Chapter 45

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A little mature too, I'm sorry, I know what I said last time. But you should probably read this cause a lot of it will come up later.

Alice was sitting at one end of the table with a book and the rest of their friends sat a dozen spaces down. Lily noted the bozare shirt that Sirius was wearing. Whit e and crisp with one splotchy red patch on his sleeve. "I'm gonna check on Alice," Lily told James.

He nodded and headed toward their friends. Alice slid into the seat across from Alice. "What are you doing all by yourself?"

"I got a letter," Alice said. She slid the letter to Lily.

"You're sitting alone because you got a letter?" Lily asked as she picked up the letter.

"No I'm pretending to read so that they will leave me alone, because I got a letter," Alice said. LIly picked up the letter and read:


Your father and I have decided that you are too young to get married. We think that the stress of the world and the new coming Death Eaters is making you not think clearly. We think that you should reevaluate your choices before coming home this spring.

With live, your mother

P.S. We just want to do what is best for you. We think that marrying a muggle born at a time like this is not the right thing to be doing. Especially since you are so young and naive, you aren't positive if he is the one yet. You can't be.

"Wow," was all Lily could think to say.

"I know," ALice put her head in her hands helplessly. "I can't believe they would do this to me. They got married as soon as they graduated from Hogwarts as well."

"I don't think that is the main issue," Lily admitted. "I think that they believe you will be put in danger by being married to Frank." Just like James would be in danger if he was with her. Mrs. Potter had mentioned that once, but she hadn't seemed bothered by the idea. Maybe she was, maybe she wanted what was best for her son and thought that Lily wasn't it.

"They don't know what they are talking about," Alice decided.

"Of course they don't," Lily agreed.

"It'll be okay," Alice decided.

"Of course you will be," Lily agreed again. Lily thought it best to agree with her friend now, she just needed support.

"I can't imagine Frank not talking to my parents first," ALice said.

"Maybe he did," Lily offered. "Maybe they agreed before muggle borns were such a danger." ALice opened her mouth to argue, but Lily waved her off. "Maybe they said no, but he loves you so much that he couldn't think of a life without you."

"Ooh," Alice said. "Let's go with that one."


There was a brief moment of silence, "Congrats on getting laid last night."

Lily's eyebrows shot up, "What?" She was blushing bright red and Alice giggled. "How did you know?"

"Was he any good?" Alice countered.

"Shut up," Lily whispered back. "But how?"

"Well," ALice started. "James hasn't so much as kissed you in weeks." LIly was glad she wasn;t the only one who had noticed it. "It was making you both miserable."

"I can go a couple of weeks without having sex with him," Lily whispered indignantly.

"Of course you can," Alice agreed. "But not without kissing him." Lily blushed. "You guys are like a drug to each other, the good kind. The kind that you can't live without." Lily smiled, she knew it. "And you guys walked in together, holding hands, like a couple on a TV show. It was pretty romantic. Anyway, you were walking weird, which meant that he fucked you hard last night."

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