The new girl

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SwaySway's POV:

"Our new customer seems really nice"
Buhdeuce looks at me and smiles "Hehe- bap, I saw your face back there-"

"Huh-?" I look away from the road to see his expression

"She's cute Sway- you like her, don't you...?" He's got an smirk on his face

"Deucer- when will you stop with these things? You're always trying to interfere with my loaf life.

As I drive the Rocket Van, I try and come up with the best response to what he'd said.
I mean, Buhdeuce isn't wrong when he said that she's kinda cute, but he shouldn't go out of his way and assume that I loaf her- like, we just met, today, a few minutes ago.

"Sway, the fact that you're being quiet makes me believe that it's true-"
He chuckles

"Bap, we just met, stop making up these quazy things."

"Hyeh hyeh"
(I love his cute little chuckle.)

"Besides, I like Jenny- we've been over this."

"BUT BAP! Jenny DOESN'T like you. No hard feelings but she has rejected you more times than I can count. I'm so tired of seeing you upset time and time again- just find SOMEONE ELSE!!"

I didn't have a response to that.
As I land at the Swamp Pad, I keep silent.
I've been saving myself for Jenny, I want a life with her, I want to marry her and then we can have eggs that will hatch into cute little ducklings EEEEEEEEEEEE I can picture it all now.
I'm so quazy in love with Jenny.

In the elevator, Buhdeuce stepped on my foot because he must've been able to tell that I was fantasizing. Was it really that clear? Was I drooling? Did I make a fool of myself in front of my best bap?

The doors slid open, and we walked out into our house, it's small, but just roomy enough for the two of us. I'm proud of the Swamp Pad, just something that makes me feel so proud to be a Breadwinner. I've really come this far, I now wear my father's hat, do the job passed down my family for generations- aaaand not to mention... I GET TO DRIVE THAT SWEET RELISH OF A ROCKET VAN!
and crash it of course. Hehe.

Buhdeuce must've gone to bed, I haven't seen em' recently.
Oh well. I might want to rest my feathers too...

In Sway's Dream...

I knock on the door, with my signature rhythmic knock- and our new crustomer, Y/N opens the door

"Hello there Y/N, I've got your rainbow confetti, just like you ordered"

Y/N gently takes the loaves from his arms

"Thank you SwaySway"
She brushes her hair out of the way, and it seemed as if it was in slow motion. I liked that.
Wow- isn't she pretty?


I start walking away from the door of her room, but halfway across the parking lot, I look back and see her still standing there.

I feel confused. Why didn't she close the door? Did I just leave her? Did I walk away abruptly and make her upset?
Aw Crummers
I'm such a featherbrain.

I feel an urge to turn back, so I do.

As I walk closer, she starts towards me as well
We meet at the center of the lot, between the Rocket Van and the motel.

As we meet, she reaches her hands out, in slow motion of course, and grabs my shoulders. I feel a wave of heat go down my spine, and I can feel my face turning red and feeling hot.

I shakily reach my hands towards her as well, resting them on her waist.
Then we just stare at eachother.
Looking into each others eyes, almost as if we could read each others minds.
This was truly a magical feeling.

She steps closer, then pulls me forward and my lips land on hers.

everything goes black...

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now