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Name: Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)

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Name: Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)

Age: 12

Birthday: December 25th

Father: Zalgo
Mother: Loretta (deceased)
Siblings: Unknown (unknown)

Zalgo, taking the form of a human named Evan Harrison, tricked a human woman named Loretta Swan into thinking he was a divine being who could finally give her the child she always wanted. They conceived (with Zalgo abandoning Loretta shortly thereafter) and Loretta gave birth to a completely normal baby girl named Lazari.
Lazari exhibited no demonic traits at all until she was 4 years old, where she involuntarily went into her demon form and killed and ate a demonically possessed neighbor (this is when she gained red eyes, jagged teeth and lost the ability to see any other colors besides red).
Lazari's mother then chained her up to the basement walls, completely isolated her from the outside world and beat and tortured her on a constant basis in order to "purge the demon".
This continued for 4 more years until Loretta finally had enough, took her daughter out into the woods with her and hung herself right in front of Lazari.

Lazari's only friend in the Pit was Tobey, a demonic stuffed animal that Zalgo had given life to. She grew close to Tobey and he became the only thing she ever grew to love.
Desiring a life beyond the Pit, Lazari escaped the Pit at the age of 10.

A Fine Night Of Debauchery
While on a mission in the Human World, Ben first encountered Lazari when she stole supplies from him. He chased her halfway across the city, where he managed to tackle and catch her in an ally. Ben told her to give him the supplies back, but the two were suddenly held up by three muggers, all armed with guns. Ben and Lazari put their hands up and seemed to surrender, but Lazari suddenly turned around and spawned spider-like appendages from her back, who violently stabbed two of the criminals to death. As the last thug looked in horror, Lazari threw her stuffed animal at the man's face and said "Tobey, eat", and the stuffed animal began graphically mauling the man to death. Ben watched in horrified amazement, telling Lazari that what she did was pretty cool. Lazari petted Tobey and picked him up, she told Ben to meet her at Mr. Mandavi's Pizza Place the next day. As she left with Tobey, Ben found out that she left his supplies behind for him
Ben reluctantly met with Lazari the next day at the pizza restaurant, and she proposed to Ben a night of debauchery. When Ben asked her what she meant by that, Lazari gave him an 'example' and walked out of the restaurant. Ben followed her and Lazari proceeded to blow up a nearby bowling alley with an energy ball. Ben freaked out and ran away as the police arrived and Lazari followed him with Tobey in her arms, giggling as she watched people struggle to escape the burning building.
After escaping the scene, Ben told her that it was not what he had in mind and instead took Lazari to an amusement park because the commercial for it said that it was crazy for. At the bumper cars they got bored and Ben admitted that he didn't really know how to be crazy. Lazari convinced him to let her show him and cut the line of the bumper cars, turning their bumper cars into fast getaway cars. Lazari sped around the amusement park, using her powers to cause rollercoasters and other rides to malfunction and even some to come alive and terrorise the visitors. This attracted the attention of the police which caused Lazari and Ben to speed out. After getting chased by the police throughout the city, the two rode up the side of a building and Lazari knocked it over with her telekinesis, and they rode on it out of the city like on a surfboard.
As they flew throughout the world, Ben and Lazari laughed and admitted that they had fun (although Ben enjoyed riding the building while Lazari enjoyed killing and terrorising people). Ben then asked her who she is and Lazari revealed that she is the daughter of Lord Zalgo, which understandably disturbed Ben at first. Lazari explained that she rebelled against her father for his hypocrisy of creating a 'government', which to her went against her vision of a lawless world. Following this, Ben make a joke about Zalgo that made Lazari laugh and she gazed longingly into his eyes, falling in love with him. Following this, Lazari, Ben and Tobey spent rest of the night causing worldwide chaos. Such as stealing Big Ben, bombing the Eiffel Tower, lightning all of Malaysia on fire and instigating a war between Pakistan and India.
Eventually, Lazari decided that she wanted to go to Proxy Mansion to meet the other Proxies. Ben, at first, was unsure of that because Lazari is a child of Zalgo, but she assured him that they wouldn't recognise her. With that, Lazari and Tobey went to the Proxy Mansion with Ben and Lazari easily charmed the Proxies and Ash Graven with her stories and powers, except Ms. Pencil Neck who warned Ben to be careful because she sensed something 'truly evil' about Lazari, but he assured her that Lazari is his friend. Once Lazari had practically everybody wrapped around her finger, she casually mentioned to Ben that they should get all Proxies together and cause more mayhem. Ben admitted to her that he didn't feel comfortable randomly killing innocent people, but when Lazari accused him of 'chickening out' he said he would do it. Ms. Pencil Neck became even more suspicious of Lazari.
Later that night Lazari and Ben played video games together in Proxy Mansion's sunroom and it turned out that Lazari happened to be very skilled at gaming. Ben tried to get Lazari to do some Black Stuff with him, but she said that Black Stuff is like acid to demons and passed. Eventually, Sally came in wanting to play with  and meet Lazari. Ben let the two get acquainted and left the room to grab some snacks. Lazari greeted Sally with a friendly persona at first but then told her that she should stop carrying around her teddy bear, mocking Sally for not growing out of her childish mindset. When Sally tried to mock her for carrying around her stuffed animal, Lazari warned Sally to not call Tobey a stuffed animal as he doesn't like that. An angered Tobey then proceeded to snatch Sally's teddy bear from her hands and started ripping it apart with his teeth. Sally tried to stop him but Lazari grabbed her arm and squeezed it very tightly, laughing as Sally started crying. Sally's crying attracted attention of Ben, Ticci Toby and Ms. P and they ran into the room, Lazari let go of Sally as they came in. Sally ran to Ms. P crying and told her what Lazari did. Ms. P consoled Sally and angrily told Lazari to leave. Lazari tried to get Ben to come with her but he refused, she angrily picked up Tobey and left the mansion in hurry.
After Lazari left, Ms. P told Ben that Lazari is a bad influence and ordered him to stop hanging out with her. When Ms. P left. Jeff realised that in the past Ben's ambitions were only to have harmless fun, whereas Lazari wants to cause war, death and destruction to the world for nothing more than personal amusement, and Ben is becoming okay with killing innocent people. Jeff being Jeff, tried to tell Ben that this was a good thing but Ben said that it isn't like him to kill innocent people and stormed off.
The next night in the Human World Ben met Lazari, who was sitting on a rooftop stroking Tobey who was resting on her lap. Ben told her that Sally and the other Proxies didn't want him to see her anymore and she accused him for being a bad friend but he said that he has to. Lazari then asked Ben for a favor and when he asked what was it, she told him to kill Sally and abandon the Proxies. Ben insistently refused and after Lazari's insistence, he angrily stormed away calling Lazari a 'crazy bitch'. After Ben left, Lazari laughed and told Tobey that Ben will be hers and they would have to kill Sally themselves.
The next day Ben was telling the Unwanted House Guest about Lazari. The Unwanted House Guest was half-heartedly listening to Ben as he was seen replacing a broken light bulb with one of his own inventions that will last for one thousand years and make everyone's skin softer, but when Ben said her name, The Unwanted House Guest started freaking out and demanded more information from Ben. The Unwanted House Guest said that Lazari is Zalgo's daughter, to which Ben told him that he was aware of it which angered him more for trusting her so easily. He said that Lazari is evil incarnate and not to be trusted in any way and that Sally is in grave danger.
Hours later, Lazari and Tobey lured Sally into a trap and attempted to kill her using poisoned candy but Ben intervened just in time and saved Sally. Lazari became infuriated and tried to kill Sally directly with fireballs, but Ben shoved her out of the harm's way. Ben tackled and pinned Lazari to the ground as Sally ducked for cover. Lazari threw Tobey at Ben, who began bitting Ben violently, knocking him off of Lazari. Tobey tried to bite Ben's throat but he only managed to bite him on the arm. Smile Dog, who had been brought out by Ben, appeared out of nowhere and attacked Tobey throwing him off of Ben and at Lazari, continuing to fight him. Lazari caught Tobey and pulled out a knife hidden in his back and ran at Sally but Ben grabbed her from behind, holding her. Lazari merely laughed as she spawned giant bat wings, flying into the sky with Ben clinging onto her. As he struggled to hang on, Ben, remembering what Lazari had stated previously, pulled out his jar of Black Stuff and used it to melt Lazari's wings off causing her to scream in pain and sending the two falling to the ground, landing violently on a moving train.
Lazari quickly recovered and threw fireballs at Ben, but he dodged the attacks swiftly. The two ran at each other, but Lazari managed to tackle Ben to the ground, so he kept kicking her in the face repeatedly until she was knocked down. Ben then grabbed Lazari by her hair, throwing her a few feet away. As he ran at her, Lazari pulled out her knife and engaged Ben in close-combat managing to slice him across the face and stab him in the shoulder before kicking him to the ground. She then lifted him towards her with telekinesis, suspending him in the air. Taking her time, Lazari was smiling sadistically as she tortured him by contortimg his limbs, reveling in his agony. After having her fun, she moved him closer so she could impale him using one of the spider limbs coming out of her back, but Ben  ripped the knife out of his shoulder and broke free by cutting the spider leg. Dodging a few more strikes Ben managed to stab Lazari through her wrist, causing her extreme pain. She tried to punch him with her uninjured arm but he caught her punch and snapped her arm, then proceeded to brutally beat the girl to a bloody pulp, finishing her off with a punch that sent her to the ground.
Ben then climbed on the demonic child and held her own knife to her throat, telling her to never come near Sally or the Proxies again. Lazari said that she would but only if Ben did one more thing for her. When he asked her what she wanted, Lazari pulled him into a kiss that Ben began to ease into. Suddenly, Tobey, damaged from his fight with Smile Dog, showed up and knocked Ben off the train, violently on the rails. Ben recovered quickly and looked back up to see Lazari blowing a kiss at him, riding off into the sunset with a warm smile on her face.

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