Chapter 14: Some Time For Us?

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          I didn't go to the gift shop. I wasn't feeling up to going so I called out sick. It was the first time ever calling out of work. Besides wishing Thomas came to see me last night, I cleaned up my bedroom. After a few hours, decided to sleep a bit. It would make time move faster and I could use the sleep. It didn't take me long to pass out.

I was back at the mansion in a beautiful dress. It was blue with gold trimmings. People were standing around in the ballroom. They were laughing & drinking champagne. It was another party. Everyone was wearing a mask. I touched my face, realizing there was wearing one on my face as well. Music was playing throughout the whole room. I made my way down to the second floor. More party guests were heading up the stairs behind me. I made my way to Thomas's room. Someone was sitting on the bed with their mask on. I closed the door behind me. His eyes met mine. He stood up and grabbed my arms. "Liz, what are you doing here?" My hands removed his mask. "It's not safe. He's coming." He seemed nervous.

I frowned. "Who?"

Thomas looked behind me. I slowly turned around. The door was wide open. The hallway was completely black. My body was shaking. I hated when this stuff happened in my dreams. Something bad was coming from the darkness. Thomas wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his chest. "Just relax. It isn't here for you." I couldn't. I started praying the I would wake up. Then there was screaming in my head.

I woke up in the mansion. The cameras were in front of me. Checking my phone, it was one in the morning. I sighed deeply. Did I fall asleep here as well? Something was moving in the hallway upstairs. I grabbed the flashlight and headed up. Shadows were moving around. This was weird. Thomas must be here tonight. Hopefully, he was. I went into his room. He wasn't there. Could he not come back? I checked in the room we hid in last time. Thomas was laying on the bed, asleep. I shut the door quietly and went over to lay down next to him. Thomas breathed in deeply. "You don't remember, much do you?" His eyes opened. Raising my eyebrow, I had no clue what he was talking about. "You came here and went straight to sleep at the desk. I tried to wake you up. But you were so tired, so I left you."

I had no memory of that. These dreams I've had are getting crazier. The first thing I wanted to do tonight was to see him. Maybe the dream led me back here without me knowing? I looked away. "I'm sorry. I was cleaning my house up. Then I got tired and took a nap. The dream was about this place... I have weird dreams about the house."

He grabbed my hands. "You have to wake up as soon as you start dreaming about this place. I don't know if any real harm will come to you."

I gave him a weird face. Since when can my dreams can hurt me now? "Easy for you to say. You don't dream."

Thomas focused on me. His hands held my face as his thumbs smoothing my cheeks. "I don't want anything to happen to you." I didn't say anything. He grabbed my chin. "Be careful when you summon me. You can also bring something else along. Like a demon."

Taking in a deep breath, I wasn't going to tell him about the little episode I had with demons everywhere last night. I crawled into Thomas's chest and laid on top of him. His arms held me tight. "I missed you." I mumbled.

He smirked at me. "I can tell." His hand ran through my hair. "You know next month is October?" I didn't say a word. Thomas kissed my head. My eyes looked at the door. Maria was standing there. Something was off. The feeling wouldn't go away. She took off. I went down the stairs after her. Maria ran towards the kitchen and vanished. Taking a couple steps in there, the kitchen was a mess. Flour was everywhere. Dishes were broken. The sink was running. I was speechless. Thomas walked up next to me. "She didn't do it. Someone else did this." His hands grasped my shoulders.

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