New Town & New Me!

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After a long mash of bizarre occurrences, and some things that I'd rather forget, I realized that my best hope for a better future is to just pack up and move- start over.

Y/N - Your name, a name you want to call the character

F/C - favorite color, or a color that you want

the more that come up, I'll have the definitions ready for ya.


We've been driving for ages it seems.
Passing exit after exit, just hoping that my GPS will tell me to turn off-
The only times I've been even able to stretch my legs have been those several times that I had to stop and refuel this U-Haul van.
This thing doesn't get the best gas mileage, as you would assume with a big van such as this one.

"I just wanna get there." Y/N utters tiredly

My inner child is just going on and on

"are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? ARE WE THERE YET?"

I'm driving myself quazy.



"I might pull off and sleep in this next parking lot."

~Time Skip~

The clock on the U-Haul's dashboard reads 5:34 AM and Y/N decided that it's best to get an early start to driving.

She yawns as she turns the ignition

"Maybe some tunes will help wake me up."
She sets the radio to SCAN and searches for a station that is coming in clearly

You're listening to 197.3 DUCK TOWN's greatest hits!—

"Duck Town? What a name- sounds a little generic... I like that."
Y/N jokes


"Huh- well I guess we're going to generic town!"

Finally, an exit !!
Could we be here? At our new home??
I'm so excited
Y/N's mind raced

She took the exit and followed the GPS' instructions. When it finally announced that she has reached her destination- Y/N found herself in front of a sorta rough looking motel with an abundance of motorcycles in the lot.

"Whoa! Cool!"
Y/N loves motorcycles

"I guess I'll head inside and get myself a room.
Then I get to explore! I can't wait to see what this Duck Town has to offer."

(Y/N is a white duck with F/C hair, is average height, and is adventurous.)

She walks up to the counter, where an older duck is seated. He's wearing a flat cap and a suit- very professional and friendly looking!

"I'd like to pay for a room-"

"Oh, I didn't see you there! How many nights would you like to stay for?"

"I'm new here, so I'll start by paying for 2 nights, but I might come back later on to stay longer if I can't find anywhere else."

"Alrighty! That total will be $200 ma'am"

200 dollars!? That's quazy!

"Uuhhhhh- o-on second thought, I might have a friend to stay with, and I only n-need tonight-" Y/N obviously lied

"Okay then- that brings your total to $105"

Y/N then hands over the money and heads to the room number listed on the key.

Room 19

In the afternoon after she settled in

Y/N's stomach growled
"I should order something to eat"

She flipped through the phone book and looked for a number for a restaurant that did delivery.

"Breadwinners- No matter the challenge, no matter what- we always deliver and never give up." She reads from the page

"Bread, I could definitely use some bread right now."
So she called the number

The phone rang twice before someone picked up the other end
Pretty quick

"Yeaa-llo, Breadwinners, we always deliver, this is SwaySway speaking- would you like to place an order?"

This SwaySway sounded friendly, he seemed happy to answer the phone

"U-uh yeah, can I have some bread please?"

"Just plain old bread? You don't want any of our exotic flavors? Maaan..."

"E-exotic flavors??"
"What kind of flavors are there??"
Y/N asked, curious.

"Well, to name a few, there's Pumpernickel, Bubblegum Rye, Huckleberry Spaghetti, Rainbow Confetti—"

"Rainbow Confetti sounds nice!"
Y/N cut him off

"Alrighty! All I need is the address to put in my computer so we can find ya, and we'll have your bread there!"

She smiles "Okie!"

Y/N waits for him to hang up the line

"What a nice duck he seems."

SwaySway x Reader! (Female)Where stories live. Discover now