your daughter calls me daddy too

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"i hate this shit." you said and threw a hoodie into your bag. "why can't i spend christmas with your parents instead? they still like me. they still do dont they?"

"they do, but they said go to your parents for christmas since you haven't seen them since break." semi said and closed your bag for you.

"they don't even want to see me." you picked up your bag and grabbed your jacket. "they just want one picture and dinner to criticize my every move and decision."

"hey at least you get to run off to iwaizumi's house too tomorrow." semi said as you two made your way downstairs to where the buses were dropping students off at where they needed to be.

the remaining students at least

everyone else went home a couple days ago, but you and semi stayed behind until today. christmas eve.

"make it out alive." semi gave you and reassuring side hug before walking to his car.

you made your way onto the bus and sat in the middle. at least you charged your phone this time.

an hour later you were standing in front of your parents house. both their cars were in the driveway and the lights were on meaning they were already inside.

eventually you made it inside the house and walked into the kitchen. "hey." you spoke up letting them know you were there.

"hello." mom spoke up while dad stayed quiet. "the guest room is set up."

you nodded and walked upstairs. your childhood bedroom was converted into another office for your dad once you left for high school.

there was nothing left in there that gave you comfort of when you were little.

the colorful walls were now a dull maroon color and the black curtains shut out the sunlight that used to brighten up the room. a single desk was sitting in the corner along with a bunch of bookshelves.

you shut the door to the office and walked to the guest room. it was all white. from the bed, carpet, walls, curtains, furniture, and the lights. it looks like a fucking hospital.

"dinner is in ten minutes." mom said, walking past you. "i expect you to be wearing the dress that I have on the bed."

you turned around to look at the dress. it was a dark blue dress. simply and casual, nothing special about it. looked really bland and boring though.

you slipped it on and pulled on shorts under the dress. you didn't bother doing anything else before walking back downstairs.

both your parents were already sitting down on opposite ends of the table, leaving the seat in the middle for you.

you sat down and waited for one of them to start talking. "how's school?" dad spoke up.

"it's good." you said and moved your food around your plate.

"good grades?"


"nothing distracting you?" you moved your hands under the table and started to fidget with the ends of your dress.

"no." you weren't really lying. despite dating hajime you still had good grades and he was even helping you with your work when you needed it.

"what about next year?" mom started to contribute to the conversation. "we do expect you to get into class 7. and have you even started thinking about what you want to do in the future?"

"i want to move in with semi." you said. "that's one thing I'm sure about."

"eita?" dad asked. "why him?"

always you -  i. hajimeWhere stories live. Discover now