Chapter 29: Thomas's Point of View #2

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      Lizzy was laying on my bed. She passed out again. Her memories were trying to come through. Sophie said they would resurface once she chose to be with me. I didn't like remembering the past much. It was filled with sadness. Especially when she died.

The maids found me in a state of shock. The police came and questioned me. I couldn't tell them who did it. I wish I found him. I would end his life next. They had to take Elizabeth's body away from my sight. They put it in the basement to be determined what killed her. I wish I heard her scream. I would have put them in the basement. Not her. I was planning on marrying her. She would have been a beautiful bride. Elizabeth was too young to die. I loved her with all my heart. Now she's gone forever.

Most of the week went by, the cause of death was from the slab of wood they found in her room. Whoever it was, beat her over the head several times till she died. Her funeral was today. It was being held in the living room, at the mansion. All the servants came and paid their respects. So, did the RoseBurn family. They photographed her in the casket. She was cleaned up to the point, where she looked like she was only sleeping. I walked up to her. My eyes stared at her, just lying in there. Touching her face, she was cold as ice. Looking at her hand, she still was wearing the ring. I placed a rose on her bouquet of flowers she was holding. Elizabeth was more than just a maid here. At least to me she was. I kissed her cheek one last time. Once I walked away, they closed the casket. They took her body to a cemetery to be buried. I couldn't watch her be put in the ground. My heart was getting heavier. The realization of her really being gone was getting to me. I headed up to my room to sorrow myself with a bottle of whiskey.

I snapped out of my memories. Liz was still out. My mind thought about after I died. Wandering these halls, watching the world change around me. When they started the tours, my heart hoped Elizabeth would be in one of the groups. But as each day passed, I never saw her. Donner came to harass me every now and again. "Aren't you proud of yourself?" He would say. "You wanted me out of the way so badly. But here you are, alone. You don't even know who killed her. Face it, you'll never see her again." That was about twenty years ago since I've seen Donner, besides tonight. I didn't even have to rub it in that I finally had her back. Her being alive was enough. Liz opened her eyes. I grabbed her hand. The thought of her now changed. She could talk to me. I could hold her close and protect her with all my might. And I knew she was going to be by my side when I awakened the next morning. She turned her head a little. I frowned. "What's wrong Liz?"

She had tears run down her cheeks. "I died... for no good reason! I didn't tell you to be with me! You picked me!" Liz was hysterical. The memories must have been so powerful to make her feel like she was reliving the past all over again. I could never ask her to die like that again. There was so much blood. How her body laid there helplessly while I could do nothing but watch her fade away. I was ever so grateful that she could be here with me. Her watery eyes met mine. "You were going to marry me and everything. That asshole ruined it! I hate him!" I kissed her lips to calm her down. Her bottom lip was trembling. I couldn't stand seeing Liz like this.

"Liz, it's okay. Look, I'm here. We are both alive with second chances." I wiped her tears away.

She sat up and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around her. My hand ran down her back to sooth her. "I was meant to find you. I was supposed to find you in this time." I kissed her head. She was calming down. I couldn't ask for this moment to be perfect. There was no such thing as perfect. Only in the mind of the soul did it exist.

The sound I heard next, made my heart drop to the floor. Fingertips began taping against the walls. It was running across the room. I knew what it was. Big trouble. Liz didn't have time to leave. She has to hide before something awful happens. In my panic state, I picked Liz up and placed her in the closet. I covered her mouth before she could speak. "Don't talk. Don't make any noises. Don't come out for any reason!" I spoke quickly and shut the doors. My heart was beating in my ears. A winter chill came in the room. Even though it was the season of fall outside. A deep chuckle overtook the room. I turned around. He sat there, on my old bed. Staring at me with his golden black eyes. Eyes dark as a stone. Eyes that could only have the purest of evil living inside. Something no one ever wanted to see.

"Thomas, we need to talk." The devil sat there. He was very ugly. He was a demon like creature. Hideous to the eye. With the snap of his fingers, could he pull anyone into hell with him. His only pleasure was torturing souls. I felt uneasy with Lizzy hiding in the closet. I knew she was freaking out on the inside. She was terrified of him. I had to protect her. He couldn't find out she's here. "No, we don't. It's not Halloween yet."

He chuckled. It echoed throughout the house. Liz was probably shaking. "So where is Miss.Elizabeth?" A feeling told me he already knew she was here. His powers were much too great than anything I've ever seen. He couldn't have her soul. She was free. I growled. "None of your business." I crossed my arms to try and keep myself calm. His eyes searched the room. He looked back at me. "If we talk, I won't pull her out of the closet." I'm sure she was deeply frightened. I wanted to hold her by my side. I believed she was safer in that closet. Hopefully. I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to see her? She's not bound to the house like I am. But she would be one more soul to own. Especially one that was reincarnated. I had to stay calm and try to get him to leave.

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