Chapter 40: Sneaky Snakes

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         Once Sophie left, I took a shower. A plan began to form in my mind. I wasn't going to the mansion tonight. Well, not in this lifetime. I shut the lights off in my room. Laying on my bed, I closed my eyes. Focusing on that time again. I was praying I'd get there. It took a little bit for me to get there. Once I opened my eyes, it was Thomas's room. He was asleep in his bed. It was nighttime here also. I was under the blankets with him. I shook his shoulder. He moved a little then went back to sleep. I sighed. I didn't know how much time I had here again. I whispered into his ear. "Wake up. Please." Thomas faced me and opened his eyes. He smiled at me. "Lizzy." He pulled me into his arms. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He kissed me. "I was hoping you would come back." I was blushing. I missed being this close to him again. Thomas raised his eyebrow. "Did you get here on your own?" I nodded. He kissed my forehead. I snuggled into his chest. "He almost caught you earlier. I told him that I was trying to relive the past."

The devil bought the lie. It surprised me because he seemed one step ahead of us. Maybe he thought I was giving up. My heart sank into my chest. We have to sneak around to see each other again. Thomas snuggled closer. "I've really missed you, Liz." His hands ran down my sides. My body trembled from his touch. I closed my eyes. Thomas was kissing my neck. My breaths were shortening. His hand grabbed my butt. My head was spinning. He bit into my neck. I moaned softly. Thomas looked into my eyes. He was helping me take my clothes off. I stared kissing him. Thomas held my body close to his. He pulled my body under his. He was kissing my body. I was breathing slowly. He moved my bra straps off my shoulders, kissing them all the way to the side of my breast. I was barely breathing. There was so much passion. It had been a while since we could be this close. My body just wanted to give into him. To drop our guard and ignore our surroundings.

There was a loud thump at the door. "THOMAS!" A voice shouted. We both jumped up. Then it turned into banging. I quickly put my shirt back on. Thank God that was the only thing he took off. Thomas rushed me over to the trunk in front of his bed. He opened it up. There was nothing in this one. I climbed inside, he shut it quietly. The door opened. "What the hell are you doing in here?" It sounded like Theodore's voice. My heart sank into my chest.

"There there Thomas, it's better this way." That was

Alison's. Why are they here? I lifted the lid a bit to get a better view, hoping neither one of them would notice.

Thomas made a noise. "What could you two possibly want at this time of night?"

Theodore walked over to the closet. "To make sure you are alone." His eyes searching around the room for me.

Thomas chuckled. "Be my guest and search the whole room. He made me be alone." He spoke in annoyance.

Alison's heels clicked against the ground. "Don't be a sore loser. You lost." She was being a little bitch. Theodore checked the closet and under the bed. He yanked her to the door. "Whatever. Nothing here. Let's go Alison, we have unfinished business elsewhere." The door was shut and locked. I waited until the heels faded away. Thomas opened the trunk. He helped me out of it. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Nightly inspections?"

He shook his head. "No. More like daily. That's why earlier, I took you in here. They will always suspect you coming here." Every time we almost get caught, it felt like they were going to find me. I hated the devil. I hated the fact that Thomas was trapped here. I kissed his cheek. "I don't want to leave."

He pulled me into his arms. "I don't want you to go either." We both knew I had to. I couldn't stay forever. Thomas's hands rested on my back. "Once you wake up, you'll be back in your time. While in here, I'll keep living these days without you."

"It's all my fault." I whispered. My gut had this guilty feeling since the devil forced him back here. If Thomas hadn't found me again, he might still be wandering in the mansion. Thomas kissed my forehead. "Lizzy stop it. I'm the reason I'm here. Not you. I made the deal with him." I was about to speak when he stopped me. "If he agreed to making a deal with you, he would have had us both. A contract cannot bail someone else out of theirs. Even if he promises, you cannot trust him at all. He's sneaky." I stood there in silence. His fingers ran down my cheek. Thomas kissed my head. I pulled him closer, no space between us. Thomas pulled a little bit of my hair. He started kissing my neck again. We laid down on the bed. His hands were on my thighs, going higher up to the top of my panties. He didn't waste any time. He removed his pants and my panties. He pushed himself inside. Being intertwined with each other felt so good. I was hoping no one would back. I tried not to make any loud noise. Thomas covered my mouth to keep me quiet. After the last thrust, he laid down next to me. I crawled into his arms. He held me close as he kissed my face. "You have to go. He might come back soon."

I looked up at him. "But..."

"We'll see each other again." When? I didn't want to be away from him anymore. Thomas put his pants back on, handing me my underwear and pants. Once we were dressed, I hugged him tightly. Thomas sighed deeply. He didn't want me to go but he also didn't want me to be found either. "Please, go. Before he knows." Thomas covered my eyes. I closed them as I pictured my bedroom. How dark and peaceful it was there. Once I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of my bed. Thomas wasn't here with me. I signed deeply. The hardest part about this was letting go. How was I going to be able to move on? There had to be a way to break his binding contract. I went to sleep. Hoping for a plan.

The next morning when I woke up, there was red blood all over the walls. I covered my mouth. It was an indescribable site. There were words that said, "Nice try bitch". He figured it out! Where was Thomas? I got dressed and quickly headed to Sophie's. My body didn't stop running till I reached her shop. She was sitting in a chair by the front door. Holding my chest, I was out of breath. Her eyes didn't glance up. "Sophie! They found out." She didn't move. I waved my hands. "Sophie! Thomas is in serious danger!" Her eyes glanced out the window. Slapping my arms against my body, "Now what?" I groaned.

"Maybe I can help." I turned around. It's a site everyone fears. The grim reaper stood behind me. He wasn't holding the scythe like he did in his pictures. My eyes went to look for help but Sophie was gone. There was nothing surrounding us. It was just gray smoke and dark shadows. "I don't understand. It's not my time." I couldn't see his face at all. The hood covered it.

"It's not. I have a plan to help you get Thomas back." His voice echoed.

I crossed my arms. "How? He made a deal with the devil." There was no way he was able to break the contract. Was he?

"I can break it. But there are a few things that have to be done." I got nervous. "You two are both living. Sophie complicated things but I can work around it. You died before him. If you two die an hour apart, his deal means nothing." The smoke surrounded him.

Holding up my hands, "Whoa! Die? How does dying break his deal?"

"Thomas was still living as a ghost from the past. He had a body made for him and jumped into it. That's not being reborn. He has to die to be reborn and not sell his soul away." His voice echoed.

I nodded. Maybe it could work. "How do I know you're not trying to trick me?"

He held out his hand. There was no flesh, just bones. "One touch and I'll prove that I'm not lying." My eyes stared at where his face should have been. All I could see was darkness. I reached out to touch his hand. A voice started screaming at me. My body was lifted into the air and placed back down. Thomas stood there. He was huffing and puffing. He glared at the reaper. "Don't touch him. If you touch him, you die."

The reaper crossed his arms. "Is that what you've heard?"

"Doesn't matter. She's not doing it." Thomas pulled me to his side. I wrapped my arms around him. His hands rested on my waist. "How did you get out?" I asked.

His eyes glanced down at me. "One minute on was on the third floor, next thing I knew I was in this place. With him telling you to touch his hand." He gave the grim reaper a stern look. I grabbed his hand. "Thomas, it might break your deal with the devil."

"NO! Why are you even considering this?" I was about to speak but he stopped me. "There shouldn't even be a thought to this. We can make this work." Thomas wasn't making any sense.

I shook my head. "For how much longer? I'm sick of running from all of them. I'm sick of trying to stay with you when he gets in the way. I'm done fighting. If dying is the only way to be with you, then I'll agree to it." Thomas took a couple steps away from me. He couldn't believe that I was actually agreeing to this. "No."

The reaper stepped closer. "Thomas, she's right. You can't keep fighting them forever. Eventually, the devil will drain you until your dead. Then torment your soul until it goes to be recycled. I know you really don't want that."

Thomas gave him a dirty look. "How do we even know it will work?"

The reaper pulled a red bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Thomas. "Both of you drink half of it. When midnight comes, Liz will relive her death." My hand grabbed my chest. I was going to be murdered again. "Thomas, you will die the same way you did before."

"Then what?" I asked softly.

The reaper held his hands together. "I'll see you on the other side."

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