CHAPTER 14: allow me to reintroduce myself

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"Here you are-kora!" the ruff yet juvenile voice called out from across the lobby of the hotel

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"Here you are-kora!" the ruff yet juvenile voice called out from across the lobby of the hotel.

Here stood one of the most fearsome beings of this generation: an Arcobanelo. Colonnello, Rain Arcobaleno, probably one of the most prodigious soldiers of his time, as well as a genius sharpshooter. He was also the hitman Karasuma hired to kill Koro-sensei during the school trip.

"I almost didn't see you there, brat-kora!" the tiny blond barked before boisterously laughing, small hands on his hips as he threw his head backward to cackle.

From afar, with how similar their features seemed, both males seemed related. Both were blond, and Koro's green lenses held some blueish reflections, appearing more identical to Colonnello's blue eyes.

"Okay, brat, enough about you-kora," Colonnello called out, suddenly stopping his laughter. He extended his arms towards the taller blond, a confident look etched on his face, as per usual. "Carry me-kora! Chop, chop!"

Koro smiled wryly as he crouched to lift the Arcobanelo up, propping him against his chest and carefully placing the rifle so it wouldn't be uncomfortable for the adult in an infant body. "Yes, sir~" he sang, as Colonnello made himself comfortable.

In a few seconds, quickly climbing on top of Koro's head— because, let's face it, Colonnello could climb the Kilimanjaro with one hand. It wasn't some mere head and neck that would stop him. The Rain user laid on top of the nest of blond locks.

"Give me my rifle-kora," he ordered, extending his hand for the other to hand it to him. Koro mutely complied, handing it to the Arcobanelo in silence as he began to walk out of the lobby, strange looks sent his way.

"So? What do you want to do, Colonnello?" Yucca chirped, preventing himself from tilting his head as he glanced upwards, trying to catch a glimpse of the baby.

"I don't know-kora!" the Arcobanelo proudly stated. "Just buy me booze, entertain me! You owe me a lot-kora!" the boy listed before reminding the blond of his deeds, his voice lower though not threatening.

"Ugh, yes, yes, Colonnello-sama!"

"Hahaha! That's the spirit-kora!"

And like this, the two males went into Kyoto, Koro taking this time to entertain the Rain Arcobanelo while learning a bit more about him. It was the least Koro could do when in a not-so-hypothetical future, he went ahead a murdered each Arcobanelo.

In this fashion, a week passed. Colonnello came out very much satisfied with his all-inclusive vacation— read all paid by Koro. On the last day, the Rain Arcobanelo decided to accompany Koro to Nowis Middle School, otherwise nicknamed Simon Junior High, a school co-owned by the Simon Famiglia.

Colonnello took this opportunity to tor— tutor Enma with glee, memories of Reborn and Tsunayoshi's gang coming to him as he did so. In the end, after extending his stay by another day, the Arcobaleno went back to Mafia Land because Colonnello was a busy man, and lots of work piled up in his absence.

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