Always liked her

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(Ohh-wee three updates in one day? Arent you guys lucky. Sorry lol. I just wanna write).

Jack's POV:




I've always like Ally, but I couldn't do anything anything about it because of Skate. I also knew Sammy liked Ally too. But didnt think he would ask her. He beat me to it. Fuck Sammy.

"I will always be there for you. Always,"

I was staring into those beautiful hazel green eyes. I wanted to kiss her. So bad, but I wasn't going to due to Sammy. Once again fuck him.

"I know you are. You have been there for me even when I was a bitch to you,"

"I never thought you were a bitch,"

"Thanks, you mean a lot to me Johnson and I mean a lot,"

That made me smile.

"You mean everything to me,"

She smiles that perfect smile.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked.

I nod and hopped off the counter.

We sit on her bed and she pulls out her laptop and streams Netflex onto the hotel tv.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked

"Kick-Ass 2,"

She smiles and types it in.

"Hit-Girl is who she is, Marcus," She yells at the tv.

I can't help but to watch her in adoration. She is so adorable.

"Wanna watch another one?"

"A scary one,"

(I can't think of one so, you chose one)

She types it in and plays it. Everytime, there is a jumpscare, she jumps into my arms.

But the 10th jumpscare she jumps in and I looked down at her and she looks up at me.

I cant resit any longer, I lowered myself down and kissed her. And she kissed back!

Ally's POV: I saw Johnson lending down to kiss me, and I lend up to meet him. I couldn't resit.

Johnson pulls away.

"I'm sorry,"

I smiled and got in his lap and kissed him hard. He rolled over to where we were laying down and he was on top.

I tugged on his shirt and he broke the kiss and quickly took it off and resumed kissing me.


Things are getting heated between Johnson and Ally. Ooh. Im gonna get hate for this lol. Commet, vote, follow me.

I just realized, I had a dream about this....minus the Sammy part.

The Bad Boy Lives Next Door (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 1)**NOT EDITED**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat