Bloody Painter

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Don't be excited about tomorrow :), because there will be no tomorrow

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Don't be excited about tomorrow :), because there will be no tomorrow.

Name: Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)

Age: 14 (??)

Birthday: October 1st

Friend: Tom (deceased)
Father: Unknown (alive?)
Mother: Unknown (alive?)

Backstory :
Helen Otis was 14 years old. His dark circles felt as if he had never slept enough. He didn't care about his messy black hair, since he didn't like to put too much effort on tidying himself up; it was unnecessary.
His seat was at the back of the classroom, next to the window; he always sat there drawing quietly, as it was like everything to him. He didn't like to socialise with people, making him a lonely one.
There was a person being pushed to the floor after school. That was Tom, who was always the victim of bullying, nor because he did anything before, it was just the dislikes of people around him. These things happened often, and Helen was used to it. Though he did feel bad for Tom, he didn't want to interfere, as it was quite bothersome.
During recess, Judy said she was missing her watch as she searched for it. Helen didn't help her, since it was none of his business. Suddenly, someone saw something flashing in Helen's bag.
''What's this?'' Ban asked as he put his hand into the bag, and took out a watch that was trimmed with fake diamonds. Helen was very surprised to see it as he did not know how it got there. ''Ah! That's my watch!'' Judy recieved the watch from Ban after seeing the situation. Both of them stared at Helen with a weird glare. ''It's not me" said Helen, who was still drawing in his notebook without raising his head. "Yeah right" Judy left the classroom with Ban as she concluded.
The following day, as usual, Helen sat at in his seat drawing. He noticed that the atmosphere didn't feel right around him; people started whispering about him, and even a few called him a 'Thief'. He decided not to stand up for himself, as he knew that it was useless to do so.
As time passed, Helen became the new target for people to bully; everything he did was being exaggerated. He didn't like it, but he didn't resist. He kept the feelings in his heart, keeping silent.
Until one day, Ban came to him and snatched his notebook, with his unfinished drawings in it. "Always doing these meaningless things" said Ban as he teared down a few pages of drawings, tearing them into pieces, wanting to see Helen's reaction. At this rate, the feelings that he had been holding bursted out. He punched Ban in the face, and started a fight. Helen wasn't taht powerful, so he was beaten up in no time. Other students went to see the fight, without stopping it; some students even stomped on his face and stomach.
Right after the bell rang, everyone stopped what they were doing and went back to their seats before the teacher came. Helen returned to his seat, as if nothing happened. The teacher entered the classroom later on, "Oh my, Otis! What happened?" Helen had so many visible bruises on him that the teacher noticed right after she entered the classroom. Everybody turned to look at him, waiting for him to give a response while glaring at him with a murderous look. "I fell down the stairs Miss" Helen replied as the glares disappeared.
After returning home from school, his parents also asked him what happened, and he responded with the same answer. The blue jacket he was wearing covered all of the bruises other than those on his face. His parents believed it without a doubt. Usually, when his parents asked him about how he was at school, he always said that he was fine. He even lied about making a lot of friends, living happily every day. Helen refused to tell his parents the truth, since he didn't want to make them worry about him.
A few months later, he has gotten used to the negative comments about him, and getting hit or humiliated has been a normal event for him; he was completely immune to these things. Who framed him in the first place? Why did the culprit do this? That didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.
'Hi! You there?' Helen recieved a message from an unknown user on Facebook. 'Who are you?' he replied. 'I'm Tom, your classmate.' Tom has never interacted with him before. This surprised him a bit. 'What is it?' Helen asked. -'Um...are you alright?' 'It's none of your business.' Helen concluded Tom's question. Tom typed for a while before coming up with 'Listen, I know how you feel right now. You're in the same situation as I am. I really want to help you, but I can't...sorry'. Afterwards, Tom and Helen texted each other for a long time, and Helen felt much better after telling him all the pain and feelings he has been through. He could even joke around with Tom, often using ':)' to show his happiness. This was the first time he thought he has made a friend.
It was a warm weather in the afternoon. 'Come meet me on the rooftop after first period. We need to talk, don't ask me why.' texted Tom last night. Following his instructions, Helen  met Tom on the rooftop, waving his hand and walking towards him as he said "Hey Tom! What's up friend?" "Um.. I have something to say... something important.." said Tom with a serious face. "Remember the watch incident?" How could Helen forget about it? That was how he started suffering! Helen noded to show he remembered. "I was the culprit!" Tom looked down, scared to look into his eyes. "WHAT?!" Helen was shocked. "I stole Judy's watch and framed you as the culprit." "Why did you do that?" "With you as the new target, my life is much better." Tom smirked. Its true, when everybody decided to bully Helen, they didn't bother Tom anymore. He was just like an abandoned toy. For him that was totally perfect. As long as he kept silent he would be able to live his school life safe and sound. He succeeded; the plan was outstandingly perfect.
Helen grabbed the collar of his shirt, and, after pushing around for a bit, they ended up near the edge of the rooftop. Tom slipped and fell. Helen instantly grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up, but he didn't have that much strength to do so.
"I'm so sorry Helen" Tom said before he fell. Helen closed his eyes, scared to look at what was going to happen. He couldn't imagine what would happen to one after falling from a 6 story tall building.
After the police arrived, they interviewed Helen. He was too horrified by the accident to say even a word.
Once again, Helen became the topic of discussion between students. Some people thought Helen pushed Tom from the rooftop, but most of the others thought that Tom committed suicide and Helen failed saving him, because they saw him grabbing Tom's hand before he fell.
That night, Helen was in his room crying, shivering and he couldn't stop the guiltness that was growing inside him. He needed to calm down, and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind: 'It's not my fault that Tom died. He deserved to die!' This made him feel much better, and his guiltness faded away. Helen creeply smiled, 'Tom had his punishment... I suppose it's time for others to have theirs, isn't it?' His cries turned into laughter in the dark.
Helen's classmates decided to have a party on Halloween, it was just to have their friends come together to party. Of course, Helen was not invited. The night before Halloween, Judy and Maggie were texting each other on Facebook. Both of them lived in the school dorms, and Judy's room was next to Maggie's.

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