Swamp Pad | VII

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a loud voice roars from the bathroom

"One sec, bap" Buhdeuce replies innocently and prances into the room

Y/N, startled by the shout, opens her eyes

"Huh?" She says, partially confused from being half-asleep.

"Buhdeuce!!! Just- why..."
SwaySway asks, while washing the lipstick off of his face
"Hyeh Hyeh- you're so pretty." He smirks

"Deucer- why did you do this to mah beautiful face???"

"Because you're pwetty-" he laughs some more
"Plus... did I mention that I recorded it for us to watch???"

"Buhdeuce- I swear on my parents and all of the past Breadwinners that I will go absolutely QUAZY if you put that video online."

"Relaxxxx- This footage is too good- I'm keeping it all for myself."
Buhdeuce says

"You're my best bap in the whole world, but I can't trust you... show me the video."

"Fine, Sway, but can Y/N watch???"

"Sure! I'm sure she'd get a good laugh out of it, but don't let her post it online either."

"Oki dokie."

SwaySway's POV:

I don't see why Buhdeuce still does these riduckulous pranks on me all the time. Did he really have to do this one when we have a guest???
Ugh- Buhdeuce can be a pain at times.
Someday I'll get him back, but right now, I kinda want to see this video. I'm not even gonna lie.

I'll get dressed first.
I'll start by removing these underwear that have been torturing me for the whole morning, and this bra that doesn't even serve a purpose on my manly chest.

(SwaySway is so full of himself at times.)

I can't decide what I want to wear- I want to look decent for Y/N, but I want to be comfortable. Is this what girls have to go through every morning? If it is- I feel bad for them.

All of my T-shirts have stains- ugh.
I need to be less sloppy with my Jelly filled Alfalfa bread.
The only shirt that doesn't have a stain is my work shirt, but I only wear that for deliveries, and I'm not working on a Saturday.
I guess I'll just wear a hoodie.
Now for pants-
Jeans? Noooo- I want to be COMFORTABLE.
I don't want to wear my work shorts either.
So I guess I'll just wear basketball shorts, they look alright on me, and they're comfy.
That took long enough...

I put on my socks and walk out to the living room, plopping on the couch next to Y/N

"Heyyy girl-"

"Hey SwaySway.."

She seems a little off this morning, she sounded a little sad when she spoke. I hope she's feeling okay.

"You okay?" I ask her, trying to be a nice guy

"Yeah." She blushes

Oh crummers, she blushed...
I feel myself beginning to blush as well, so I hurry and turn my head in the other direction

But then she scoots closer to me and taps my shoulder

"Sway.?" She whispers


"Yea-" SwaySway is cut off my Buhdeuce running into the room, holding a DVD.

He hurries and powers on the DVD player and inserts the disc into the drive

"Watch it guys!!! Watch it!!!"

They both turn attentively and look at the TV, which is beginning to show a picture

The video begins with Y/N and Buhdeuce carrying a drunk SwaySway out of the trashed bathroom.
The view is clear that SwaySway is entirely nude.

Sway gasps at what he sees

He then turns as red as a ripe tomato and hides his face, like an embarrassed child would.

The video shows the two of them talking and then leaving the Swamp Pad, it fast forwards to when the come back into view, and there it is- Y/N kisses SwaySway on the cheek.

Her face turns red so fast- almost like a flare.
"The camera was on!?"
"Oh noooo, I forgot about the camera!"
"SwaySway I'm so sor-"

She was interrupted by SwaySway moving in swiftly and kissing her- unlike what she did-it was right on the beak.
He grabs her shoulders, making her relax, and then pulls back.

She stares him right in the eyes

"How did you know~" He whispers

No reply, she just grabs ahold of him and hugs him tightly.
"Please don't hurt me, like my last-" she says, starting to tear up.

He hugs her tighter than he's ever hugged anyone "I would never."
"You don't know how long I've waited for someone like you."
He blushes hard

Y/N separates from him, just to kiss him again

They both relax their shoulders and Y/N opens her mouth, so they could kiss deeper.
He does the same, as if he could read her motions like a book.

They start by touching the tips of their tongues together, trying to take it slow. He gently caresses behind her ear with his thumb, making her tilt her head upwards slightly.
She bites his bottom lip- ever so gently.
Making him moan just a tiny bit.

Y/N pulls off of him for him making that sound, surprised by it.

I-I'm so sorry- I justt-" she doesn't finish her sentence, she just sits there silently.

"No no no! It's okay, I liked that."

"Y-you did? She blushes more than she already has been

"Yes, of course."

Right as they leaned in once more, Buhdeuce turned around as the video ended

He stares, and his beak hangs open in shock

"I'll just-"
He walks out.

"Should we keep going?"
Y/N whispers to SwaySway

"I would loaf that-"

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now