Chapter 22: Upcoming Events

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           I woke up in one of the rooms. The dizziness wasn't there anymore. They might have had something to do with that. A cross was hanging on the wall in front of me. I moved the wet washcloth off my head. Thomas was asleep on the other side of me. Looking at my phone, it was 5am. Sue was going to be here in an hour. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him. Thomas opened his eyes. His face looked concerned. "Are you okay?" He grasped my arms.

I nodded. "How long was I out for?"

Thomas looked away. "2 or 3 hours maybe. They both left once you blacked out." Something else was surrounding them. It might have been the devils power helping them. I touched his cheek. "Then what's wrong?" Something was bothering him. Thomas shook his head and stood up. He walked over to the window. I sat up. "Thomas..."

"Stop Liz." He said sternly. He bit his bottom lip. He didn't look back at me. I walked over to him and touched his arm. He pulled it away from me. I sighed. "I just want to know what's wrong?"

He puffed. "This wasn't supposed to happen. They got you involved now. If he gets your soul, then I can't be with you. I'll face eternity burning in flames because of what I've done. Theodore is such..." He paused then licked his lips. His eyes gazed back out the window. "I wish he never met you. I was supposed to find you. We were meant to be with each other." I kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me then pulled me into his chest. His fingers ran down my face. "It's going to be so much harder protecting you now." He sighed softly.

I rubbed his arm. "It's okay. We can figure this out. Things will get better after this."

Thomas ran his fingers across my chin. He kissed my forehead. "Yes, we can Liz." He whispered to me. I liked moments like these. Where he's so close to me. He's cautious and careful. He goes easy on me. Thomas smirked. He pulled my body into the window and pinned me there. My breath was shortened. He kissed me. My body wanted more. His hands grasped my waist as his kisses trailed down my neck. My head went backwards into the window. My eyes glanced down at the ground. Sue was coming towards the house. I grabbed Thomas as we ran out of the room. Thomas quickly headed down the stairs. My body was pulled backwards before I could even make it to the stairs. I was dragged into another room then tossed into the bed post. Theodore stood there. He moved his finger back and forth. This was worse than a demon. "Don't worry Liz, I'll take good care of you now." I was about to scream but my mouth was covered. How was he able to do this? I was trapped here. He started dragging me over to the closet. Trying to fight him off would be pointless. I couldn't touch him. There was whispering coming out of the closet. This was a big sign saying run like the wind! But Theodore had control over me. I started whispering a small prayer. God, please let me make it out of here. Don't let him take me into hell.

After that, a shrieking noise was coming from the closet. That made me even more nervous. If I went in there, I'd never see life again. The second shriek was very loud. Theodore covered his ears. The idiot released me without even thinking. I ran straight out the door and didn't look back. It felt like my feet were on fire running through the flames. I made it to the bottom of the stairs. Sue stood there. She saw my face. "More rats dear?" I sat on the last step and just held my head. It was more than a rat. So much more. If she would only understand what I just saw, then she would probably never come back into this house again. Sue came over and patted my back. "I'll call the exterminator again." She started heading up the stairs. "Must be some big rats." I looked back at her. If she only knew.


"What do you mean he grabbed you?" Thomas was very pissed. He regretted leaving me behind in the house alone. Theodore almost took me with him back to hell. Thomas was walking back and forth in my room. I was laying on the bed exhausted from the night. I just wanted to go to sleep. Thomas wanted to fight Theodore. "I'll solve this myself. I'll go back and fight him off." I couldn't take much more of this. He's been doing this the whole way back and at the apartment for the last hour. It was driving me crazy. I knew he hated him. But it's over with. I made it out, I'm okay. "Stop it! I'm fine! Just calm down. It's done with!" Thomas stopped and looked at me. I snapped at him. My head hit the pillows. "I'm sorry. Forget what I said." I shut the light off and laid in the almost dark room. I didn't want to fight with him. All I wanted him to do was stop talking about it.

Thomas sat down on the edge of the bed. "No, I'm sorry. I'm getting you all worked up. And I can see that you're tired." He placed my head in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Just go to sleep. I'll talk to you when you're fully awake." I closed my eyes gently and tried to get comfortable as much as I could. I wished it were a lot easier to avoid them. Now it's the two of us against them and the demons of hell. Thomas's fingers traced my back. He was angry but was tired himself. He laid down in bed and pulled me into his chest. His arms wrapped around my body. I could feel him relaxing. This is all I wanted. Calm and peaceful surroundings. "Night Liz." He murmured, then fell asleep just like that. I wish I could do that. 

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