Swamp Pad | IV

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~Time skip~
1 hour


Y/N and Buhdeuce are sitting together on the couch, watching TV
SwaySway went to get a shower

"Do you think Sway is drunk yet?"
Buhdeuce asks

"Not sure- I guess we'll see when he comes back out after he's done."

"Yep Yep!"

There's a HUGE crashing sound coming from the bathroom

Y/N and Buhdeuce both jump

"What the heck was that!?"
"Has it happened before?"
She asks

"Nope Nope."
"Sway must've done something. Which means now is our chance!"

"But shouldn't we check on him and make sure that he's okay???"

"But we need to hide the camera!"

"How about you check on him and I'll hide the camera" Y/N suggests
"I would check on him but it would be less awkward for you to do it since you've been friends for longer."

"Good idea."
Buhdeuce agrees

Y/N walks over to a cabinet and hides Buhdeuce's camera behind a picture frame, trying to make as hard as possible to see

"Perfect!" She says as she adjusts the angle

She hits the record button

"Camera is rolling."
Y/N texts Buhdeuce

"Ok good. Now come in here- it's funny."

"Are you sure???"

"Yeah. Trust me"

Y/N walks into the bathroom where SwaySway and Buhdeuce are- not sure what to expect

Right there was SwaySway butt naked on the floor, garbage scattered everywhere, soap on the walls, and the toilet completely ripped off the floor, tipped over.

"Oh my-"
She says surprised

Buhdeuce is rolling around on the floor, laughing like a maniac.

"This is exactly what I DIDN'T wanna see."
She laughs a little too, regardless

Sway groans like a bear that was hit by a car

"What should we do with him? We can't just let him here on the floor."
Says Y/N

"Yeah, you're right."
"Wanna help me pick him up???"
Buhdeuce asks

"Uhhh- shouldn't we put clothes on him first???"

"Nah, it will be funnier on camera if we don't."

"Whatever you say..."

They roll him on his back and work together to pick him up
"You get his feet, I'll get his shoulders."

Y/N grabs his ankles and lifts him, and Buhdeuce does the same with his shoulders

Y/N's POV:

I really wish that we could have dressed him first. It's really awkward trying to lift him and avoid looking at his you know what.

This doesn't bother Buhdeuce?
Well, maybe he's used to it. Who knows...

We carry him into view of the camera and gently lay him on the floor

"What should we do now?"
I ask

"How about we dress him up like a hooker?"
He suggests

"Hmmm, that would be funny. But we need to get the clothes first."

I ask Buhdeuce: "Do you know how to drive the Rocket Van? I can pay if you can drive me there."

"Oh, no buh-doobie-doo. Sway would kick my booty if he found out that I drove the Rocket Van. That's his prized possession."
He replies

"Hm- how are we gonna dress him up then?"

"Easy, we can take my boat and I can pedal over there to Volcano Valley, where our bap, and mechanic, has her shop. She can hook us up with a ride to town."

"Okay, sounds like a plan. But what do we do with Sway for the meantime?"

"We can just leave him here, he shouldn't go very far. Besides, he can barely stand without stumbling over."


The two of them go down the elevator, this time, without booty kicking the buttons. Then, they get onto Buhdeuce's boat and start their paddle to Volcano Valley.

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