Chapter 27: Three More Days till Halloween

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         I've been getting stressed out. Sue has been yelling at me for the wedding decorations moving. Even though I've never touched them. She wouldn't believe me if I told her who was. Sue also said I have to stop leaving tiny footprints everywhere. How does that make sense? My feet aren't that small. But after the yelling and arguing, she finally confessed that her husband died a few nights ago. It made me feel bad. She was all alone. Once Sue left for the rest of the night, I snuck Thomas in. We locked the kitchen door. He looked at me. "She'll be fine. She's had like three of them since she's started working here." We headed up to his old room, not stopping until we were safely in the room. Thomas went through his trunk. "It should be in here."

"What is it? Maybe I can help..." Before I could finish my sentence, Thomas gave me a stern look.

"NO. Do not touch anything in this trunk without my permission. This stuff can harm you." I nodded. He kept searching. Quietly sitting on his bed, I closed my eyes. A memory flashed into my mind. I remembered Thomas and I laying on the bed. It happened when we were both alive. A voice whispered in my ear. Opening my eyes, Thomas was sitting next to me. "Lizzy snap out of it. We have to go. Now." He forcefully pulled me to my feet as we left his room. We quickly headed down the hallway. The floorboards creaking behind us. Thomas pulled me downstairs. Once we were in the hallway, Theodore appeared. "Haven't seen you two in forever."

I turned around. Alison stood there. "Miss me yet?" She spoke as she shoved me to the ground. Thomas held up a weird statue. It looked like a monkey sitting on a rock with red eyes. They both were frozen in place. Theodore tried to come closer to Thomas. He couldn't move. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!"

Thomas smirked. "Just a little something I've had." Thomas held out us hand. He helped me to my feet. "Excuse us." He smiled brightly at them. Alison tried to grab me, but she couldn't either. Once we were in the camera room. Thomas wrapped the statue back up. "This is our protection against them." I glanced at the cameras. They were walking around the stairwell. Theodore looked really pissed. Thomas squeezed my hand. "We'll be okay."

"Where did you get it from?" I licked my lips. My eyes gazed back at the screen. They were both gone.

"I didn't want to say anything earlier because I was pissed off. But did he always treat you like that?" Thomas avoided my whole question. He's never going to tell me where he got this statue that had the devils look alike on it. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about my landlord. I nodded sadly. "Yes. He has."

Thomas turned his hands into fists. He took in a deep breath before he spoke again. "I have to make a confession." I sat in front of him. "Remember when you summoned me, I think it was the first time. And you asked if you could see me before you went home?" I told him yes. "Well, I heard some strange noise coming from the building. I wanted to find out what it was. So, after you released me, I went to find it. It was on the first floor. In your landlord's office. He sat in front of a tv. Yes, I know what a tv is. But anyway, he was watching this disgusting thing. This girl was nude, and she was having sex with four other guys at the same time. What they did to her was.... I don't even want to explain it." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Don't get me wrong. I am a guy. I have sexual fantasies about woman as well. But not what they were doing. Anyway, a young girl walked into the office. It didn't look like she was wearing much. He looked up at her and said, 'rents due already?' Then he had sex with her. When he came up and did that to you because I was there, it made me enraged. He will never do that to you."

I held his hands in mine to turn his knuckles back to a peach color and not ghost white. "It's alright. That night I was almost attacked by demons."

Thomas shook his head. "I'm so sorry Liz. I should have come straight to you and not have tried to figure out what the noise was. It wasn't important."

I shook my head and smiled at him. "It's okay Thomas. I'm not mad at you." I kissed his hands. "I just love that you're by my side when I need you now." Thomas leaned over and kissed me sweetly. He ran his fingers through my hair. I bit his bottom lip. He pulled me into his lap and held me down. I tried to break free, but he wouldn't let go. He kissed my neck. "This is what I love about you. You understand me like no one else has ever done before. This is why it would've never worked with anyone else. You're my soul mate."

I blushed. "And you are mine as well."

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