chapter 24

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This chapter contains:alot of language

Chapter 24, the deal

Patrick POV

I looked as I watched everyone else go through. I sighed. I was about to head in but was stopped

"Wait Patrick. I want to make a deal" I herd him say from behind. I turned and faced him staring him of his hand reached out
"I'll hear it" I responded. Crossing my arms.

" if you give me you're armor. I'll remove your curse" he said. My eyes widen in shock

Remove my curse.

I can feel comfortable again. Not weak.
Be normal again. I can't but if I don't my armor wouldn't last long. I don't have much time as I looked back at the bright blue portal.

" alright" I said grabing his hand. I felt my body slowly restore to normal. It felt painful. It stung like being stung by millions of bees. My armor snapped it all falling. Showing my outfit below.

I looked at my hands in shock. I was finally free. Normal.

He summoned a mirror to reveal my hair back to being a dirty blonde. My one eye being sky blue while the other bright yellow.

" thank you" I said grateful. I stood there for a few seconds. Than realized the portal.

"Sh*t" I mumbled and ran through the portal.

Night Pov


I Walked out of the room i was changing in. everyone was standing touching up their outfits. the torches were Gomletes made out of gold as the flames glowed bright. Rubye like gems shimmering. Shadow was taking out his earings. Patrick was getting help from elder blue with his tie. rocket was fixing his hair into a smooth bun. i looked in the full mirror to see me in a dark purple dress. it looked like a galaxy. i never agreed to wearing it but im supposed to look fenimine or whatever the fuck the guy wants. i had a black jumpsuit under it. with my axe in a holder. just in case, with what things that can happen here I needed to be careful.

" Are you ready or do you need twenty minutes to do your hair" I said sarcasticall.b I leaned on the counter. shadow as they pulled his hair back in a long pony tail for having such long hair.

" Haha your so funny" he teased.

" I know. You know origin well, how does he act"

" With the mouth you have, just be quite and don't steal anything. We're trying to prove that elder blue's idea of having the mansion is a good one. "

His response was. He was right I talk alot and theft is easy if you don't get caught. He didn't have to point it out though.

" Why are you so rude? That won't help you with being the next guardian"

" I'm not in the mood today"

" Aww someone isn't having a good day so now there going to be a dick" I said making a joke.

" Knock it off nightshade. You were created to be a defender for galaxy Steve once he gets created and acting like that will get you destroyed" Blue said with I stern tone.
I rolled my eyes.

We walked out I went in the opposite to loose them and be by myself. I hate socializing with old farts. They never get good jokes.

Some time later

I was looking at the star crystal thing. I didn't know what it was but it was an interesting creation to say the least. I herd running and a slamming door behind. I ran to where it came from. I held on a bit on my axe Incase of anything bad. I opened the door I looked at see maybe rocket. His hair was the same and outfit but he was...


I had now idea how to react. His face was gray and had a lighter color in the middle.


He nodded and huddle back down
I leaned down infront of him in this closet like thing. I wrapped my arms around him. Something his happening to him.

What is it?

Is it blue fault?




Guardian POV

Light stunned me for a few seconds
The bright void cleared as I saw three figures. Rainbow and blue Steve and him....

He looked the same but with alot more scars. His blonde short messy hair. The two colored eyes. But had a white strick.

" Guardian!" Rainbow said cheerfully as blue Steve sighed with relief. Patrick looked confused and was looking around.
I need to send them there before Sabre and the other find me

" Blue and rainbow I need to send you two somewhere safe."

" What?! But I want to see Sabre agian." Rainbow responded desperate

" Rainbow Steve I understand you want to see him but there now time. I will send you first blue Steve. This place is a safe haven for spirits"

Blue Steve was confused but nodded accepting it. I used my lighting to telaport him. Rainbow kept arguing but the affects of the portal opening we're going to come soon.

"Rainbow I'm sorry " I said. I attempted at telaporting but backlash came to as lighting struck hard on top of me. I bit my lip as the electricity rushed through I coughed My chest burned like I got kicked.

" Are you alright?!" I herd Patrick said as rainbow came up to me to see if I was okay.

" I'm okay for now. But I don't know why I can't telaport you to the haven" my voice trailed. confusion ran over me. I tried to come up whith something reasonable. Than this huge feeling of tiredness came over. I stubbled back collapsing onto the ground leaning on a tree.

" Guardian!?" rainbow Steve said panic
The two of them leaning over me.

I made an attempt to get up but this needle like feeling ran down my body making me fall back.

" Guardian?! Are you over here?" I herd distance yelling of sabre.

" Sabre.." I herd Rainbow mumbled.

"Take my hand" Patrick reached his hand out and i accepted. He threw my arm around his shoulders so I could lean on him. The needle stab like pain rushed through me agian I bit my tounge.

" The...." My speech slured. It felt like my mouth went numb.

" Don't talk that much the after affects of opening the portal are happening and letting it happened instead of fighting will help" Patrick informed with seriousness.

The figure of a short blindfolded man appeared from the forest in the front of me but noticed rainbow first.



Words (1011)

I'm back.

Updates are staying slow

I just get writers block alot but art will be out soon I swear.

Until I post agian


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