Chapter 10: After the Kiss

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We were in Thomas's room. He was lying in bed with me. His arms were wrapped around my chest. I felt so small next to him. He sighed. "I haven't done this in years." I snuggled closer to him. I wondered when the last time he held a girl was. I wondered why I liked him. It was very strange. To like someone who isn't alive anymore. It was more of Theodore never did this. He only called me when he wanted me then left right away. He never held me in his arms. Not even kiss me as much as I wanted. I was lucky if I ever got one out of him. Thomas was different. My eyes met his. "Can you tell me how your life was?"

Thomas shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it." He was quick to give me an answer to that. I looked away. Maybe it wasn't the best time to ask. I smirked a little bit. "I am supposed to be watching the house."

His eyebrow went up. "You're a little busy right now." He kissed my head. "Unless you really want to watch the house." I gave him a look. He knew I didn't want to. His fingers ran through my hair. "I never expected this at all to happen. To even be here, with you. You're different. I knew it from the beginning."

I placed my hands on his chest. "I'm glad I met you." I meant it too. If I never did, I might have been dead already.

He smiled at me. "Me too Liz." His eyes looked towards the window. "Sue will be coming soon. You need to go back to the camera room." I sighed. I didn't want to go down there. I wanted to be with him. It seemed like he was an addiction. Sitting up on the bed, "Will you go there with me?"

He shook his head as he sat up. "I need to rest. I've been using my energy a lot. I need to gain more again before tomorrow night." He wasn't being cold towards me. But more thinking ahead. He kissed me slowly. I followed the pattern of his soft lips. It was like he was kissing me properly. I sat up. Thomas gave me one more kiss. He was about to leave when I grabbed his hand. He smiled at me. "What is it Liz?" The way he smiled at me, made my face blush badly.

"I'll see you tomorrow night." I spoke softly.

He smiled at me. "You shall." Thomas disappeared before my eyes.

I headed downstairs. This night was crazy. But also, amazing. Standing at the top of the steps, you could see a gun at the front door. I was about to go down there but arms yanked me up the steps. Thomas pulled me in and kissed me. I smiled. His eyes met mine. "I bet you like sneaking up on me like this." I played with his hair. Thomas shook his head. I knew he enjoyed seeing me this much. The way he cherishes me when he lifts me up to get closer. His strong arms holding me tight. Even though he was dead, he still had a lot of strength. It was almost like he was alive. To me, he was real. I could see him and touch him. But he was so much more than a dead guy. He was my friend. My new friend that I've been practically kissing all night. I shouldn't be doing it. It's not right. But I don't want to stop doing it. Thomas's arms squeezed my waist. "I can pull you back with no problem. You're light at a feather." He kissed my nose. I smiled at him. "Go on down there." He gestured me downstairs as his arms let me go and placed me back on the steps.

I looked at him. "The gun is down there."

Thomas saw it as well then nodded. "Don't touch it. I'll remove it. Okay?" I nodded. He watched me go down the stairs to the camera room. I sat in the chair. It was only 4:30 am. The sun wasn't going to come up for another two hours. I thought about Thomas. The first time he kissed me, it was amazing. It was so great that we both kept doing it. I felt a little bit guilty. But he didn't seem like he minded. He liked me being close to him. Wonder if we'll get any closer. I was startled by music playing. Looking at the third-floor camera, it was covered. I raised my eyebrow. What could possibly be up there? Maybe it was a bug blocking the lens. I got up and headed up to the third floor. Once I reached the ballroom, the music stopped. Looking around, nothing that I could see was there. I turned around. A woman stood there. She gazed up at me. Her eyes were crying blood tears. "Leave now. Before he gets you too."

"Who?" I asked as my body turned around. There was a creature. One I've never seen before in my whole life. Wait, it's the same one from the first night here. Its eyes were fixed on me. With a grimly smile, it charged at me. I ran back downstairs. Across the hallway. I slipped and fell into a little table. My leg was hurting from the fall and the table laying on it. The creature was at the other end of the hallway. Panic flew inside my body. Managing to push the table off, I slid across the floor. It was inching towards me. I couldn't get to the stairs any faster. I was beginning to freak out. The creature was so close to me. It stuck out its claws towards me. I closed my eyes. I was going to disappear tonight. It will be the end of me. I'll never see anyone again.

A bright light made my eyes open. The creature backed away quickly. It hated the light. Thomas picked me up and carried me down the stairs. He ran straight for the camera room. He placed me in the chair. I was in shock. My body was still shaking. "What....what.... was...." I was out of breath. I was trying to calm myself down. I've never been so happy in my life to see Thomas standing next to me.

He looked pissed. "A demon. Why the hell did you go up there alone?" He asked sternly. His eyes went to my leg. He grabbed it and twisted it a little. I moved it away from him. Thomas yanked it back. "Let me put it back in place." He was being serious. I nodded. He twisted it even more. My hands gripped the chairs for dear life. Thomas let it go. It felt a lot better. I smiled at him. His face didn't change from being worried or whatever else he was feeling. "You can't walk around this house alone anymore. I have to be with you." I could tell he meant it. What just happened scared me half to death.

"But..." I couldn't object to this. His eyes met mine.

"Lizzy, this is a portal for all ghosts to enter. Even demons pass through here. That night when I saved you, they were after you. I protected you from them. You must trust me. Stay here. Don't leave no matter what." His arms were crossed against his chest.

I put my head down. "I'm sorry I made you upset with me. I just couldn't see. It was probably to trick me. And I fell for it."

Thomas took in a deep breath. "I'm not angry with you. And yes, they did." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up next to him. I stared at his face. His hand held my chin. He kissed my bottom lip. "I don't want anything to happen to you Liz. Alright?" I nodded. My heart was beating next to my chest, ready to pop out. Thomas slowly smiled at me. His hands held my waist. "Promise me you won't go anywhere near the third floor unless I'm with you." I mumbled to him that I promised. He looked convinced and believed me. "I'll see you tonight." His lips kissed my forehead. They were cold. He was a regular ghost now. I could feel his touch little by little. He was like an ice box. I sat in the chair. Thomas went through the door for the last time tonight. I sighed deeply. I was never going on the third floor alone again. I couldn't believe that demons stay up there. No wonder the others linger on the first and second floor. It seemed like something else was bothering Thomas. But what?

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