Chapter 28

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Chapter 28, Can't die twice....
Warning: language, blood. Limbo

*Guardian POV*

I sat their in disbelief of what I just heard.
I knew hearing that made me know This is not Night. Night very much can be a bit crazy but she wouldn't just call someone out. I knew exactly how to outplay this thing copying night.

"Umm I have no idea who that is ma'am" I lied with a concerned and confused tone. I'm hoping it's convincing.
The fake night stuttered Backing away from me. I stood up carefully. I tilted my head.

"don't play dumb" they growled.  That got Patrick attention. He walked towards them and stared.
"Take off the blindfold. That's not a request" he paused. Taking out a dagger slowing peacking a bit out of his pocket. He through the dagger suddenly to their neck and pushed them towards them.
"It's a demand." I smiled a bit seeing him opening up to a fight.

Patrick POV

Who ever the hell is this. They will pay. I stood their holding the knife firmly to their throat. They smiled and laughed a bit.
"Overseer was right." They paused. I felt s bit of fear go through me.
"You are oblivious" they said. Before I could react. I felt a blade go through my stomach. The pain rushed thorough me as I lost grip of the dagger and collapsed on my knees. My hearing muffled and my vision blurred as I lost feeling in my body. I herd someone shout
The thing quicky teleported away keeping the dagger in place. I saw guardian kneel down to  me and grabbed my chin. The pain faded in my side as my vision blackened.

Sabre POV

I threw Patrick on his back to look at the wound. I pressed my hands against where he was impailed. Blue and yellow blood was coming out faster I could hold it. Hie body looked souless. We just got him back. He can't die now.

" Alex. Can't you heal!" I shouted panicked. Time soon palace their hands on top of mine to pushed more pressure.she seemed to be in more shock then me to speak
"Stop sabre and time" guardian stated and kneeled down.
What?! I thought. Then I realized it. He wasnt breathing. Time grabbed my hands and lifted them off. I couldn't save him. Right after he was brought back. He gets killed. I shouldn't have brought that thing back with time and I.  I should've have done something.
I was too shocked to even do anything. It felt like everything just froze. I felt numb.

Patrick POV

I woke up in a burst. I was in the mansion. I saw it burning down. Around me I was in the library. Flames taking over it. Then it hit me.


"No no no no" I said repeatedly standing up. I turned around. I can't be back. I wanted to be their. I wanted to finally be with shadow again. But it didn't matter. I still ended up dieing. I felt tears run down my face in disappointment of how I messed it all up.

I started to hear talking.

It sounded like Sabre and the guardian. Sabre was yelling but I couldn't understand it.

"Sabre?" I asked. Nothing. He continued to yell.
"Sabre!" I shouted again and it went dead silent. The mansion stopped burning and I felt lightheaded took over my body collapsing with black vision.


I gasped for air lifting my body up. I felt a surge of pain rush through my side stomach area. I felt something come up in my throat. I coughed agressivly. Blood came out. I looked and saw everyone stare at me in shock. Sabre backed away.

"How?" Guardian asked. I looked at his direction confused. Then remembered limbo. Was I brought back? I thought. Looked down and saw the knife plunged in my side still. I looked at my self and saw a huge pool of my own blood.

" Umm" I muttered. I looked at my hands. They shacked violently and I stood their in shock. This is impossible.
This isn't right. I should be dead. I felt panic go through me. Tears slowly came out of my eyes again

Guardian sat down beside on his knees. I looked at him as I felt my chest burn as my breathing got heavy. He grabbed the knife and pulled it out. I felt nothing. Just a a bit of pressure leave my body. I stared at him for some answer. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around mine.
"It's okay." He wispered. I digged my head in his chest to feel comfort.

Time Steve POV

there's so much shit going on at once. Patrick is somehow alive and that thing wasn't night shade. Great.
This is fine. I had my hand wrapped around sabre. I need to make sure he is safe and to give him some comfort.
"Alex?" I paused. She looked up at me
" How in all of universe  this happen"

"I think I have an idea on how" she responded

"Let's first clean this up. Guardian can u?" She stared a bit. Guardian looked and nodded. He picked up Patrick bridal style. He seemed to be in more shock then all of us.

Guardian walked into his room and I saw him set Patrick down on one of the beds as he sat up. Guardian walked up to the door, closing it.

"I'm in way to much shock. On what we just witnessed" Sabre muttered.

"I'll get a rag to clean this" Alex said rushing to the kitchen and grabbing a rag and cleaning supplies.
"How bout you sit down sabre" I whispered to him. He nodded still holding onto my hand. I placed my arm around the other side of him and moved him to the couch. I sat him down with me in sync. I rubbed his back to comfort as much as I can.
I started to recall what happened all in one day.

Patrick and rainbow are back and there is this person called night shade that is friends with Patrick and overseer. Overseer and Patrick argued. When sabre and I tried helping Patrick. He just left and say don't worry about it. Sabre and I soon went for a walk with each other around a while outside the village. Found that fake nightshade. And brought them back here. Attacked Patrick. Killed him. Now he is back?

I think that's right. Okay good I was able to remember all today. Wish I didn't but it's okay. I sighed as I watched sabre collected his thoughts. I was Trying my best to comfort him.

Who was that thing anyway?

Unknown POV

I felt myself be in a random area. Forest.

It felt great finally killing him. I laughed to myself. Finally a runt gets killed out of the pack. I walked as I let myself morph into myself. My horrid curse of a body. I noticed a river near. I walked towards it. I glared at it seeing my lack of a face. My hood layered well. With my hat under it. My grey cloak with a lighter grey for my shirt. I hated myself, and it's all blue fault. He turned me into a freak and yelled and punished me. While origins welcomed me into the new place. The hell that is finally run by the right leader. It should be me. But I will find a way to get back the spot. I sighed and soon teleporter back to my hell


(1269 words)

Sorry for not posting


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