CHAPTER 3: a not so comprehensive report

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Koro leaned into the leather of the beige couch of his living room

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Koro leaned into the leather of the beige couch of his living room. The entirety of the place found itself drenched in a warm orangish color through the floor-to-ceiling window, giving the meeting a much softer and inoffensive vibe than intended. The sugary fragrance of hot coca and melted marshmallows wafted through the room with ease, permeating it with its aroma and contrasting with the dangerousness of the said white-haired male in front of it.

Koro's gloveless fingers carelessly traced the rim of his black mug, a pensive look on his face as his other hand held up some documents from the Ministry of Defense. It was a comprehensive recap of 3-E's situation with the students, their name, age, seat number, and abilities neatly recorded. He noted that Karma was already part of the class but that Ritsu and, per extension, Itona as well had yet to join them.

"As we explained in the earliest briefings, although we hope to eliminate the target in the briefest delay and most efficient ways, it is also our responsibility to ensure the students' well-being and the follow up of their education," the government official, a woman of average stature with short black hair, explained as she pushed the rim of her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Currently, class 3-E is being taught by one of our best field agents in the art of hand to hand combat and weaponry," she said before handing him another stack.

Koro mutely received it. Here was a compilation of the teaching staff. He noted that Irina was part of it.

"As a field agent, Sir Karasuma will be your first contact to the government. Please do report to him if you shall need any assistance or information," she politely explained, her voice clear and steady. "The Target, dubbed Koro-sensei by the students, is the acting homeroom teacher. It is in charge of most lessons and study material," she added.

Koro noted how she referred to his former self as "it," further dehumanizing the Damocles sword and allowing for a more clinical approach to the matter. After all, it was always easier to talk about killing an animal or shattering an object rather than murdering a fellow human.

Not that it mattered to Koro, considering his line of job.

"On Monday, tomorrow, another assassin will be sent to 3-E in addition to yourself," she continued, unperturbed by his silence. Koro turned the page of his files, allowing the picture of a blond woman to appear. "Irina Jelavic, she is part of an assassination organization and was selected by the higher-ups to ensure the assassination of the target. She will pose as the English teacher," she explained, not giving too many details on the blond's assets and assassination abilities.

Koro read through her file, finding only a little information. It wasn't surprising as assassins usually didn't flaunt the totality of their skills, but it remained disappointing. He'd have to ask one of his people for a more detailed resume of the woman— he'd also look up information on his future students and their guardians while he was at it. He flipped through the last pages, information on Koro-sensei, the Target, entering his view and closed the stack before setting it on the granite low-table.

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