Delivery boi

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After Y/N hung up the phone, she turned on the TV and waited.

About 30 minutes later, there was a rythmic knock at the door. "Coming!" Y/N calls as she sprints to the door

As the door swings open, a tall duck and a small duck are revealed.

"Special delivery!" The tall one says

Y/N recognizes the voice
"A-are you -sSwaySway? She nervously asked

"Yes Ma'am!"
"What's your name?" He asks kindly

He doesn't seem nervous at all- he must do this so often that he's immune to nervous jitters.
(Anyone who also watches the show will know that'snot at all the case xD)

"M-my naame-?"

He nods

"I-I'm Y/N"-

"Hi Y/N!"
His face turns a slight red tint

"H-here's your-
His voice breaks a little and he covers his mouth and blushes

"Eh- sorry. Heh heh"

The little one just stares at Y/N taps on SwaySway's leg
"AHEM- so sorry that I didn't introduce myself my name is Buhdeuce- Von Deuce Bersukovich the first."

He looks a few years younger than his partner, and he wears a cap just like Sway's but in red. He is kinda cute
He's got a curly blond perm, and it's adorable.

"Hello Buhdeuce- nice to meet you."

Y/N reaches her hand out and down for him to shake

"Hyeh hyeh, nice to meet you too" he chuckles and blushes

Sway slightly blushes too, but this time he puts a noticeable effort to hide it.

"Welp- we better get going.. Feel free to call us- wait. Actually, here-"
He hands Y/N a slip with a phone number
"It's my cell number."
" I noticed that you have a moving truck outside- and I wondered if you were new here...-"

"Ye-yeah, I just moved here and I've been staying at this motel"
Y/N tells him

"Huh- well, if you need us, or want to talk, feel free to call our business line, or you could shoot me a text-"

"Okay, sounds great"
She waves as she closes the door, and they walk away.

"Wowie- uh. I wasn't expecting it to go quite that way."

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now