Chapter 6: First Night on the Watch

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          The old woman's name is Sue. She has been helping out a lot here since she was in her 30's. Sue told me what drew her to this place. One trip changed her view on life as well. "My mother wanted to see this house. I agreed to come with her. So, before the tour guide went room to room. We could explore by ourselves. I was frightened when I investigated the mirror and saw a little girl. I wanted to run out so fast. But I realized. She's only a child. So, I talked to her. She enjoyed my conversation. When I went back downstairs, a woman offered me a day job here. My mother blabbed about my designs for events. I took the job and lived here all my life." She told me doesn't get involved with the weddings though. She just helps the set ups look nice. Sue seemed like a genuinely nice woman. But I'm guessing she never saw Thomas. My job started that very night. I was sitting at the desk in the camera room. I didn't know they had cameras. I looked at the tape from last night. Nothing showed up. It was like, we never walked into that house. Which was odd. I got up and started walking around the house. I was hoping he would come out. What would draw him out?

"Thomas?" I called for him. Looking around. Nothing. I sighed deeply. With my luck, he probably wouldn't come out. I searched the whole house, nothing. I made it back down the stairs. I stared at front door. Why wouldn't he come back? I wanted to talk to him again. Nothing I did was working. I felt a slight cold breeze coming from behind me. I turned around. A little girl stood there. I smiled at her. It was the niece that drowned. "Hi." She didn't answer me back. Her eyes stared back at me. "Do you know a man named Thomas?" She still didn't answer me. I looked around then looked back at her. She pointed up towards the stairs. I smiled and nodded at her. I went upstairs again to search. I was getting nervous for some reason. Not for excitement. But from fear. I had shivers going up and down my spine. I instantly turned around. Thomas stood there. I sighed deeply.

"Why did you come back? Are you seriously messed up in the head or something?" I still couldn't get a good glimpse of his face. He seemed so cold towards me.

My eyes narrowed to the ground. "I wanted to see you again." This only seemed to aggravate him more. I didn't understand. What was the point of pushing me away?

"There's nothing to see. I'm dead." He spoke coldly.

"What more could you want from a dead guy?" When he put it like that, nothing, I guess? I couldn't ask anything from him.

I went to touch him, but he backed away from me. "You don't have to be so cruel to me. I came back because I wanted to know more about you. I just didn't think it was that big of a deal honestly." His stubbornness showed. He looked away from me. "But if it is, I'll quit this job. I'll never come back here again." I threw my hands up in the air and walked past him. I started going down the stairs. This was a waste of time. I obviously wasn't getting anywhere with him. Getting past his stubbornness to communicate with the living was tough.

A hand grabbed my arm, yanking me back up the first step. My eyes met Thomas's. A cloth was covering his face. "I'm sorry. Just...nobody cared about me in life. Most people I talk to here, ignore me or run away. You of all people, are just not normal." Glad he put it that way. "You came back here, just to see me. I didn't mean to be so cold to you. I'm hoping that you'll forgive me Lizzy."

It was the first time he said my name sweetly. And that he talked to me nicely.

I smiled at him. "It's alright, I guess. So... can I still stay?" He nodded. I took in a deep breath. "Can I see your face?" My fingers went to remove the cloth. His hand grabbed my fingers before I could. "Not until I know I can fully trust you." He let my hand go. I just nodded. It was fair.

I looked around. We were alone. His eyes studied mine. "Who are you looking for?" I knew something else was watching us. We weren't alone.

I glanced away. "I just feel like...something else is here."

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