Handmade Tattoos

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We were going on the plane to California and I was sitting in between Skate and Sammy. Sammy was on my right and Skate was on my left.

"Are we going to stay at your friends' house or a hotel?" I asked.

They haven't told me anything.

"All 10 of us are saying in hotel rooms," Skate said.

Sammy hasn't said anything to me since I screamed at him. I honestly didn't mean to. It just happened.

Thankfully no one has asked me about the bracelets that I was wearing because one there were huge as fuck and two they cover the cuts up.

I look at Sammy and I just see him looking out the window. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. I feel really bad about it so I tore a piece of paper from my notebook and grabbed a pen.

A: Hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out on you. I really didn't.

I then placed the paper and the pen in his lap, he looks down at it and then at me. He picks up the paper and pen and write something done.

S: No. I'm sorry. I should haven't done it. I knew better

A: I love you.

S: I love you more.

A: Nope. I love you more.

S: Not possible.

A: Yes, possible. I love you times infinity

S. I love you time infinity times infinity

A: You are lucky a five year old.

S: Huh uh. lol i love you

Then he gives me all the stuff and makes me keep it.

"I love you," Sammy said.

'I love you too," I said

He kisses me.

'Okay. I agreed for you two date but not this," Skate groans.

"Now you know who I feel with you and Montana," Sammy said.

I luaghed and rested my head on his shoulder as Sammy intertwined our fingers together and he pulls my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand.


I woke up to Skate's snoring so I tried to kick him awake but it didn't work just kinda made him more which made me laugh. I looked over at Sammy and he was see sleeping. So I grabbed his right arm and pulled it over to my lap and grabbed a pen and started drawing things.


I looked up and saw a flight attendant.

"Yeah," I said smiling at him.

She smiled and walked off.

Then I gently put his arm back and put in music.


"This is your captain, we are now landing at LAX. Please stay seated until we have landed and thank you for flying with us today,"

I slapped Skate and he woke up instantly. He glares at me.

"What was that about?"

"About to land,"

"You know what?" He asked putting all my hair over my eyes.

"Jerk," I said fixing my hair.


I look up and it was the same flight attendant.

"Yea," Skate said.

She nods and walks off.

I turned and just poked Sammy til he woke up which didn't take long.

He just looks at me.

"About to land,"

He nods, smiles and kisses me. Then he rubs his face. Skate just busted out laughing.

'What?" He asked looking at Skate.

"Your arm," Skate said.

"This is what you have to deal with dating my sister," Skate added.

He looks down at his arm and then he looks at me and smiles.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yep," I said.

"I love you, dork, douche bag, idiot, my lover, my teddy bear, my prince, loser, with a bunch of hearts and random little drawings," Sammy said looking at his arm.

He takes a picture of it and then puts his phone in his pocket.


When we got into my lobby of the airport, there was a bunch of people there screaming Sammy and Skate's name. Before we even started walking, Sammy stopped me and stood in front of me so I can't see the crowd of people. He lowers himself down to where only I can hear what he is saying.

"You okay with this?" He whisperers in my ear.

I nod.

"I love you," He said kissing me.

"I love you too,"

Sammy grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd. The boys stopped a few times to take photos with the fans. When we got outside, I see 8 boys there. The only two I recognize was Gilinsky and Johnson.


They turned around and opened the arms. I ran to them and hugged them tight.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" A brown hair blue eyed boy asked.

"This beautiful girl is my girlfriend Ally," Sammy said grabbing my hand.

I looked down at our hands and back at him and smiled. He smiled back at me.

"Also my little sister," Skate said.

I eventually found out that was Nash. I met Aaron, Carter, Taylor, Matt, and Cameron. Nash really caught my eye.

Ally stop you have an amazing boyfriend!

"Nice tattoos," Nash said.

"My girlfriend gave them too me," Sammy said putting his arm around me.

I love that he isn't afraid to call me his girlfriend.


This is seriously my favorite chapter I have written so far. What's your guys favorite chapter?

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora