Sam stood up for me??

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Ally's POV:

I can't believe Sam is actually stood up for me. I was in the spare room in Sam's house, laying down on the bed face in the pillow. All of what happened it my fault. If I didn't get an attitude with him last night, this wouldn't have happened at all. Josh will still be here, Skate wouldn't be in the other room, hurting. I wouldn't be hurting or well the bruise he gave me last night and the bruise he left today. Josh decked me in the eye, so I will have black eye tomorrow. Sam is just a totally different person when I am hurt. He always is specially that one day.

I was full on crying at this point, and Sam knocks on the door.

"Ally, its Sam. You awake?"

I sat up and wipe my eyes.

"Yeah, come on in,"

He opens the door and walks towards the bed and sits next to me. He looks at my back and starts to lift my shirt up so he can see the cut.

"I'm sorry Ally, I know this must remind you of that one day. I just wish I would have thought of that before I pinned up against the counter and made you break that glass on your back," Sam said.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have got an attitude with Josh and this wouldn't have happened and I shouldn't have made a big deal about you throwing water on it. It's my fault. Including that day," I said starting to cry again.

Sam just sighs heavily, and just wipes away my tears.

"Ally, look here. Nothing what happened was your fault. Especially, that night. None of it. I might be a dick to you, but that doesn't mean, I don't care about you. I care about you one hundred and fifty percent. You are my best friend's little sister. I won't let anything hurt you," Sam said pulling me into a hug.

This is wired, Sam never does this, shows any emotion towards girls. But there are moments like this that make me think Sam is a good guy but there is other time that Sam is a complete dick. But nothing can take this away from us.

I just look down.

He pulls my head up to where I am looking at him.

"Promise me you will never say that again,"

"Promise," I said.

"Good," He said getting up.



"Will you please stay with me? I will explain everything to my brother in the morning if he asks,"

"Of course," Sam said sliding into the bed next to me.

He wraps his arms around me and I feel really protected.

I am starting to realize why I clash with Sammy is because I like him.

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now