Chapter 13: They Attack

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            So, the gift shop decided to give me the day off since they were training new people. I decided to clean my apartment up. It was a bit messy. But it had to be done. There were clothes scattered all over the floor. I didn't have time to clean up anymore. It was mostly jump from one job to the next. At least these places are a walking distance. Once I cleaned up and started laundry. I sat down to check my mail. There was a strange letter in the pile with no return address. I opened it up. The letters were cut out from a magazine. This was not a good letter.

Lizzy, I will make sure you are truly dead this time. No mistakes.

I knew exactly who that letter was from. Freaking out is beyond how I could describe how I truly felt. Theodore somehow figured out I was alive. I wanted to tell Thomas. But he wasn't going to be back till the next night. My body rested against the couch and cried. I've never felt so helpless before. He was never going to stop, never going to leave me alone. I sniffled. Maybe I could contact him! I went into my closet and grabbed the Ouija board. Setting a few candles around it at the table, I placed a notepad and pen next to me. I placed the marker in the middle of the board. I took in a deep breath. "Sprits, I am calling for Thomas. Who lives in The McCune Mansion." I didn't know his last name. The marker didn't move. "Thomas, are you there?" I sounded so stupid. What if it didn't really work? I never tried one of these before. It was a gift from one of my friends as goodbye present.

Nothing happened. Five minutes went by and still nothing. I sighed deeply. Of course, it would never worked for me. I got up to get a drink of water. Grabbing the glass, a thump noise came from behind me. The candle was a few feet away from me. I jumped a little. My eyes looked back at the table. The pen was moving on the notepad. I walked over to see what it was. It was writing fast.

"Liz, it's me. What's wrong? Don't be frightened by the pen moving by itself."

It was him! It worked. Did I have to write back to him? "Can you hear me?" I spoke, waiting a few awkward silences.

The pen moved again. "Yes."

I took in a deep breath. "I know you're trying to rest and I'm sorry for bothering you. I just..." How was I going to explain this? I was a wreck. At least he couldn't see me. And my face.

The pen moved. "Liz you can talk to me about anything. Do you need me?"

I sat down in the chair. "You're trying to rest. If I'm taking energy away..." I could feel myself choking up. I did need him.

The pen wrote faster. "I'm not losing energy. You summoned me. Tell me what's wrong."

I felt myself about to break down again. "I'm scared." I started crying. I've never felt so helpless before in my life.

The pen moved slowly. "Lizzy, don't cry. What's going on?"

I sniffled. This is where he's going to flip out. "I got a letter today. A threatening one. And I'm scared. I feel alone and..." I trailed off, crying some more. It just wasn't my week.

The pen wrote quickly. "WHO SENT IT?" In bold letters. He was mad.

"There's no return address. But it was from Theodore. I know he's the only one who would send that." I wiped my tears away. He's the only one who hates my guts now.

The pen dropped. I held my head in my hands. I didn't know where he went. He couldn't do anything anyway. Something began lifting me out of the chair. I quickly stood up and turned around. Thomas stood there. In my apartment. With no shirt on. My mouth dropped. I didn't know what to do. He said he couldn't come here. His chest was built, fit for a ghost. His arms wrapped around me as he wiped my tears away. "You're safe." I shook my head. "Yes. I have you." I was shaking. Thomas tightened up. "Liz, nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here." I rested my head on his shoulder. His hands held my head and lower back. I was trying to calm down. The thoughts kept racing around in my head. It was becoming harder for me to stop. "Shh. It's alright." Thomas didn't let me go. He kissed my head a few times trying to relax me. I took in small breaths. I remembered that he said he had me and made me feel safe. I smiled a little bit. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I just..." My throat choked up.

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