A + O continuation | I

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[This is a continuation of the previous- so skip this one too.]

Buhdeuce's POV:

I open my eyes and find myself staring at the living room ceiling, my back feels sore from the odd position I've been laying in.
The light shining in through the kitchen window let's me know that it's morning, and I need to get my lazy booty up. I roll off the couch onto the floor with a boom and it shakes the house.

I wonder if SwaySway is awake.
My eyes hurt as they adjust to the light, but I get up anyways... and it's a Saturday- so I don't need to do anything productive. Yippee!
Lemme just chill then-
But it's so boooring without my bap.
I'll go see if he's up...

Last night, I could have sworn that I heard strange noises coming from his bedroom- though, or maybe I just dreamt it.
Not gonna lie though, dream or reality- I woke up with morning wood.
The sad part is that I hardly ever wake up with that... so I felt a little weird when I saw it.
Sorry bap...
I won't tell anyone about it- but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

I creep towards the kitchen for a snack, and I make some coffee. My coffee is always best when I add lots of sugar and creamer- I've already got a belly so who cares. Heh heh.
SwaySway always drinks his coffee dark- with nothing in it- and once, I accidentally took a sip of his and I almost puked! It tasted like shit!

The bedroom door opens and I hear footsteps coming closer
"SwaySway?" I ask, and he peeks his head around the corner.

He has tired eyes and a bit of red tint to his face. Must've not slept well.
"Good morning bap—" he yawns.

"Want some coffee?" I ask generously, then he steps into the kitchen with me
"Sure. That ought to wake me up a bit."
He grabs a mug

I notice a spot on his shorts.
"Uhhh... Sway.?" He looks at me attentively while I talk
"What's that on your shorts.?"

His face becomes slightly redder- "it's- it's uhh... nothing." then he proceeds to cover himself.
It's obviously not nothing- in fact, I'm pretty sure I know what it is... it's just really easy to pick on my bap.
He walks out of the kitchen and back into the bedroom, I'm guessing to change his shorts...

In my left hand, I hold my mug of coffee, and I follow Sway to the room.
I push the door open with my arm and I see that Y/N is still asleep.
As I close the door behind me, I notice a strange smell.
Then- it hits me.

"Swaaaay...?" I grin

"Yeah.?" He answers.

"It smells weird in here... I know what you were doing..."
I can't help but giggle and blush
"That spot on your shorts... hyeh hyeh."
I fold my hands behind my back.

"DEUCER!" He seems embarrassed that I figured him out, so he angrily chases me.

"Try and catch me!!!" I dart out of the room, faster than he can even react.
"I knew I heard sounds last night!" I tease him, just to make him mad.

"SHUT. UP.!" He slams the door in my face

I wish I would have been fully awake to hear them 'do it'
I'm not a pervert- I just think it would be hot- maybe I could even picture myself in there instead of SwaySway. Hyeh.
All I need to do is just close my eyes and use my hand...

Alright...maybe I am weird... oh well. I'm allowed to have crushes- ok?
Why does he have to be so lucky!!!???

I flop down on the couch to hide that I'm getting a little stiff.
Gosh this is embarrassing.

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now