darks and protectors (dont ask, i didnt know what do do)

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You guys can guess who this character will be
Also sorry for all the grammar probs
Blue Steve POV
These things surrounded us because of me noticing the one behind rainbow, the creatures were huge, shadowy with goop dripping off of them, some had green eyes, some had blue,some had yellow, I took out a iron sword i had, and rainbow took out his stick i sighed with deafeat,
"What do we do blue?!" Rainbow asked looking at me for hope, I didn't know, our powers are gone, but I realized there was an open area to run, I grabbed rainbow by the wrist and ran the open area, a felt one slashed the air right near us as they ran after us, rainbow started running ahead of me, I turned seeing some run on fours and some run on two, I turned back and got to rainbow speed, We kept running, We ended up out of the forest and in an open field, We soon realized we lost them, I made rainbow stop to catch our breath.
"That was a close one" rainbow said as I nodded still out of breath.
"Yah,but what are those they look like messed up dark steves?" I asked, he shrugged, and I sighed
We than felt the ground shake we both looked at each other scared to death on what was going to happen, the things from early apeared, the ones with green eyes came out of the ground, We both backed up,this time there was no where to run, one in the ground grabbed rainbow lower leg as he screamed, I went to slash the beast, the moment It made contact with the creatures hand my sword snapped in half, my eyes widen in fear, rainbow pulled harder, I tried to help, suddenly I herd something it sounded like a fire ball and the green shadow melted, We both gasped, all the creatures turned to where it came from and they disappear, rainbow was still in shock, I looked and saw two figures, one wore a blindfold, with a scarf, jacket and short hair, another one was holding a weird like bow(holding a machine gun) the figure was wearing a facemask and weird glasses that covers there eyes completely, and was in a cloak that had yellow on it. These figures were a bit away, the one with the blindfold came over to us
"Are you two alright?" the figure with voice of a female asked
Rainbow nodded
"Yah, we're alright, who are y-" I was going to ask but was interrupted by blasts, rainbow and I looked to see the other figure shooting the things they screeched once it hit them 
"You can call me Night, and the one taking care of the darks is Pat" (gasp!) Night respond finishing my question but it made more questions go into my mind
'so these things are darks?'
'what are they?' I thought
"Well, I'm rainbow steve,and this is blue steve, thanks for helping us, We owe you one"
I was snapped out of my thoughts from rainbow
"Yah,We  owe you one and it's nice to meet you
" its nothing, you two seem new here, We have a place not to far that you can stay"
"Yah, we're new to this world,  night" I responded smiling as rainbow nod agreeing
"Night, a little help here!"the figure named pat  yelled clearly annoyed. I look and saw a lot of the creature called darks attacking him, I saw night run off holding a weird axe she swinged across many of the darks and there body split in two and melted screeching as pat blast them, after five seconds there were all gone, rainbow and I walked over to them, rainbow waves as pat put away the blaster in a holder
" Hi I'm blue Steve this is rainbow steve, you're pat right? "
The person nodded
"We should hurry before more come"
' Wait, there's More!' I was frozen that there were more
Night and pat started walking into the forest, rainbow and I followed, as we walked i kept looking around worried about theses things,

*time skip by time steve*

It seemed late and we were at the root of a mountain, night approach the wall as I tilted my head confused, she fazed right threw it, rainbow and I stepped back
"Come on, it's late meaning the bats will be out"  I didn't even wanted to know, I followed pat into the mountain and rainbow walked behind, We looked around and saw many strange weapons and machines were set up every
"Welcome blue and rainbow, you probably have many questions and I might have the answer to them"
'I did, and I was ready for some answers'

Hey, so umm, I'm sorry I have not updated in a while, I wanted to take a break and focus on more socializing because of these difficult times, it's always good to talk to somwone , if it its on the phone it always good to talk to someone,
If you guys have questions of this chapter, comment them and I will have a chapter for those question
Keep dreaming my muffins
Fluffy Writes

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