Chapter 32: Sleepless Night

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Thomas was fast asleep next to me. His arms were wrapped securely around my waist. I couldn't sleep. The rain was hitting my window too hard. My eyes looked around the dark room. Searching for something that didn't belong. I was frightened if I did find anything. I closed my eyes.

When I reopened my eyes, I was inside the mansion. What was going on? I headed up the stairs and went straight to Thomas's room. When I opened the door, he was just sitting there. He was a ghost. He disappeared in front of me. Then the whole room changed like magic. The room went backwards in time to when he was alive. He had papers spread out on the bed. He was writing in a journal. A knock came to the door. Thomas hummed. The door opened. Elizabeth came in. I was watching them like her life wasn't mine. She went up and touched his shoulders. "Busy?"

He smiled. "Never for you." His eyes met hers. "I was wondering when you would come find me."

She smiled back, almost blushing. "After I was done with my chores. I've missed you."

He grabbed her hands and held them in his. "As have I." He kissed them. She cleared his papers off a small space on the bed. She sat down next to him. He held her in his arms. Thomas kissed her cheek. His hand felt her head. "You feel a little warm."

She nodded. "It is very hot outside today. I had to help the others with the laundry." He nodded silently.

Thomas read in his journal. "When my work is finished here, I'm leaving." Elizabeth frowned. It looked like she was deeply hurt by his words. "I can't stay here forever."

Her head bowed in sadness. "I understand."

Thomas pulled her face towards his. "I want you to come with me."

Her eyes lit up like it was the best news in the world. "You mean it?"

He smiled at her. "Of course, I do. I would never leave you behind. You're too beautiful to remain a maid." He got close to her ear. "Although I think it has some advantages." His hands ran down her sides. She closed her eyes and let his hands glide all over her body. Thomas kissed her neck. His eyes looked over at where I was standing. He sighed deeply. Confused, I turned around. A demon stood there. I screamed as loud as I could. It grabbed me and started wrestling me. I tried to break free, but it was too strong. I kept trying to get away, but I needed help. "THOMAS!"

Thomas shook me. "Liz wake up!" I jumped into his arms. Looking around, I was back in my room. He held me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Liz, are you okay?" I didn't answer him. "Tell me what happened." I didn't have the words to speak. All I knew was that today was the day I've been dreading the whole month. Thomas ran his fingers down my cheek. "Liz." He kissed my ear. I laid back down on the bed. I closed my eyes and began to drift into a deep sleep.

In the morning, I sat in the living room. Looking out the window. Thomas hasn't said anything to me since last night. I didn't know why he wasn't speaking to me. Thomas came out of the bedroom. He kept walking past me. I gazed at him. My lips parted a little. "Thomas?" He didn't look at me. It was like I never existed to him. I said his name again. Nothing. What was wrong with him? "Are you mad at me?"

He finally looked over at me. "A little bit." The first few words he's said to me today. I went to speak but he interrupted me. "I don't get it. I was there when you woke up from the nightmare. I tried to comfort you the best I could, and it was like none of that was what you wanted. You pushed me away and went back to sleep like nothing happened." He was a little frustrated with me.

"I'm sorry. I was scared because I dreamt a demon was attacking me. I woke up and was trying to make sure I was here. And I don't remember anything after that. I wasn't trying to push you away last night."

Thomas slammed his fist into the counter. "Damn it Liz! You couldn't tell me a demon attacked you? You know what were up against!" I was silent. Thomas's shoulders dropped. He walked out the front door and slammed it shut. I took in a deep breath. I've never fought with him before.

I went into my room and sat on the bed. Tears grew in my eyes. The room began to get colder. I looked up. Donner stood there. "Tears? Come on Lizzy don't cry."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Why are you here?" His eyes met mine. I didn't like the way he was looking at me.

"Theodore has been talking. Of course, I'm stuck in the same house, so I overheard him and well...

He wants to push your soul into this hole called Trapped Voices. There, you will spend every waking minute in the darkness. He plans to make sure you never see another person besides him ever again."

I sighed deeply. It got better and better now. I stood up. "Once we win and Halloween is over, they better leave us alone."

Donner was about to speak until Thomas interrupted him. "I leave for a few minutes and you have to come scare her?" He sounded annoyed.

Donner glanced at him. "Leaving her alone isn't a good idea right now. All they have to do is lock you out and grab her."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Do you have a third eye on us now? I didn't ask for you to babysit her while I was outside cooling off."

Donner walked over to him. "You should be thanking me that she's still sitting here in once piece."

I quickly got up and got between them. "Stop stop stop." I placed my hands on their chests. "You promised not to fight. Donner you can leave so Thomas can talk to me." He silently stared at Thomas for a few more moments then disappeared in front of me. Thomas grabbed my hands. "I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you right now."

I just nodded. "I wish you two wouldn't fight over me."

Thomas shrugged. "We all hold memories together. Mostly us fighting for your affection. He's trying to help us now, but there's still that grudge we've been holding against each other for years." I walked away from him and looked out the window. The sky was getting darker. I stared down at the ground. The kids were already getting ready for tomorrow night. To get some candy and have fun. My night will be full of terror. Thomas wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my head. "Stop thinking about it."

I took in a deep breath. "You know it's not going to happen." My eyes went to the sky again. The rain clouds were coming in. I just wished water washed all the evil away. Or mostly my troubles. Under all my stress, rain made me sleepy. I yawned deeply. Thomas grabbed my fingers. His eyes gazed up at the sky too. I wondered what he was thinking about. All I wanted out of tomorrow night, was for this nightmare to be over. 

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