(Unpublished 3) All good things must come to an end...

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SwaySway's POV:

I open my eyes and they burn from the morning light beaming into the room from the window. Out of instinct and growing habit- I look over to my side, expecting to see Y/N sleeping beside me.
There isn't even an indentation in the covers where she sleeps, so I'm certain that she didn't just wake up early. She didn't come to bed last night?.. But- she told me that she would...

I brush my hair away from my eyes and sit up

"I hope she isn't upset with me for anything. Oh no... it's not for that a thing I did yesterday is it??? What if she saw it..."

"No no no no! SwaySway you're a crumbskull! You get a chance with a girl and you ruin it..."
I bite my lip and punch myself.
"We haven't even been together for a month and I've already done something wrong... I'm sure she doesn't even love me anymore."
I sigh.

"She probably wants to break up with me... I wish I knew what I did wrong... I need to know so I can fix this!"


SwaySway sheds a tear as he becomes worried because Y/N didn't sleep next to him, he hopes from deep down in his heart that he didn't upset her.

Meanwhile, Buhdeuce and Y/N are in the other room watching TV and eating snacks, completely unaware that their best friend is sad and depressed.

Y/N never went to bed because Buhdeuce fell asleep when she was cuddling him- so they slept awkwardly on the couch together. He really enjoyed being in someone's arms for the first time, but it wasn't what they had originally planned.
SwaySway slowly opens the door and peeks out into the hallway, the coast is clear. He quietly begins tiptoeing towards the living room.
As he nears the end, he can hear the TV loudly playing that show, you know, the one where the hosts watch viral videos? Buhdeuce just casually dumps a box of crackers all over his face, and most of them just fall onto his lap or the floor- causing Y/N to laugh.
Sway's face looks kinda rough, his hair is messed up and the feathers below his eyes are soaked from his anxious tears. Y/N directs her gaze towards Sway and she goes pale.
The immediate realization makes her feel guilty, she knew right away, just by looking at him, that he was upset about last night.
He turns away and walks into the kitchen where he prepares a cup of coffee for himself. It's very clear that he's angry with himself, you can tell from his body language. As Sway is facing the other direction, Buhdeuce leans over and taps on Y/N's shoulder. "You think he's sad that we slept out here??" He asks in a whisper.
"Definitely, but I didn't mean to upset him..." she slumps
"Why does this whole relationship thing have to be so difficult.?"

Buhdeuce looks at her again,
"Because people have feelings, and no matter what you do, you'll never be able to meet every single one of a person's needs, no matter how much you care about them.."

"Y-your right..." Y/N seems shocked by Buhdeuce's wisdom- she had never seen his serious side before but it's a great side of him.

"Can I be honest for a second?" She asks Buhdeuce, with a painful feeling inside her heart.

"Yeah- of course." He answers, still with a serious or attentive tone.

"I have a feeling that things with SwaySway aren't going to work out. He is such a lover but he seems to let every little thing get to his heart, even if it really is meaningless, like the fact that you wanted to watch movies with me last night instead of going to bed. Like, besides- what better things could you do on a Saturday night. I guess I should have told him but I'm afraid if he let this get to him, imagine what our future is going to be like... I don't want to see him crying all the time. Poor ducky."
She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her head against them
"You guys are the only two things that mean something to me and I don't want to be the one to ruin everything. A tear drips off her chin, and it lands on her shirt, leaving the tiniest mark.
"Promise me you won't go away.. even if SwaySway does.."

She has this look in her eyes, which could be compared to the glossy, tear-filled eyes of a pleading puppy. Buhdeuce's heart sinks to where his stomach should be, making him feel a little sick from the emotional pain. He has never seen her like this before.

He gently holds his left hand over between them, and he opens up his palm, offering for her to hold his hand- for comfort.
With his pinky, he taps on the side of her thigh so she'll notice.
She looks at his hand, then directs her gaze towards his face and tries her best to give a smile.

Y/N takes his hand, and at this point- he doesn't even care anymore if SwaySway sees... why??? Because he's a good friend- and good friends are there for those that mean the most to them.

To be continued...

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now