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So sorry I have been dead for so long I got busy with personal stuff and inktober (yes I do dat)

Sabre POV

I look to see a huge crater and figure standing victorious above what looked like the guardian.

"the guardians cloak is destroyed and his hood is off!?" I mentally said to myself.  he had white hair with black spike tips his hair covering his eyes and a halo tilted on his head.I was about to run to help when the overseer stopped me, he also stopped galaxy, Alex, and Hypno

"Overseer! the guardian is in danger! what in the world is wrong with you?!" Alex demanded

"no... if you guys go in there you will be in danger. the guardian can pull through... I know he can" the overseer responded, he hesitated to explain himself.

"he has a point, we could all die if we try fighting, we dont know how much damage that thing can do,  only overseer might know if guardian cant fight than we can step in" Hypno said, 

i really want to help but I was at the most risk of dying.

"well. well well well well well" the figure chuckled

"and i thought you could fight, but that world soften you" the figure paused

"PATHETIC!" the figure blasted, its voice going demonic, causing all of us to jump, as well as the guardian. the guardian stood up, holding his side, half of his cloak torn to shreds. there seem to be something near the end of the now short cloak, but i couldn’t see it very well.

*small blood warning*

Guardian coughed, causing splats of blood to shoot out of his mouth. my eyes widen, worried about  what happened in the spirit world.

*that was it*

the guardian mouth showing anger turned to a half-smile

"why is he smiling?! guardian is clearly injured!" galaxy mumbled to all of us. overseer help up a finger telling us to wait. Hypno gave a confused look. I was also as confused as he was.

" look whos talking?" the Guardian stated. the figure gives a surprise looked

"I’ve never heard him say those kinds of words before," I thought to myself

" all you want is power because you always wanted to be like me. All you had to do is train. it was that simple, but no. you decided to sacrifice yourself to them, corrupting yourself. Why couldn’t you just train? it was as simple as that. you could have gotten to where I am now if you did"
the guardian said. the figure got more with hate as everyone else is utterly confused on what the guardian is saying

"well maybe if you were more powerful you could of-" the figure was taunting, being interrupted by a pissed-off guardian.

the guardian Blasted, creating a light energy blast hitting the figure damaging it. we all looked surprised, we weren’t seeing the guardian we know.

Guardians staff appeared as he got in a battle position. we all watched carefully to know when to step in and help.

the figure smiled and spoke being cocky

"there’s the angry issued person I know"

the figure summoned a pitch black sword and their fight began.

I have never written a fighting scene im so sorry if they sound weird

they both charged at one another swinging their weapons making contact with one another causing a blast of energy, blowing trees leaves, and our hair. they pushed each other back. the figure threw black spikes at the guardian while flying in the air. the guardian on the ground dodging each one of them,

the figure summoned one going straight at him there was no way of dodging. the guardian made the weird light force appear in front of the spike getting stuck through it almost hitting his face

the figure disappeared to thin air the guardian held his staff looking around. 

out of nowhere, the figure appeared right behind him swinging his sword at his back, the guardian barely dodges the blade scratching his back the guardian wasn’t fazed at all. he faced him very quickly and shot light energy at the figure before the figure could react . the light energy made contact with the figure throwing him against part of the crater. the figure smiled.

i could finally see him completely, he had red hair, like blood, wearing a king like outfit. a cape that was black and red draping on its back. it had one yellow eye and one black eye with an x. having semi pale skin. having a pitch-black crown with red rubies on it.

"you really have gotten weaker, where are those darker moves you used?" the red-haired figure taunted.

'DARKER?!' i thought to myself

the guardian didn’t respond. the person huffed

"ill see you later. guardian of the spirit world" he mocked the guardians full name

the figure started to piss me off and it seems too angry everyone else. the figure disappeared.

the guardian flipped up his hood and collapsed. we all ran towards him in shock at what just happened

"GUARDIAN!" I shouted getting there first. he looked up at us. I noticed he actually didn’t dodge all of the spikes I saw one in his arm and one in his leg. 

"Sabre? O-Overseer? A-Alex, Ga-alaxy.. h-Hypno?" he stuttered for the first time.
"We need to take him to a green Steve now!" Overseer demanded.
Hypno took guardians none injured arm and wrapped it over his back to help him walk.
I reach to grab the staff from guardian and the guardian gives a death stare even though I couldn't see his eyes I could feel it and I backed up.

"I wouldn't suggest trying that agian, sabre" the overseer whispered to me as we started to walk, i nod agreeing, a little scared of him after the stare he gave.


I'm so sorry I have been gone for a while,
Also I might be drawing certain scenes so there might be some scenes that will be drawn so you guys get a better understanding

Word count: 1030 (letttttsssss gooooooooo!)

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