Chapter 5: Telling Molly

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       I ran straight to Molly's house. My body wasn't stopping. My heart was humping against my chest. I had to tell her everything. The sun came up a half hour after I left the mansion. It was broad daylight now. After running five blocks, I was exhausted. I made it to the end of her street. My body dropped to my knees. My lungs felt huge with no air inside. I could feel the wind go through my lungs and it made me feel even more tired. A cop car was at her house. I stood up and walked over there. The officer got into his car and drove off. By the time I made it to her lawn, she was sitting on the front steps about to start smoking.

She looked over at me as a puff of smoke blew past me. "Where the hell have you been?" I was about to speak but she stopped me. "We got arrested last night. I twisted my ankle. The jail doctor said it's just sprained. Andy got let off with a warning. And our relationship is over." She spoke more before I could talk. "You know what else happened? Theodore wasn't caught. That weasel who left us behind, got away." She took another hit. Her eyes looked at me up and down. "So, do you mind telling me where you were all night while we were sitting in a cell all night?"

I felt horrible that they were arrested. But it wasn't my fault exactly. I never wanted to go there to begin with. But in a way, now I am glad. "Molly, I'm sorry. I was locked inside the house. I couldn't get out. I was trapped in there for a long time. Andy told me to hide when the cops showed up. A man found me and helped me out."

Her eyes widened. Like something was off with what I just said. "Whoa. Hang on. A man? Lizzy, nobody was in that house besides us last night. Who did you find?" She held her mouth. "The owner was there! Oh my god! How did you convince him not to charge you? Was he angry? Was he old? Young? Cute looking?" I rolled my eyes. She was getting off topic now.

"NO! It was a ghost." I blurted out. My ears still not believing in what I just said.

She covered her mouth. "No way! A ghost? Could you see through him? Did he look like one? Was he friendly?" Molly was intrigued about seeing a ghost.

I sat down next to her. "No, he looked like us. He was nice. I couldn't get a good look at him though." I really wanted to see the rest of his face. But it was covered with something. I could only make out his eyes. But that still wasn't enough to be able to see the color of his eyes.

Molly held her ankle. "At least you didn't trip and fall down the stairs. And sprain your ankle." She was going to have to rest for a while. She couldn't be on her feet. It was a good thing she had her own roommate to help her out.

I hugged her. "Sorry." I wanted to get out. But if I got out of the house with them, I would have sat in a jail cell as well. My parents would have had to bail me out and be really disappointed in me. I couldn't have that. They were counting on me to do good. Maybe it was a good thing I was trapped and didn't get caught.

She shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it. We're all okay now. There's not much I can do now." She inhaled her cigarette, then blew smoke out. She began to play with it in her fingers.

I sighed. Theodore got away from the cops. He definitely wasn't too happy about me breaking up with him. It was the best thing I could have done. But it didn't seem like it was the end of our conversation. Molly raised her eyebrow at me as she finished her cigarette. "Did you get the chance to tell him?"

I nodded. "I thought he was going to get abusive. He didn't take it well. But the ghost girl stopped him."

Her eyes got big. "You saw a ghost girl too? Are you a ghost magnet now? They know you don't believe and just show up?" I shrugged. I didn't know how to explain it exactly. The next thing that broke our silence, was my phone going off. Pulling it out of my pocket, it was Theodore calling me. Molly nudged me. She wanted me to put it on speaker. I did as my finger slid to answer it. Not even able to get a word in, "You bitch! How dare you take me to a haunted place, almost getting me arrested! YOU ALMOST RUINED MY REPUTATION!"

"What's the matter? Didn't want to explain to your other girlfriend why you were arrested?" Molly spoke up. My mouth dropped.

Theodore quietly calmed down. "Can't even talk to me alone without your slutty friend opening her mouth." Molly tried to snatch the phone from me. I pulled it away, shaking my head. "And by the way, it's over when I say it's over." He hung up.

My heart sank into my chest. He was never going to give up. "It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." Molly hugged me silently. I thought back to Thomas. I wanted to see him again. But without the risk of going to jail. Molly smirked at me. "You want back in." It was strange how she could easily read my mind. "I know how you can." Her ideas so far have not worked and have gotten us into trouble.

I made a noise. "I'm not breaking back in." Count me out if that was the only way back in.

She shook her head. "No. They're hiring for a night guard. Nobody will do it since most of them have been chased away. But, since you've met the ghosts, you should be okay." She winked at me. I sighed deeply. Could it work? Or would they chase me away because I'm a girl? Maybe she was right. I had to try. She handed me a flyer from her back pocket. Before I could ask why she took it, she just shrugged. "It was on a counter in the house. I took one. Don't know why." I nodded. This was my ticket to seeing Thomas. I smiled a little. It was like everything I needed fell into my lap.


I went back to the mansion. I was nervous as I stood in front of the steps. I already changed from my clothes from last night and showered. A bad feeling came over me about coming back. What if I got trapped again? In broad daylight? What about security tapes from last night? Maybe nobody will know. As I walked up the steps, I thought about last night. I was so scared I wasn't going to get out. Now I'm coming back to get locked in. I opened up the door. There were people standing around. They were waiting for the tour to start. An old woman walked up to me. "Are you here for the tour?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm here for the overnight watcher." I already had a feeling she was going to laugh at me. She didn't. She gave me a hard look. She studied me. I knew this was going to end bad. "No." I guessed it. "I can't have a young irresponsible adult watching a grand mansion."

She started walking away. I chased after her. "Just give me a chance! I am responsible. I'm not immature like most people my age. Please." I begged her. I really didn't want to break in again to see Thomas.

She turned around quickly. "You'll run away like the rest of them. I'm tired of hiring people who won't be here by dawn." She waved her hand at me. Like she knew I was like the rest of them.

I grabbed her hand. "I'm not scared of what comes out at night. I won't run away. I'll be here the next morning. You can count on me." I squeezed her hand sternly. Her eyes gazed into mine. She fixed her big glasses. I could tell she was really thinking about this. She signed deeply. "Fine. You're hired. Come sign these papers. You don't need a uniform. You're just babysitting the house. You need a flashlight and candles."

I followed her into a room to sign papers. I couldn't believe she let me. I'll see him again tonight! Hopefully. I don't know how this works. Would he even remember me? I had butterflies and knots in my stomach. I started thinking about the demons, after signing the papers. They might come back and not him. Then what? I didn't exactly think this through. Leaving the mansion and was coming back tonight. Boy was I in trouble now. What did I get myself into?

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