He is, there no other way they know each other.

"I can't tell her Patrick. I've ......dy hurt her. Th..e's no p...t" I herd very faintly only able to price a bit. I than found it. A healing potion I was giving by a green Steve. I knocked on the frame poking my head to see the guardian hood down.
"Found it!" I said cheerfull as a cover up for not hearing their conversation. Both buying it. I handed guardian the potion.

"It's a healing potion, should help" I stated with a happy tone. The guardian took it a drank a bit of it. Setting it back down in between his thighs. One hand on the bottle. I had to ask Patrick about guardian.
"Patrick can we talk and let the guardian rest." I more said than asked.

"Sure?" He responded with a questionable face expression. He walked in front as I closed the door behind him.

"Whats up?"

"Patrick I need you to tell me with true honesty. Okay?" I said sternly to make sure he is being serious

"Yah sure" he responded with a well responding tone. I took a breathe.

"Is he shadow?" I asked. Silence sooner filled the room.

"What? What got you thinking-" I cut him off to make sure he doesn't rambling off

"Patrick. It's a yes or no" I stated. Sticking my ground. A slow nod came with him biting a small part of his lip.


I ran. I ran. That's all I could do. Why is she so attached to me. She didn't even create me. I ran through and dipped under tree of a forest maze. It felt like a maze at night. The blood moon shining. My breathe was short but I kept pushing. My lips going dry like s desert. Anyway to get away from her.
I sudden burst of pain rushed through me as I hit an open spot where I could see the blood moon. I collapsed on the ground. The darkness coursing through me. Pain worse than ever. My body shook. It felt like I froze. Aching with pain.

"Awe there's my prescious child. So much like me" she sang. I shifted my body as much as I could. The pain double making me yell out a screech of my  barely controllable body.

Let me through

I gasped for air as I felt my throat tighten. I can't let her get me now. I herd her hard boots make her way beside me. I struggled as a felt it again go through me. I leaned forward. My throat getting worse. I tried getting air but only find myself chocking. I see her long black dress find it's way infront of me. Her lizard like tail peeling behind.

I felt her white glove pull my chin up to look at her. I panicked, her getting this close was like a nightmare. None of this felt real. Her bloody red eyes staring down as a motherly grin was on her face. My visioned blurred.

"Aww. Looks like you have been found" she cerved her lips as she talked with her black lips. It soon got harder bland harder to see. I felt her breathe hit me as the blue dust came with it.  Making me give up.

"Tick tick tick. It was really good till you got infront of the moon. I guess mother like son"

*Guardian POV*

I shot up in a burst of sweat. I looked around to see myself back in the room. The healing potion settled aside. I sighed, than the pain struck me. Needling running through me making me fall back on the bed. I panted. I was always used to get nightmares but now I'm getting flashbacks. I slowed my breath down sighing. I herd what sound like Patrick, Alex, Sabre and time.

Whats sabre and time doing here?

I lifted myself up. I reached to my staff on my left and got a grip onto it

I started to hear what seem to pacing. Guessing of sabre since he was a pacer.

I lifted my self up to the ground. I felt the needle pain run through my veins. I bit my mouth. The pain neutralizing, I took a step at least an attempt. My legs stinging. The instinct of collapse came in. I caught myself as I fell a bit forward. Now being on my knees.  I herd the door open as I made an attempt of lifting myself up. Patrick staring at me. He seemed nervous. His adorable eyes shook a bit. That's how I always knew he was nervous. He walked over and helped me up. He took my arm over his shoulder and back.
"Are you okay" he asked. His voice sounding not as confident as he is. I nodded
"Are you. You seem shook" I asked with a concerning tone. Something is happening that I don't know about. "Nights here and it's not good. Time and sabre found her in the forest. She was burning that white and purple necklace when we were like 17. She pissed and.... Yah gone off the deep end again" he said quietly.
" Like she wasn't already" I said. Night as always been out there. She always liked the idea of fire, killing and attack things. We made our way out of the room and immediately smelled smoke of some sort of cigarette. I saw her leaning in a chair with her large combat boots on the table. She looked much different. Short buzzed hair. Her scar worse.

" Ah hello their old man." She said as a joke. I felt a small bit of anger form but I was too tired to care. If she wasn't here. I would of probably been back in bed. Sabre pacing and looked pissed off as well. When sabre is mad that meant that he was about to attack something. Everyone knew that and night was about to find out. Patrick led me too the couch and set me down. Alex grabbing on to a small knife. Hiding it a bit.

Time seems the most confused. Time didn't get mad that fast. They were overall a neutral person.
" So guardian? How are you feeling"

" Fine. I'm able to talk" I said with a neutral tone. I needed to act like I didnt know Night

"Who's are you?" I turned to night. A small laugh came out.

" Someone we found in the woods that you brought back with Patrick and Rainbow." Sabre stated. I could tell he was grinding his teeth.

" The reason I wasn't with you guys was becuase of having  some more resources." She said through taking out the cigarette. She got them from going to earth. It was the coping with the war and things. Mine was way worse. Cause I didnt know how.

" But I never knew you would forget my own name" she paused. I was confused on what she was going with this i was worried.



Stuff about to go down.

This was a fun chapter to write.

(1483 words)

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