Chapter 39: 1920

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        Sophie had me lay on the bed. The dress she gave me reminded me of the one Elizabeth used to wear. I asked Sophie but she denied it was ever hers. She had a small trinket that ticked. It was a small pocket watch. She told me to take a couple deep breaths. "Remember being Elizabeth. You were the maid there. Remember the mansion. The family you worked for, the parties. Go back. Go back." Her voice began to fade away. My body felt at peace. I opened my eyes. Sophie was gone. My room was gone. I was at the mansion, in my old room. I frowned and stood up. Was this a trap? Was my killer going to return? After waiting a few moments, nothing happened. Maybe the devil had no idea I was here. Walking outside the room, people were walking around. They were dressed in the 1900s. It worked! I had to find Thomas now. I went straight to his room. The door was wide open, but he wasn't there. Where could he be? I went up to the third floor. A few men came down the steps. They looked like a couple of handymen. I continued up. As I reached the top, there was a loud crash. Thomas stood there. He looked angry and upset. A table was flipped upside down, papers were scattered around it. He dropped down to pick the papers up. I walked over to him. He sighed. "I am fine. Just please go." His accent came in. He must have heard my footsteps.

I dropped to my knees. "I believe you're expecting me." I could never pull off the accent people had from this time. He slowly looked up. His eyes dropped to my face. He grabbed me and pulled me into a corner. His arms blocked me from leaving. "Who are you? Is this another trick?" His hands tightened around my arms. I hoped that he wouldn't try to kill me. That he would realize it was me and not an illusion.

I touched his cheek. "No. I've missed you so much. You don't know how hard these last few weeks. I've tried using the Ouija board to contact you. Nothing I've done has worked. But this has, it's me Thomas. Please believe me." His eyes searched mine. It seemed like time was slowly going by as he was thinking about what I said. Without any other words, his lips crashed into mine. I kissed him in full force.

He cupped my cheek. "Lizzy, I've missed you terribly." His arms wrapped around me. He pulled me into his chest. "God, you feel so good." He kissed my head and rubbed his nose against mine. "How did you get here?" Thomas stared into my eyes.

"Sophie sent me here. I don't know how long I can be here though. Why was this a punishment?" I looked away to see if anyone is in the room. He pulled my face back to his. I placed my hands on his chest. "I'm not leaving you anytime soon."

He kissed me again. "Good. Because you're not." He lifted me up into his arms. I missed being this close to him again. Resting my head on Thomas's shoulder, my heart was beating fast. He went straight to his room and shut the door. He threw me on the bed and got right on top of me. "You don't even understand how I feel right now." I kissed his nose. His fingers traced my skin. I held his hands in mine. "You didn't answer my question earlier."

Thomas got off and sat next to me. He didn't let my hands go. I rested my head on his lap. "Because he didn't want me to find you. He also wanted to see me suffer. I can't find any pictures of you here. It's like you never existed. I just relive the days after you died. It's horrible." His face said it all, he hated being here. His eyes just stared at my face. I kissed his hand. "This is his illusion. Our history is better than this."

Thomas smiled at my words. He started playing with my hair. "He can't find out you've seen me. You may not be able to find me again." His eyes searching the room to make sure we were alone.

I stared up at the ceiling. "I don't know how he'll find out."

Thomas kissed my hand. "A man dressed in a blue suit is him. He checks up on me. He said after a hundred years of this, I'll relive my death for the next two hundred years as well." He was making sure Thomas filled out his sentence. I didn't want him to suffer anymore, I wanted him to come home with me.

I sat up. "I wish you could come back home. I miss you. Two weeks feels like an eternity without you." He has no idea how many times I've laid in his bed, waiting for him. My head knew he wasn't going to come. My heart never gave up hope though. Thomas pulled me into his lap. His arms held me close. "I know Liz. I miss you too believe me." I took in a deep breath. "I love you." He whispered to me.

I smiled. "I love you too." I kissed him quickly. Thomas didn't stop. I just wanted to stay forever. The nails were scratching against the wall. I freaked out and broke the kiss. Thomas looked at the door. There was a shadow standing there. "Thomas. You need to open the door." The voice echoed. It was him. Thomas placed me on the bed. His thumb pressed against my forehead. "You need to leave." He whispered. I was about to speak but he covered my mouth. "I love you too. Please go." His gazed went to the door. Thomas ran his fingers down my face one last time. As I closed my eyes, tears ran down my face. Sophie was calling for me. I followed her voice back, slowly going towards the light.

Sophie stood above me. I opened my eyes. She looked concerned. "Everything okay?" Nothing would be okay anymore. I failed to keep Thomas from this fate. Part of me felt like it's my fault the devil has him again.

I shook my head. "No. He's miserable. I don't exist there, and the devil watches him." The fact that he sensed something was up and went immediately to him. It scared me to know he kept a close eye on him.

Sophie looked away. "Because he knows I'll try to send you there. I should have told you." I didn't say anything. It was my one chance to see him again. It may have been my last. What if the devil found out I was there? Would he hurt Thomas more? "You haven't been yourself since Thomas went back to hell. You barely sleep or eat." Her voice broke my train of thought. My eyes silently staring at her. I didn't care about anything besides trying to get Thomas back. I sat up and went to the bathroom. I stared at the mirror. Sophie stood in the doorway. "If you happen to accidentally go there, you must leave if he comes. If you don't, you can become trapped there as well. I can't get either one of you out." I stared at my reflection. There must be a way to set him free. I didn't hear Sophie leave. I also didn't know how long I was staring at my reflection. My eyes were blood shot. But the tears still kept falling.

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