A day in the life of a Breadwinner.

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[This chapter begins the more adult- like segment. If you aren't alright with something a little more extreme, you might want to skip this chapter, or read with caution. If you are okay with NSFW, then enjoy! I think this is really cute- personally.]

SwaySway's POV:

I wipe the crumbs off of my chest, and head into our bedroom to get ready for deliveries.

I need to hurry- we're running low on time, and we're never late for a delivery.
But I couldn't resist breakfast. Especially since I got that extra treat at the end~

Get it together, Sway.
Stop being quazy.

I start to dress myself for the day, and then the memory hits me-

In that video- I was naked. NAKED.
I can't bare thinking about it. That's so embarrassing!

Why did she even kiss me after seeing that.
Ugh. No. I need to calm down.
Maybe she was avoiding eye contact.
Let's hope so.

Should I tell her that I loaf her? Is it too soon?
I feel like my heart is gonna burst right out of my chest when I'm around her.
I always get so warm, and I can tell that I'm blushing.
I want to be hers. All hers. Jenny has never made me feel this way, I need to get this weight off my shoulders.
I need to tell her.

But how?

I'll have to talk to Buhdeuce about this- he will know. He is the loaf expert-

Y/N's POV:

I guess I have to go back to the motel. I really enjoyed hanging out with these guys, and they're both super cool. I like them.
I think SwaySway and I have something great going, and I feel so connected with him.

When Buhdeuce and I played that joke on him, I expected him to freak out- but really, he took it lightly and laughed as well.
I felt bad for him when he realized that he was naked in the video though. I really wasn't paying attention to his nakedness when we were carrying him, but I hope he's not too embarrassed.

Oh shoot- I only paid for ONE NIGHT!
I've been here for two nights.
I'm sure they've thrown me out of the motel by now. I need to get there to pay ASAP. Maybe they just sent my stuff off to auction, since I haven't been there to retrieve it.
Eh- I really didn't have anything too valuable. Most of my things are still in the moving truck.

I really don't want to go back there. I love it here with these guys. Especially Sway-

He kissed me.

I feel weird saying this but- I liked it.

Why am I talking to myself?


Y/N sat on the living room couch, just waiting for SwaySway to finish getting ready.

She doesn't want to go home, but she feels like she has to say goodbye.
Goodbyes are always hard, even when it's not forever.

Buhdeuce comes out of the bathroom, holding a nudie magazine
"You don't wanna go in there- I just BLEW UP that toilet."
He states

Y/N chuckles
"Interesting choice in reading material for pooping-"

Buhdeuce chuckles as well
"Hyeh- I stole it from SwaySway.

"That's SwaySway's magazine!?"
"That's hilarious."

He hands the magazine to her and then sits down on the couch
"Wanna see SwaySway's favorite??" He says with an evil smirk

He flips to a page in the magazine
"He marked it with a Sharpie- it's like he definitely didn't want me to touch it..."

Y/N laughs hysterically

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