Not your fault

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I woke up to my cheek and back aching. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom and look into my mirror. My eyes were still red and puffy and my cheek was already browning. It's not going to takes long before the color turns black and purple. So I did my best to cover it up with foundation. If my brother sees this, I can't hide it from him. I can't. He'll know. I walked out of my room and crept to his room to see if he was there. I walked downstaris and he wasn't there either so he must have spent the night with Sam. I looked towards the fridge and saw a note.

"Great job pissing of your dad. You lousy no good slut of a daughter.

There is a reason why your dad left. Your worthless,"

That's what you think mom, and Josh is no where near the man, dad is nor will he ever be.

I go back upstairs to get my phone and I saw that I have 12 texts, and 3 missed calls.

6 where from Skate.

From: Skate

Hey sis, tell me if anything happens.

From: Skate

I mean it Ally

From: Skate

Why aren't you texting back?

From: Skate

Sorry but you know me I am protective.

From: Skate

You'll probably asleep.

From: Skate

I will staying the night with Sam. Text me if you need me. Love you sis.

I texted him

To: Skate

Sorry, everything is okay, I just fell asleep early. Love you too bub.

2 was Gilinsky.

From: Gilinsky

Text your brother back, he is freaking out.

From: Gilinsky

I mean it.

I replied

To: Gilinsky

I did and that's how he always is.

The last three where from my friends Montana, Maya and Alexis.

The same text.

From: Montana, Maya, & Alexis

We need to hang out.

I didn't text them right off the bat because I saw that the missed calls where from my dad.

So I called him.

"Hey honey,"

"Hey dad,"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just missing you,"

"Me too, but hey I gotta go. Mia is having baby Jax is a few days and she wants to know if you will be there when she has him?"

"Of course, I will be. I mean he is my baby brother,"

"Good, don't tell your mom,"

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now