𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒔...

111 7 9

Read with caution, this might trigger you. Sight NSFW but no intercourse.

The three of them sit on the couch, watching old horror movies. SwaySway is cuddling with Y/N, and Buhdeuce leans against her other shoulder. The room is dark, only being lit by the bright TV screen... a comforting scenario for these three friends...

Buhdeuce's POV:

I hope that I can gather the courage to hold her hand tonight, even if SwaySway gets mad. I hate feeling left out... even though I'm happy for them, that doesn't make it less painful.
I wasted my chance to ask her out before Sway did... it's a huge regret.
Instead of pranking my bap, we could have been cuddled up together, like they are now.

I bite my tongue out of self pity.

In the Rocket Van, she even let me sit on her lap, and run my fingers through her soft, H/C hair. I can tell that she might like me, but she also loves SwaySway! Cheating is bad, but I wish that we could both be her boyfriends- like we could share, or take turns spending the night together.
I'm probably a bad friend for thinking about this though.

Sway yawns, and then stands up.
"I'm super tired, I'm gonna head to bed."
"You coming Y/N?" he asks.

"I'm not quite ready, I'll come in shortly." She tells him

"Okay love. I'll make sure I leave room for you."
he walks to the bedroom and closes the door.

Could this seriously be my chance? Oh my gosh I'm so happy!

Y/N looks at me, and I notice out of the corner of my eye. So I look back at her.

She smiles

"Y-yes..?" I try to stay calm, but my mind is racing, making it too hard for me to not freak out.

"A-about what you said earlier... ya know... about feeling a little jealous.?"
She pauses
"I u-understand... and I feel like I need to make it up to you."

I shrug.
"Nah... don't feel bad. You're with SwaySway, and you seem to really loaf him."

The fact that I'm trying to seem cool might be obvious, but it's super clear that I wasn't completely honest right there. I would love to be a little more than friends with her, but I don't want to make Sway upset...

"I-Isn't SwaySway going to get mad at us..?"
I ask, quietly.

She grins in a cute, mischievous way
"We don't have to tell him... he's my ducky, but..... I also really like you."
"I'm not a cheater... I promise! It's just really hard to be around two guys that I like, and only be with one of them."

I blush and she notices.

"SwaySway is the best boyfriend that I've ever had... but leaving you out feels wrong. Just don't tell him anything... ok?"

I make a hand motion across my beak, as if it were a zipper.
"I won't... make sure you don't tell him either." I remind her, then she does the same zipper thing across hers.

We scoot closer, and I put my arm around her. She's a lot taller than me, so my arm just goes around her waist, but she still pulls me against her.

This is the closest we've ever been, besides that time where we kissed in the closet... which was the day that I confessed for having a crush on her.

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now