First Day- First Time.

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SwaySway's phone goes off
It's a text message alert

Buhdeuce: Where did u fly to? I was expecting u to be back by now.

He walks into the cab of the Rocket Van to get his phone off the seat- shirtless, and with his zipper down-

"Y/N, it's Buhdeuce."
"He says that he was expecting us to be back."
"I don't know what to tell him."
Sway says, a little bit nervous

"Tell him that we went sightseeing- or tell him that we went to get dinner."
She suggests

"Okay, but he's my bap- he can probably tell if I'm lying."
He twiddles his thumbs, but then decides to send a message.

SwaySway: We went sightseeing because Y/N is new around here and she wanted to see what it's like.

Buhdeuce: Oh ok. Hmu when ur coming home. Can I throw a party?

SwaySway: No PARTIES! Last time I let I you throw a party the Swamp Pad got trashed! I'll text you later. Gotta drive. Gtg.

He puts his phone down and goes into the back, where Y/N and him almost got lucky.

"You want more Swayskie~?"
Y/N makes a seductive smile.

SwaySway blushes and utters "Y-you want m-more with me? I-I—-I feel like I'm doing horrible. I j-jUst want you to be happy." His voice cracks as he talks down on himself.
"But- y-you make me so quazy. You do everything so perfectly- and I do everything wrong."
He frowns

Y/N pulls him close
"You're so wrong..."
"You made me feel loved for the first time."
"You made me want you."
"You turned me on so many times in the past few days."
"Sooo... you're doing everything right."
"I loaf you, please don't say those things about yourself-!" •w•
She hugs him and licks his bottom lip
"Now do something to me!~"

She gently bites his lip and Sway's tongue enters her mouth. He slowly unbuttons her shorts as they make out, then lets them fall to her ankles. His soft feathers tickle her belly as he teases above her waistband with his fingers.
SwaySway slides his thumb underneath the waistband of her undies, and leaves it there- letting Y/N make the next move.

"Now look at you-" She chuckles
"I knew you could do it~"

Y/N pulls down his shorts, which she had unzipped earlier, leaving SwaySway in only boxers. His bulging 'green sausage' is now visible through the thin fabric. Y/N peeks and tries to savor every detail that she can see without Sway noticing.

"It's not my fault- I love every bit of my Swayskie." Y/N thinks

"Y-you can l-look- if you... want t-to." He mutters anxiously

She puts her finger over his beak, and smiles at him.

"Let's go to the front -" Y/N tells SwaySway
"It will be more comfortable."

They walk to the front of the Rocket Van and Y/N sits down on the driver's seat. She leans the seat back and Sway stands in front of her.


He gets on top of Y/N and holds onto her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"Yes?" He smiles

"What about Buhdeuce- does he have to know about this?"
She asks

"No way. This could be our secret." He smiles seductively

SwaySway wraps his arm around her shoulder and gently runs his fingers through her bangs.
She straddles him, and he moves his hips slightly so she could feel his hard member rub against a certain part of her body.

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now