Chapter 38: Death is Better

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       It's been rough since Thomas went back to hell. I'm in my bed during the day, refusing to move. At night, I went to the mansion and laid in Thomas's bed. I prayed that he would come back to see me. Like how it was in the beginning. But he never came. I closed my eyes, hoping that if I opened them... He would be there. It was very heart breaking. To find your soul mate again and then to see him leave. I couldn't do a thing about it. What he did was a mistake. But the devil didn't need him. He wasn't evil. Thomas was a good man. I missed him to death. I wish I died again than be miserable without him. After Halloween, it became quiet there. The ghosts barely came out. Maria came and went. She mostly played with the wedding stuff outside. Tonight, I was in Thomas's room. Staring at the wall, I didn't want to be bothered. Out of the corner of my eye, Donner stood in the doorway. "Can I come in?"

Taking in a deep breath, "I don't care what you do." My voice sounded cold, but I was heartbroken.

He came into the room and stood in front of me. "Liz, you can't keep going on like this. It's not healthy."

I rolled my eyes. Why does he care how I live my life all of a sudden? "Yes, I can. I'd rather die than live in this time without him." He didn't understand how I was feeling.

Donner silently turned his head. "Have you tried communicating with him?"

I sat up and glared at him. Was he really asking me that? "You think I haven't? I've tried for two weeks!"

Two weeks...

Every day felt like I was being punished. Not being able to see Thomas. Or even be in his arms. Donner looked around quickly. Almost like he was making sure we were alone. "You aren't trying in the right spot. You come here in his old room. This was his room." It clicked. That's what I was doing wrong. Thomas didn't live here anymore once he came to my apartment. I quickly jumped up and gave Donner a hug. He was surprised that I even did that. He patted my back. "Okay. Hurry now." I ran out the room, ran down the steps. And headed back for my apartment. I was going to make contact one way or another.

Sitting at the Ouija board on the table. The pen and paper next to it. Three candles lit. I closed my eyes. "Thomas. If you can hear me, please say something." Nothing. I wasn't giving up just yet. "Please Thomas. I need to know that you're okay." The silence filled the room. Tears ran down my cheeks. I walked into my bedroom. Falling face first into the bed. I couldn't believe it. Everything I tried, nothing worked. Why wasn't anything working? The lights went dark. I jumped up. A figure stood by the lamp. It looked over at me. A feeling came over me. It wasn't a good one. It lunged at me. I ran straight out of the room. How did it get it? I looked at the table. The candles were still lit. I blew two of them out. As I was about to blow the last one out, the figure appeared. It grabbed my neck. I was gasping for air. It was trying to choke me. I took the candle and placed it on him. He was set on fire. Soon as I blew the candle out, it disappeared. I took a deep breath. That's why I should watch out for who I call. The front door close, Sophie stood there.

"What's going on?" Her eyes searched the room. I stood up. She just missed the new friend I just lit on fire and sent back to hell. "A thing attacked me. It was something evil. I was trying to talk to Thomas." It was a bad idea. Thomas warned me that other things could come through there. I forgot about the days Thomas sat by the board just staring at it. He must have known something evil was on the other side. Maybe he was waiting for it to try and attack us. I felt so stupid. I should have known it wasn't going to be that easy.

She shook her head. "You won't be able to reach him here." I was about to ask her what she meant. "He's not in this world that's reachable. Meaning, the devil gave him a harsh sentence." She sat down at the table. She folded her hands together. "He wanted to punish Thomas for finding you again. So, he sent him back in time. Thomas is still alive, and he cannot die until his untimely demise." I thought about it. Thomas was sent back to when I died. To repeat those days alone. But this time, he couldn't just get sick and die. He would have to age, or someone would have to kill him. That was a cruel punishment. I looked at Sophie. "You have to send me there." I wasn't thinking irrationally but I didn't know of any other way to contact him from that point.

Her eyes widened. "You're crazier than a goose! If you die, you die there. You were murdered in your past life if you don't remember. He can arrange for it to happen. He's controlling that time frame." I was getting tired of the devil's shit.

I got angry. "I got news for him. He's not rewriting our history. We are in control. Is there a way I can communicate with him?"

She sighed deeply. "There's one way. I can send you to where he is. It won't be easy, and the devil will suspect you to try and find him. He does have people guarding him." If I could see at least how he was doing, maybe we could figure a way for him to escape. It was worth a shot. Everything I did here, wasn't working. "But you'll have to dress like you're from that time." Sophie walked over to the door. She pulled out a dress. It was an incredibly old blue dress. If I had to wear it to go back, it was worth it. I just hope the devil doesn't have anything else up his sleeves. 

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