(Unpublished 2) I remember every detail like it was yesterday- oh, wait-

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The door whipped open and slammed back into the wall, leaving a mark in the drywall where the knob has punched it..
You were sitting there on the couch watching TV with some snacks, when a very concerned small duck averts his gaze from the hole in the wall to give a fearful look. As if he feared for his life.
« I've never seen him so mad before. » he whispered, his voice shaking nervously.
You said nothing, still baffled by the mood of a young drake that you swore you knew everything about.
Should I ask him? Thoughts circled your brain as your eyes burned from the adjustment of light.
I don't want him to get angry at me. So I won't.
You concluded.
Restless, you slide your thumbs into the edges of the pouch pocket on your hoodie.

I guess I'll have to figure out what's wrong with him by inferring. Not something anybody wants to resort to if they had any choice at all.
I'm not getting punched today.
You squint hard, trying to fall asleep in your place, just to get out of this anxiety mess before it escalates. All attempts resulted in no avail, so you innocently listen in to his angry mumbling without being too conspicuous.

« This is my life, and they have to come and ruin it. LEGACY isn't something that outsiders should be messing with, but they don't care. They claim I'm a scatterbrain and that I shouldn't have a place in this area anymore. They're trying to take my job and put me in therapy. I don't UNDERSTAND why this has to be happening to me. My JOB! »
He wept.

Buhdeuce gives you a look of courage and tries to speak.
« I'm gonna go talk to him. » He adjusts his hat and calmly walks to the doorway between the living room and kitchen, trying not to be of surprise to trigger anymore anger in his friend.

« What's going on, Bap?» He tries to stay calm.

for a minute, there was silence.

Give him time to find his words, Buhdeuce. Please don't pry and get punched. I've never seen him so mad before...
and it now that you realize your mind won't stop bombarding you with the worst of thoughts.
Ugh. I need a nap.
Your plea for sanity is interrupted by a voice, broken from weeping. It came from the kitchen.

« They're taking everything away from me. I lost. I lost. There's no way I can reverse this. My future is done. »
He sobs and speaks between a series of coughs and wheezes. « -And ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be like my parents, and their parents, and their parents-..... » He trails off.

A tear collects in the corner of your eye and drips down into your sleeve.
What are they taking from him? And WHY? He does no harm, just good. He literally sells bread, what is the fault in that? You wonder.

« If you wondered why I'm so late getting back home, it's because I had to walk here- all the way from town. »

« How's come you didn't drive the Rocket Van?, it seemed like you were really starting to master it, being self taught and that, and having benefits with the mechanic brings cheap repairs and upkeep-....» Buhdeuce goes on, questioning.

« It's GONE! Repo'd. They came and took it this morning. They took the keys, the registration, the license plates, EVERYTHING. Start packing. They're taking my house too. This property has been in my family for generations, gone at my fault. Evidently I was behind on the mortgage, but I thought it was paid off. My parents kinda just left, they didn't tell me all this either.
Maybe they knew I wouldn't be able to hold up the business on my own, and this could have been the way that they were planning on letting me down easy-
God- I wish they would have told me. I bet they're sitting poolside somewhere down south right about now. Their fancy "retirement" gimmick. More like a "disown your useless son" gimmick.»
He puts his fist through the wall in an outburst of emotion. It's bloody but he doesn't seem to care.
...That's the second hole he's made in less than a half hour of being home... I wish I could help.

«What're we gonna do!!!???»
Buhdeuce panics at the news.

«You mean, what am I gonna do. You've actually got a future ahead of you- but me? Nothing. I'm probably gonna have to move in with an old friend from school, well, not much of a friend but it's going to have to do. Go become a male model or whatever you go on about all the time, or a hip-hop producer. You'd be good at that.»

"W-what about your girlfriend??» He asks, sharing a quick glance at me over his shoulder as he speaks.
You perk up out of curiosity.

« She'll find someone new. I'm not being a deadbeat and dragging her through the mud along with me. I spend my last few dollars on a bus ticket and a motel room for her to stay in tonight. It's the best I can do. Tell her everything when she wakes up- tell her I'm sorry... »

"You can't just give up now!! I need you! You were my first employer and the first person to help me realize that I can be something important if I work hard enough! You taught me friendship, how to make the best food combinations, and more- but most importantly, you taught me how to face my fears and not give up on myself. I love you Bap. Please don't give up on yourself, because giving up on yourself is giving up on me."

Your heart burns from the overwhelming amount of emotion and pain in his voice.

« I'm sorry, Bap. I- »

There's a pause.

« There's nothing we can do. I'm afraid I'll have to find a new job somewhere else.. I can't even believe that my parents would get the law involved- just to take the business and it's perks away from me. I thought they had faith in me. My lifelong dream had came true and now it's just a memory. But... why?
I don't even know for sure if it was my parents that caused it, but there's no other logical explanation for everything to collapse onto me the way it did.»
His face fades into a red color, darkening with every angry thought that comes into his mind.
It's almost like you can see into his soul just by looking into his eyes.
He clenches both fists at his sides.

.....my heart is shattered. Nothing matters to me anymore. It's- it's- a-all I ever wanted... I-I thought my dream came true- -hhhhh... but-»

He trudges over to a drawer in the kitchen and flings it open. From the couch, in the dark, in the other room it's hard to tell exactly what he gets from the drawer, but you can tell that he's writing something.

« What's he writing??? »
You wonder.

He quickly lays the pen down and folds the paper into fourths before stuffing it into his shorts pocket.

« Shit. Shit. Shit!»
He mumbles as he trudges out into the hallway and kicks open the bedroom door.

Your heart pounds in your chest and you wonder as if Buhdeuce could hear it from the other room.
« Where's Buhdeuce. »

You get up and walk into the kitchen in search of him. Frantically - you look to the left and then to the right. There, you see him seated in the corner with his knees to his chest... sobbing. B catches you looking and speaks.
« I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! » he bawls
« It's him- I feel terrible and I feel like he's never going to be the same again! »
He sees that you're crying too and you lock eyes for a second out of agony. « I don't know either.!!! Is this my fault..? If it was his parents then they're probably mad because I stole their son away. »
You hang your head and give Buhdeuce a guilty look.
« That's not true. You had nothing but good intentions when you got together, and how would they know..? They don't even know about him having a best friend, nor a partner.
Oh- wait. I think he called and sent pictures when I first got my hat in celebration. They were proud of him... they CAN'T be the cause of this..... »

« You and me? We'll figure this out. Together. For him.... »

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