Chapter 25

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Warning this chapter contains:

Chapter 25;

Patrick POV

the stranger wearing a blindfold wrapped his arms around rainbow Steve. They talked and than another person appeared that I recognized

Alex. She looked much different than I last saw her.

Her hair was in a messy ponytail. Still the orange hair. Her green eyes were dull now not the shining bright like origins was. She wore a patch on one of her eyes and she had on a green v-neck shirt with pants.

She noticed me right away

"Patrick?!" She questioned. I look alot different than I used to. Rainbow Steve and the stranger looked at me

She walked up to me. Ignoring shadow_

Guardian? I don't understand what he wants me to call him. I'll ask later.

"How are you here?" She asked.

"Well- maybe if you helped me with the guardian which no one has payed attention to. Even though his in pain from bringing rainbow home. I could explain." I said. I was pissed off that the guardian is treated like this. He just saved rainbow, blue, night and mines life--

Wheres night? She isn't much social.

Everyone one is silent.

"Sorry" The stranger said.
Alex went up to me and lifted the guardian weight half onto her.

"I'll show you where the town is" he said. We made our way slowly.

"I'm sabre by the way. You're Patrick?"

I nodded. I guess sabre is good at figuring out names.

" Overseer told me some about you. Not alot"

"Overseer? I don't know who that is"

"Remember blue Steve. Well elder blue Steve"

The memory of him hit me

" He's still alive!" I somewhat yelled.

"Sorry guardian" I said lower my voice. He nods understandinh

"Yeahhhh. do you not want him to be alive?" Alex asked.

"No no no no. I didn't mean it like that it's just it's been such a long time. Im just surprised." I said.

"Guardian. how are you feeling?" Alex asked softly as Rainbow and sabre start talking in there own little bubble. He shakes his said.

"To much pain to talk. Opening a portal like he did can put you in alot of pain to the point you cant speak." I said.

Sabre turns back

"So Patrick. Are you human?"



Alex and I said at the same time. Sabre gave a confused look. She looked over at me raising an eyebrow.

"Kinda." I paused

"Lets just say I was a test for origin. He wanted to see what would happen if a yellow and blue Steve's were combined and it went horribly wrong. I had no powers becuase of something he never told me about but I have some characteristics of them" I continued

"Like blue Steve being smart and yellow Steve's being fast" I was going to go one but was cut off by Alex

"Also ADHD" Alex added. Reminding me of an old memory.

I sighed

"Yah that too" I said.

"Don't worry. I have it too. Helps with my reflexes. Sometime Doesn't help in my favor" sabre responded understanding. I felt more weight get put onto me to see that guardian push Alex off.

"Guardian?" She asked. He didn't respond. Everyone kinda stoped and looked. I Felt something touch my wrist. I glanced and saw my necklace and grabbed onto it.

How does he still have this. Why?
Something felt off with him. He wrapped his hand on mine. I than felt it. His energy is broken again. It always happens when he opens a big portal or anything really.

"Are you Okay?" Alex tried getting near but I put my free hand up

" Let's just keep walking" I said. Everyone was confused on what was wrong. I was fine with what he was doing. I glanced down at his legs to see he was limping. No surprise it's hard for him to walk. I noticed a statue holding a spear in the distance.

"We can do introduction soon but we should bring the guardian back to Alex house. I'll get the others with rainbow" we nodded agreeing and alex showed me they way." You look alot different than you used to" I said.

"Yah. Out of his grasped I have more freedom" she said
I herd a groan from the guardian and. He looked down at me. I could see his eyes. Looked the same. But I noticed something off with his back. It looked he had bad posture. I remember him saying he will fix it. Guess he never did. He always had bad posture from reading looking down for hours at a time. I noticed a  hill appear, it looked steep.
"My house is in this mountain. Do you think you can get up, guardian?" She asked. Than guardian let's go of me and moved a bit. I couldn't tell if he was limping or not. His wings appeared from under his cloak. I was a bit stunned on how much  larger they were compared from him. Wait a second. His going to try flying.

"NoNoNoNoNoNo" I stated repeatedly as a ran up to him. I grab him from the back to stop him. If he tried flying he was going to hurt himself. He turns back and looks at me a bit weird.
Alex slowly walks up.

"You stopped him because your worried his going to fall back down. Am I right about that Patrick?" Alex asked. I nodded. I sighed,"guardian let one of us help you the hill" she suggested. I nodded. Each of us took a side of the guardian. We both held either side of him and helped him up. After around a minute we were standing infront of Alex house. It was made out of dark oak with lanterns that were not lit. The whole presentation of it was nice. Some flowers and bushes In the front.


(Words; 980)

Sorry for such a short chapter.
I have been focusing on work and researching for a PC.


The Lost Saga (REWRITING/DISCOUNTIONED) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon