Chapter 11: The Next Wonderful Night?

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                I had the day off from the shop. I was relaxing in my apartment. Sort of. I had college papers to write. I focused on them for only an hour. I took a break and went to lay down. My eyes grew heavy, and I fell asleep. I dreamt of Thomas, being alive. I felt like I was there. But it wasn't real. It felt so real though. I was in the mansion. In the hallway. I examine the walls. Everything looked the same. Thomas came over to me. He smiled at me. "You finally made it Elizabeth." He kissed my hand. I smiled at little bit. He tucked my arm under his. He guided me into a room. A party was being held in the living room. People were laughing and smoking away. They were having a good time. I looked up at him. "Thomas, where am I?" I was basically confused. People were dressed not from my time. But another time.

His eyes slowly met mine. "At the mansion, it's a New Year's Eve party. It's okay, he's not coming for you." I stopped. He looked back at me. "What's the matter?" He was lost by my reaction.

"Who's after me?" Thomas glanced up at a man walking past us. I studied his face. He looked so familiar. He left the room. Thomas's gaze met mine. "Him." I squeezed his arm. Thomas led me out into the garden. He gently shut the door. "He wants to marry you. You said no, and he's threatened to end your life. And mine if you don't choose him."

I gave him a weird look. "He's ugly with a scruffy beard! Why would I want to marry that?!" The man wasn't great to look at. He looked like he was in his 40s. Yuk.

Thomas whispered into my ear. "You and I can't be together." He knew I was going to ask why. Thomas kissed my ear lope. "We are from different classes."

I pushed him away. His eyes met mine. "That doesn't bother me. I don't care what everyone else thinks!" My voice was echoing. I turned around. That guy stood there. I screamed.

I woke up screaming. I took in deep breaths. My clock said 7:30pm. I had to be at the mansion soon. I grabbed some clothes and put them on. I grabbed a backpack and started walking. I thought about the dream. It was so weird. Why was I scared of this guy? Did I know him? It was so strange. Thomas might know some answers.

Sue told me that there was some activity going on all day. I had to be careful. I told her I'd be okay. She gave me a straight face. "Do you like ghosts? Are you some kind of goth?"

I shook my head. "No, I keep a cross on me. Maybe that frightens them." She just gave me a blank stare before she let herself out. Once I knew she was gone, I headed up to find Thomas. I went into his room. He was laying on the bed. It looked like he was sleeping. I shook him. He opened his eyes then yanked me into his arms. I snuggled against his body. "Hi Liz." He mumbled. He looked tired. Could ghosts even sleep?

I looked up at him. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "I'm very tired." He closed his eyes slowly. "I didn't rest much. My head was thinking too much today." I ran my fingers down his chest. It felt so good to be in his arms. I didn't want to leave.

"I had a dream about you." I was waiting for him to open his eyes again. He didn't.

He smiled. "I had a dream about you too. I dreamt that you would come back to see me. And here you are." He kissed my forehead. "You're so cute Liz." I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I had to ask. I shook my head. "It was about your past. I think."

His eyes opened. "Who's Elizabeth?"

He sat up and moved away from me as quick as he could. Thomas walked over to the window. I knew I hit a nerve. "Nobody."

I sighed. "Please tell me."

His eyes met mine. Thomas was upset by me talking about this. "No Lizzy." I started walking over towards him. "Stay away." I stopped in my tracks. "It's not a subject I want to discuss." You could tell by the tone of his voice, he meant it. My curiosity was getting the best of me. Part of me wanted to drop it. But the other part wanted to know why I dreamt about Elizabeth. I held my hands together. "Please." I begged him. He didn't look at me. "You can trust me. You can talk to me about anything."

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