Chapter 20: I'm Going to Die

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         My wet clothes were on the bathroom floor. Taking a bath didn't help me feel a bit better. Couldn't sleep or eat. I was completely miserable. I missed Molly a lot now. I could always go to her. But since she's been dead for two days...

It wasn't the same. Sitting at the table, the candles were lit. They've been burning for quite a while. The wax has melting onto the table. I tried summoning Thomas multiple times. Nothing happened. He didn't write on the pen and paper. He was ignoring me now. Thomas really doesn't want me in his life. It was a sad conclusion to come to. I blew the candles out and laid my head on the table. My tears were starting to turn into small puddles. My ears picked up people outside the door laughing. They were happy. I was here in my miserable world. Alive and well. An idea came to me. Maybe Thomas pushed me away because I'm alive. Maybe if I died, Thomas would want to be with me then. I stood up and walked out the door. Heading for the roof, I had a gut feeling this was a bad idea but maybe it would work. If I wasn't living, Thomas would want to talk to me. Wouldn't he? I opened the door to the roof. I could see the tops of trees. I started walking over to the edge. A guilty feeling came over me. I shouldn't be doing this.

But I had to. He would come back to me. This was the only way. Once I got to the ledge, my eyes looked down. It was a far drop. How was I going to get the courage to do this? My knees were shaking. Closing my eyes, I counted in my head.

One, Jump.

Two, Jump.

Three, Jump.

This was crazy. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm such a chicken. How could this work if I was still alive? I decided to go for it. I was about to jump off when arms swung around me. I pushed them away as I slipped off the roof. I screamed. Someone's hands grabbed mine and lifted me up. As I opened my eyes, the sun was blinding me. Was I dead? As I reached the top of the roof, Thomas was standing there. I smiled at him. He pulled me into his arms as we hit the ground. He was breathing very heavy like he was out of breath. I sighed. "I knew you'd come for me if I died."

Thomas raised his eyebrow. He took in a deep breath before speaking. "ARE YOU CRAZY? You almost died! You don't need to die so young." He ran his thumb across my cheek. I realized I never hit the ground. He saved me.

I frowned. "I'm not dead?" He shook his head. He was shaking me a little bit. Probably from the shock he was in when he saw me jump. But why was he so out of breath?

Thomas pulled me closer to him. Something was different. "I was able to grab you before you fell further down. Liz, I care about you. Please don't kill yourself. It's not what's best for you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. My forehead was against his chest. "You wouldn't answer me. I tried calling you. I thought you were ignoring me." Why didn't he answer me until I tried jumping off the building?

Thomas frowned. "What do you mean? You tried summoning me?" I nodded. He smiled at me. I was confused by his smile. "I wasn't ignoring you. I couldn't hear you because I'm alive again." He said.... He's alive? I stared at him. My hand touched his face gently. His eyes met mine. He looked the same. His touch felt the same. His hand cupped my cheek. "I know it's a lot. But it's true."

My eyes filled with tears of joy. "How do I know you're alive?" It's not that I didn't believe him. I wanted to believe that I wasn't dreaming this.

Thomas slid his finger against the hard ground and held it up. His finger was bleeding. Covering my mouth, I couldn't have been any happier. "You took the help!"

He kissed me. My body was leaning against him. "Yes, because we were never meant to be separated forever." I smiled at him. At least he was here with me. He didn't have to go anywhere. I think this was the best moment of my life. His fingers intertwined with mine. He lifted me up into his arms so gently like I was a child. He carried me back down to my apartment. I looked up at him. Thomas, a man from the early 1900s was now alive and well with me. His accent kicked in once or twice, but it was enough for me. I liked it. He shut the door behind us, walking over into my small living room. This strong man was being so gentle. I couldn't believe this was all happening. This morning I thought he wanted nothing to do with me. But shows up on my doorstep with a beating heart.

Thomas gently set me down. He walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. I stared out the window. It was a perfect day. I couldn't have wished for a better one. Thomas sat down next to me. He handed me the glass. I drank some of the water before placing it on the table. I was about to speak when he kissed me. I closed my eyes and let him. His hand was on my neck, slowly going down the side of my body. His kisses led down my neck as well. I felt intoxicated with him around. My eyes looked at his face. His scar was gone. His face was a perfect completion. His hair was smooth and short. With his eyes, I could stare into his soul. There was a lot of good inside of him. Thomas kissed my cheek. "Liz..." He kissed me once more. "Don't leave because of me." His hands squeezed my waist.

Taking in a deep breath, "What do you mean?" I moved my hair behind my ear.

His eyes looked deeply into mine. "I don't want you to quit your job there now that I'm no longer dead. I just don't want you to be alone there." He was still going to protect me.

I frowned at him. "The demons won't bother me if you're not there now, right?"

He looked a little guilty. Thomas held my hands together. "Alison and Theodore are still there. On the third floor, helping the demons get you."

I stared at him. "How do you know this?"

Thomas looked away. His lips touched my fingers softly. "I heard them last night. That's why I wanted you to leave. At 6am, they were going to trap you in the house. I had to get you out without them hearing why I wanted you to leave. If they knew I heard them, they would probably have done it then. But they suspected we had a fight."

His arms pulled me closer to him. He couldn't sit still for five seconds without touching me. "I'm so sorry about how I got you out of there last night. I never meant to hurt you that badly. I was trying to protect you."

I nodded. "It's okay. I understand." I went to get up, but he pulled me into his lap. He started pleading with me. "Please don't go Liz. I'm not trying to push you away."

I turned to face him, placing my hand over his mouth. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be back out in five minutes." He released me. I got up and went to the bathroom. He was super jumpy. He was probably still trying to calm down. He did watch me almost jump off my five-story apartment building. Once I came out of the bathroom, Thomas was sitting by the Ouija board. His eyes studied it. I came over and touched his shoulder. He jumped a little.

He squeezed my hand. "You have to get rid of this before you let the evil in." His accent came in. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. I followed behind him. I grabbed his arm. Thomas turned and pulled me into his chest. He kissed my head. "My deepest apology Liz, I never meant to make you nervous. Or frighten you with my strangeness. I'm just not used to being alive again. I'm jumping out of my skin almost." I kissed him. I think it calmed his nerves down a little bit. His hands grasped mine. He didn't want to let go. My back hit the wall. Thomas kissed my jaw. He was kissing my neck again. He bit me gently. I made a small sound. He got close. "Come with me." He whispered to me like there was a crowd in the apartment. I followed him to my room. He sat down on the bed. Without thinking, I sat next to him. His eyes meeting mine once more. "Liz, you should rest before you go to work."

I nodded. "You should too. You're going to be tired."

Thomas smirked at me. "I have to now. I'm human." We both got into bed. He pulled me into his arms so tight. Like I was going to leave him while he slept. He started playing with my hair. My fingers traced his jaw. "Do you remember the first time we made love?" He spoke up. My eyes widened. I shook my head. Glad to know we went all the way in the past. He smiled. "You'll eventually remember but as I was saying. You were so scared that you were going to get caught. It was cute and romantic." I kind of smiled at him. He has so many memories of us that I couldn't even tell him. He kissed me once more. "So beautiful Liz." I smiled. Once I settled into his chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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