She's awake

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Ally's P.O.V:

I felt a tug on my hand and I guess that's what woke me up.

"The day I finally got to call you mine. I lost you,"

I looked down and saw Sammy.

"Sammy?" I asked softly because it hurt me to talk.

Sammy's head went straight up.

"Allyson," He said.

His face was stained with tears and his eyes was red and puffy. I tried to move my arm to reach out to him but I couldn't.

"Don't. Save your strength," Sammy said kissing me and pushing the red cross button on the side of the bed I was in.

"Am I in the hospital?" I barley said.


"What do you need?" The nurse asked

"She's awake,"

She nods and walks out. Then two deactivates walk in.

"Hi Allyson, I'm Deactivate Crane and this is my partner Deactivate James. We need to ask you a few questions," He said.

"Can it wait til her brother comes? I will go and call him,"


A few minutes later Sammy comes back in and says Skate is on his way.

"I'm ready," Skate said walking into the room.

"Okay can you please tell us what happened?" Deactivate Crane asked.

So I told them what happened.

"Who rapped you Ally? Was it Kyle, Josh or Steven?"

"Woah, wait so Josh was in on this?"

"He was more than involved with it. Yes, he was the one who rapped me and stabbed me. Steven didn't do anything, but hit me a few times. Kyle and Josh were the ones who did it mostly. Rapped me and broke my leg and gave me the bruises," I said.

Skate just puts his face in his hands.

Today , was the day I got to go home and Sam hasn't been here at all since the day I told them. I have to testify in court which I will do that in a fucking heartbeat. When we got home, while Samm'ys house. Skate helped me get out of the car and carried me into the house. I was still so weak to walk even though I had crutches.

"Welcome home!" Everyone yelled when I got inside the house.

I just got closer to Skate and ignore it.

"She is still really weak, don't take it personally,"

I looked around and I didn't see Sammy. Some fucking boyfriend, he is.

"Take me to my room," I whispered to Skate.

Skate nods and walks up the stairs to my room and he sits me down on a chair next to my bed so he makes sure that I wasn't sitting on the blanket when I needed it and then he put on my bed and then place a pillow underneath my foot.

"If you need me, yell for me," He said walking out.

I didn't answer.

"Baby sis, you okay?"

"Nate, I was so scared but I didn't let them break me," I said.

"Ally, I'm so proud of how you are dealing with this. Just know that, I won't let anything happened to you. I am right here. I love you," Skate said.

"I love you too," I said hugging him.

"Hey," I heard someone said.

"Hey Sammy,"

So Sammy.

"Can I have a moment with Ally?" Sammy asked.

He nods.

"If you need me, yell for me," He said leaving.

"Hey Ally,"

I didn't look at him.

"I know you are mad at me but I am sorry, I just felt like I was the reason why you got kidnapped, I should have followed you out. If I followed you out I coulda-"

To shut him up, I kissed him.

"Sam, you know I don't blame you at all. You didn't know plus, Kyle was after me for years and Josh was too. It could have happened at any moment. Don't beat yourself up about this," I said pulling him into a hug.

"I got you something," He said getting up .

He leaves the room and then comes back with a giant teddy bear.

"Thank baby," I said.

He smiles and kisses me .

"What do you guys-"

We stop immediately and saw Skate look at us pissed.

"Explain now,"

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now