Chapter 21: Double Trouble at the Mansion

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     My life felt like a huge dream. Him coming to life, me jumping off the building. Only reason I thought this was because Thomas wasn't next to me. I sat up. It was dark out. I see nighttime more than daytime. Pushing my body out of bed, I went into the hallway. Thomas was sitting at the Ouija board again. This was beginning to get strange. But at least I knew I wasn't dreaming. Thomas was really here. I took the board and headed to the dumpster with it. We couldn't let the spirit world control our lives. Once I got there, I threw it as hard as I could with all my might. I quickly went back upstairs. Thomas sat there puzzled. "What did you do that for?" He seemed a little annoyed.

I sat next to him. "Because it doesn't need to be in here anymore. It's like hypnotizing you." Thomas stood up and looked out the window. I didn't understand what was so important about it. I looked back at the table. The board was sitting there. I freaked and jumped out of my chair. Thomas looked over at me. "That's why." I glanced over at him. "Someone is controlling it." We couldn't even throw the board out without it coming back. Who was putting it back? I ran over to Thomas. He held me close. His hands smoothed my back. "It's okay Lizzy. We'll figure this out." I nodded in silence. What were we going to do next? Burn it? Thomas kissed my forehead. I glanced up at him. He lifted my whole body into his arms. My arms slowly wrapped around his neck. He kissed me sweetly. I didn't want this to end. But we had to go to the mansion.

I waited a few minutes for Sue to leave. Someone else was having a wedding that had to be picture perfect tomorrow. These weddings must have been very annoying. Once she left, I snuck Thomas in through the back door. He smirked at me. "I haven't had to sneak in anywhere for years." He was enjoying this.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You probably can't see ghosts anymore, can you?"

Thomas looked around. "There's nine in here." I knew he wasn't serious. Thomas listened closely. He must still have some connection with them. He turned his head. Maria stood there, holding a teddy bear. She pointed up. Thomas smiled at her. "Thank you." She smiled at him as she disappeared in front of us. Thomas headed up the stairs. Before I could follow behind him, the piano was playing in the living room. Looking around nervously, I went by the doorway. The keys were playing by themselves. A cold air brushed past my ear and shoulders. Something grabbed hold of me. I screamed as loud as I could for Thomas to hear me. My body was lifted off the ground and slammed onto the wooden floor. Laying on my side, I went into shock that it was such a hard slam. How could that have even been possible? There was no one around me. Something caught my attention from the corner of my eyes. The grandfather clock was coming towards me. I tried to move away but my body was being held down by an unseen force. Struggling to move, nothing was happening. I wasn't going to be able to beat the clock. Something grabbed me by the ankles and dragged out of the way. The grandfather clock fell to the ground. It chimed as it smashed into pieces. Thomas stood above me. His face was angry. He stared out a something I couldn't see.

"Now you're trying to kill her!" Thomas grabbed me and helped me to my feet. "Come out! Show yourself!" We waited a few moments. Searching around the room. It was quiet. Then a ghost appeared in front of us. My jaw dropped. Alison stood there. "Don't be mad. She deserves what you two trapped us into. Death." She was holding a grudge. Also blaming us for her death.

I rolled my eyes. "It's your fault you guys died. You also killed my best friend to summon those demons there. So, who's fault is it really?" Alison stood there silently.

Thomas grabbed my arm. "Don't listen to her. She's dead for the choices she made." I felt safe with him by my side. Nothing was going to harm me while he was around.

She got pissed. "Like hell! You're both the reason we are dead. I was a big shot! Now I'm stuck in this hell hole!"

Another ghost appeared. Theodore stood there. He gave me a wicked smirked. It made my stomach crawl with fear. "Hi Liz. Did you like that little slam there? It's seems that I've become stronger than I've ever been, alive." That bastard.

Thomas held me close to his side. His fingers were stroking my side. "Stay the hell away from her. You two have been nothing but trouble in life and in death." He was being stern. By the sound of his voice, he was extremely pissed off.

Theodore came up to him. Their eyes glued together. "Tell me, since you know how it is to be dead for so long. You had enough energy to make yourself look human for a long period of time. Us? It takes so much energy up. How did you do it?"

Thomas smirked at him. He wasn't going to tell him. "Why would I tell you that?" Thomas licked his lips. "How does it feel? Knowing that Liz chose me over you?"

Theodore got in his face. He was raging with anger and jealously. "She's a lost ugly girl that hooked up with a dead guy over the living good looking guy like me. But I'm over it. I can do a lot more by getting revenge on her. Torture her living undead soul." He was trying to reach Thomas's nerves. Which he did. Thomas shoved him away. Theodore went backwards. I didn't understand it. How could he touch Theodore? He was only a ghost.

Thomas stood near him. "First of all, you're not going to talk to Lizzy like she's nothing. She's alive and well. And she's not going to hook up with you. You see, I'm living and breathing. You're the dead guy now." He told him. Theodore gave him a death glare. Thomas came back over to me. I didn't think I could stand on my own two feet anymore. I felt so weak and tired. Thomas held me up. He whispered into my ear. "It's okay."

I felt dizzy. "No... I'm..." I slumped to the ground. Thomas pulled me back up. Something was right. What was happening to me?

Alison laughed. "She can't handle all of this. Hey Liz, here's something else. Theodore sold his soul to the devil, for the power to have strength ten times of a living human."

I looked up at Thomas. "I... I...." Hearing that made me upset. He could beat me up and have no problem doing it while he was dead.

Theodore came close to us. "I'll be able to torture you repeatedly. Thomas can't protect you forever. Once Halloween is here, he'll be ready to release his power. You should be scared." After he said those words, Thomas lifted me up. My mind was screaming. I had no idea what was happening to me and blacked out.

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