chapter 8

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I have realized that pat design doesn't envolve his eyes being shown  so just ignore the glasses that don't show his eyes. Night design is still the same. I Also forgot that with the guardian  design there is a halo and has large elf ears and maybe alot of other stuff. sooo.. ima chang it to that because when I wrote down pats look was a while ago and I just forgot for the guardian, that will be fixed in this chapter.

This took so long. also please give feedback on these. like be honest, it will help me understand what im doing well and what im not.



Guardians Pov 

i felt huge amounts of pressure on my head. i slowly open my eyes to noitcie i was laying on the ground of seem to be a health like area. i noticed a green steve organizing healing supplies.

"is my cloak off? can he see what i look like?' these questions ran threw my head to many times to count. i soon look down to see i still had my clock but was torn almost to shreds with holes all in it. than it hit me.

'the others saw me fighting him.what am i going to do. how am i going to explain this to them.' i paused with my thoughts

'i cant. overseer might be able to figure it out, and he would want me to take off the cloak. they would see and..' i thought to myself, a small hint of fear came over me. i tried my best to sit up, a huge storm of pain hit me. feeling like lighting bolts hitting me every way possible. causing me to fall and let out a groan of pain. the green steve notice right away and ran back to me.

"sir, please dont move. it isnt the best right now to do so. i have healed as much as i can without taking off your cloak. since you are awake i can ask you a question?"

I already knew where this is going. 

" its okay if you say no. i understand, may you take off your cloak so i can finish healing? it will be easier and i can see if there are any damage under it." i look at him than thought.

'they might not be watching, i might be able to... it is for injuries'

" is any one else here with us?" i asked as the steve, he helped me lift up my body weight to sit up and lean on the wall. i was in extreme pain but i was able to do my best.

"no they cant come in unless i tell them and i wont tell a single soul. i promise"

"where are the beings that brought me here to you?" i questioned

"they are at one of theres houses they wanted to discuss stuff. the over seer didn't tell me though. which i can understand. also i can get you a new cloak" green steve respond. i nod into doing this. if i dont get healed then i will become no help to the others.

I took off my cloack, my semi long hair draping down (i image him with long hair, idk why, please tell me someone does too). i didn't even noticed the ponytail came apart while i was fighting. the hair still hiding my eyes but you cloud see the black markings on that go under my eyes that reach down to my nose region, sometimes farther if i get angry. i wore a plain white shirt a belt and brown pants with black boots as the cracked purple crystal, yellow pearl like orb with black on half of it necklace and my white halo necklacex piece. both wrapped around my neck. my white hair fading into black with my black tips. My  wings spread out. releasing  pain coming from my wings. i hid my tail as much as possible (he isn't a furry, please dont comment that). my elf ears definitely being noticed going threw my hair. he could see that i looked way younger than i sounded. which i felt embarrassed,having my cloak off felt weird since I never take it of ever since I got it.

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