We always deliver | II + Buhdeuce's Secret

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~Time Skip~
to after breakfast

As we walk back to the Rocket Van, I smile as I think about the nice morning that we had together.
We hugged, we kissed once, and she decided to mess with me. She knows that she can get her way with me- and it makes me feel so quazy.
After we shared our loaf of Huckleberry Spaghetti, Mr. Pumpers had to ask about Y/N because he'd never seen her before.
I was so happy about that because I could introduce her as my girlfriend, the newfound loaf of my life.
Y/N and I just clicked together like two pieces in a puzzle, and I love how she understands me and respects me so much. I feel like we're perfect for eachother. As close as perfect gets.
I look over at her and smile, so she smiles back, making a small bit of blush across her cheeks.

I flatten my hair with my fingers and pull up my hood, just to keep my messy, wind blown hair-do at a minimum.

I reach into my pocket to get the keys to the Rocket Van, and I unlock the door for Y/N. She climbs in with me.

On the way back to the Swamp Pad, we talk about our deliveries, and our plans for later- that we made at Pumpers. ;)

Why does she have to be so hot.
I'm disgusted at myself for thinking about it so much but I noticed that from the beginning, and it's been under my feathers ever since. My first impression is that she was really nice, and cute.
Our first kiss was like magic. We seemed to understand each other's movements and we kept going deeper as we got more comfortable.

I was waiting for a moment like that ever since I laid eyes on her- or since I laid eyes on Jenny.
I haven't thought about Jenny Quackles at all while Y/N has been with me. It's almost like I've forgotten about how she treated me, drug me through the dirt, and made me look like a crumbskull at the talent show.
I remember that day. I cried so much.

The pain of thinking about Jenny just makes me want to love Y/N more. It's impossible though- because I already love her with all my my heart.
The way she talks to me, the way she opens up to me, the way her hair blows in the wind, that sparkle in her E/C eyes- it makes me drop dead. I melt into a puddle of nothing.
She's beautiful.

When we hold eachother, it's almost like I can't feel my own body anymore. That feeling of love takes over me.
I get the urge to squeeze her so tight and never let go. I need her in my life, and I want her forever.
I'm just afraid to tell her that so she doesn't feel overwhelmed by me, or think I'm quazy.
I still worry about how she thinks of me- I just want to be her 'Swayskie' because I love it when she calls me that.

We're getting close to home now, so I should probably slow down. I hit the brakes and start decending to land.
No crash. Just a smooth landing. I think I'm getting better at this.
I pat myself on the back.

As we go upstairs, I whisper under my breath to Y/N
"I can't look at you without getting stars in my eyes."
I think she heard me because she smiled and blushed slightly.

"Don't make me hug you SwaySway." She jokes, making me feel warm inside

When we reach the top, I see that Buhdeuce has woken up. He looks like he just got out of the shower because his hair is wet.

"Where did you loaf birds go to?"
He asks

"Oh, just to Pumpers for some breakfast." I tell him

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