Two Plans

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     Lynn's POV: I was in her room waiting for Nash to get back. He has two plans planned. One is already in motion, the other is going to hopefully go without a hitch tonight.

     "Lynn open the door," Nash said.

     I got up and walked to open the door.

     "So did they kiss?"

     "No, but I got them hugging. Hopefully tonight will work,"

     Sammy's POV: The management is throwing a party for how great this event went. I don't wanna go but Ally does.

    "Sammy, you don't have to go. Skate will be there," She said about to straighten her hair.

    "A good boyfriend does whatever his girl wants," I said grabbing her straightener and helping her.


     The party is in full swing and somehow I managed to lose Ally.  I am frantically looking for her. I hope she is okay.

       Ally's POV: I lost Sam within 10 minutes because of how many people are in here.

     "Hey Ally,"

    I turned around and saw that it was Chris.

    "Hey!" I said.

    "Wanna dance?"

    "uh," I said.

    "Come on. One dance won't hurt,"

     At this moment, the dj puts on "Wassup"

     I smiled.

     "This is your  boyfriends song right?"

     "Yeah and Skate's,"

     Nash's POV:

     I saw Ally was dancing with Chris while her boyfriends song was on. So I recorded it. Then Chris bent down to tell her something but it looked like they were about to kiss so I snapped a picture

     Perfect! This plan did go off without a hitch. Well so far one part did.

    Lynn's POV:

    I hope Nash's part went off. We made Ally and Sam lose each other, I then saw the girl I paid to go up to Sam and kiss him and waited til she did. They talked for a few. Sam wasn't really paying attention to her, probably looking for Ally. At the moment, the girl forced Sam to look at her and kissed him. Snap, got that picture. ------

I meet up with Nash and we saw each others pictures and he given got a video of Chris and Ally dancing.

    "Yes, perfect!"

    We decide to wait till later on to send Sam the video of them dancing and the "kiss"

     We also decide that if Sam didnt believe the video and the picture, will use the Sam kiss.


     Sammy's POV: I woke up to my phone going off. I was about to move and get it but I stopped because Ally was sleeping on my,chest. So I just ignored it and went back to sleep.

     When I woke up, Ally was up and just looking at me.

     "Hey beautiful," I said pushing a strand of her hand behind her ear.

     "Imma take a shower," Ally said.

    I nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

    She gets up and goes to shower. I rolled on and grabbed my phone.

    From: Unknown Number

    Sorry dude

    There was a video and a picture attached. I looked at the video. It was Ally dancing with Chris. Okay I don't care. It wasn't dirty.

      I look at the picture it was them kissing.

     A few minutes later, Ally walked out.

    "Cheated on me twice huh?"

    "What are you talking about?" She questioned.

    I showed her the picture. She smiles and laughs.

    "Babe, one your an idiot and two this is taken out of content,"


   "Come here,"

    I walked over to her.

   "Sam, we aren't kissing you can tell. He was bending down to tell,me that he thought you were good at rapping and you are lucky to have me," I said.

     I took my phone back and looked closely. She was right, they weren't kissing. Their lips weren't even touching.

     "Im so sorry babygirl,"

     "Its cool. You ready to leave?"

     Today, we were leaving California and going to Texas.

     We walked downstairs hand in hand.

    Nash's POV

    Damn it. He didn't fall for it. I eas about to send the picture of Sam's kiss when Lynn stopped me.

    "Don't do it yet. They might think something is up. Wait a few days to do it. Plus, we can get more on him so we can make sure Ally believes it," Lynn said.

     This plan was to work it has too

(Okay, guys like I say before, please don't just say more. Put more thought into it. Like what you are thinking or something)

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon