Nighttime loaf.

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SwaySway starts the engine and Y/N buckles in.

"Is this van hard to fly?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Well- It's definitely complicated, but I wouldn't say that it's hard to fly."
"It just takes lots of practice." He says

"That's really cool, you're super lucky to be able to have a vehicle like this" Y/N laughs

"Yeah, my parents had their own special delivery vehicle, and this was their gift to me on the day that I officially became a Breadwinner."
"There was only one problem. I had to teach myself how to fly..."

"Wow. I'm sure that was difficult." She replies

"The Rocket Van is unique because it has the controls of a land vehicle and the controls of an aircraft."
"I knew how to drive a car, of course I learned that in school. But- I had to teach myself how to fly. I'm sure you can imagine how that went."
He smiles
"Let's just say I crashed so many times."

"I only know how to drive a car, not fly a Rocket Van. Haha."

"I-I can teach you if you'd like, Y/N."
Sway says

"I would love for you to teach me! But we should get home, because of Buhdeuce...."

"Aw crummers- you're right..."

He flies faster
"The only thing I'm worried about is Rambamboo catching us."

"Who's Rambamboo?..."
Y/N asks

"Oh, silly me. I didn't tell you who she is."
"Rambamboo is the chief of the Duck Town Tadpolice. She is really strict, and she has something against us Breadwinners. She always finds something that we're doing wrong and yells at us about it."

"That's not nice. She shouldn't mistreat you."

"Yeah... but life isn't fair sometimes."
"We're getting close to the Swamp Pad now- but I just wanted to say something."
"Thank you so much for everything today. You made me feel whole, and loved. I never had anyone as special as you. I just can't thank you enough-"

Y/N cuts him off
"Don't thank me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just want to hold onto you and never let go..."
she smiles and blushes, but the darkness of the night sky hides it.

SwaySway parks the Rocket Van in the hangar and turns off the engine.

"I'll tell Buhdeuce that we're home."
He pulls out his phone

SwaySway: we're home now

Buhdeuce: it's about time... meet me upstairs please

SwaySway: ok, I'll be up there in a second.

The two of them enter the elevator and go upstairs. On the way up, Y/N kisses his cheek, making him blush. "I loaf you." Sway whispers, and then hugs her tightly. She hugs back
"I loaf you too." They both turn red as a tomato.

When they reach the top, Buhdeuce is waiting for them at the door.

"I know what you were doing..." He says.

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now