Nina the Killer

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Go to sleep, my prince~

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Go to sleep, my prince~

Name: Nina the Killer (Nina Hopkins)

Age: around 15 to 17 (?)

Birthday: July 24th

Father: Unknown (deceased)
Mother: Unknown (deceased)
Brother: Chris (deceased?

Nina Hopkins started as a 'normal' fan-girl of Jeff the Killer. She would adore the Creepypasta character for nearly every quality about him and continue to read the story. Chris wouldn't mind the obsession and would look up to his sister, they both got along quite well with occasional nickname Nina gave Chris like 'prince' for his appearance, being oddly similar to the common fairy-tale.
However, after attending their school, a fee bullies (the ring-leader being a slightly older girl named Claudia and her associates Malcolm and Yoni) had began to harass Nina and Chris. With the first incident of the harassment, leading to Nina almost killing her bullies, Chris is obviously disturbed by the events as Nina begins to explore her more violent nature, finding a link with the behaviour towards her idol, Jeff. Nina went to change into some fresh clothes and as the room is revealed, Nina owns more possessions relating to the Creepypasta character such as posters, clothes, notebooks, stuff animals and dolls.
After returning to school, a letter was found in her locker detailing how she was caught in the act of attempted murder, but was instead complimented for her extreme skill. No signature was found on the note but Nina seemingly knew the culprit behind it.
During the second incident with her bullies, they decided the smartest decision to make was to quickly kidnap and beat Chris up before returning him to Nina after lunging him out of car. Frustrated and triggered by the events against her innocent brother, Nina refused to harm someone as revenge but informed her mother instead so Chris could receive medical attention (unknowing about the culprit behind the crime). Nina then decided to stay off school for a few weeks to help her brother recover from his internal and external wounds.
Another letter, upon returning to school, was found by this anonymous writer describing their sympathy towards the matter that befell Chris, saying that they will be her friend, causing Nina to blush with excitement. The day goes as usual, with picture-day arriving and Nina doing what many would assume, dressing similar to Jeff the Killer.
The day had passed but by the next, the trio eventually found Nina and Chris, and Claudia at this stage had a more harmful weapon than a knife (a gun apparently). They chased Nina in abandoned house nearby, leading to an almost shout-out with Nina successfully dodging the bullets fired at her and escaping into bathroom. But, much to Nina's horror, Claudia began to mention their attack on Chris which is the ultimate trigger to break Nina's sanity. Finding an iron rod to attack back, she first striked Yoni's head, causing blood to splatter everywhere in process. Malcolm and Claudia, shocked and disgusted by her terrifying look of insanity, took a few steps back before Malcolm became her next target.
Nina and Chris left the horrifying scene, where she later on decides to find  bleach to mimic Jeff's disfigurement. To Nina and audience's surprise, Jeff finally made his appearance in the scene. He informed her, whilst holding the bottle of bleach in his hand, that she has the potential needed to become a killer like him. So, with his assistance, Nina began to set ablaze, as her screams echoed throughout the house, Chris and their mother rushed to her aid. A bucket of water was poured onto her to stop the fire from spreading across the face/body before ambulance arrived a d carried her away.
She woke up in hospital with bandages around her face. She walked to mirror and started to unwrap the bandages. When she finished, she saw that she had almost white skin with a leather-like texture. "I'm beautiful, but not done yet" she said as she punched mirror and picked up a shard of glass. She started to slit the creases if her mouth, just like Jeff's.
Her mom walked in and was horrified by what she had seen. "Am I beautiful mommy?" Nina asked. Her mom screamed and ran, but Nina was faster. She took the shard of glass and slit her mother's throat. A doctor ran in along with 3 police officers, they tranquilized ger and took her to asylum. She woke up in a white padded room wearing a straight jacket. A nurse was next to her, stitching up her recent cuts. Nina tugged and moved, but was locked down. It wasn't long before she fainted.
She woke up again but ina different room without straight jacket. It was empty room with a window covered in bars,iron door and small white bed. Nina had gone completely insane. She ripped apart mattress, getting a spring and calling for help. Doctor came in rushing and she slit his throat the moment he came in and ran. The doors got malfunctioned open by the blood on the doctor's tablet which controlled them. Nina managed to escape the asylum and the first place she went to was her home.
She got there and knocked, it was around 3:00 AM so she had advantage. Her father opened the door and was shocked to see who was there, his daughter stitched on one side of her mouth, white and leathery and standing right in front of him. He tried to shut the door but Nina pushed him back and he fell on the corner of a table, got cut by it and bled to death. The she grabbed a kitchen knife and headed upstairs. She entered Chris's room and asked: "Do you want to join me?" He woke up and gently shook his head. She nodded and said "good", while plunging the knife deep into Chris's chest, covering his mouth with her hand. Before her brother took his last breath, she whispered "Go to sleep, my prince~" before running out the house in search for her one and true love, Jeff

Nina matches Jeff's appearance. Emulating his pale white complexion and Glasgow smile. But instead of having burnt out eyelids, she stitched her eyelids wide open. She is described as wearing a deep, fuchsia hoodie, black miniskirt, black and red tigh-high socks and converse shoes. Her hair is jet black and is tied up with bright red bow. Her hair has a single magenta streak that she dyed herself.

Before losing her best friends, she was happy, sweet, social girl. When the two best friends died, she became quiet and less social due to bullying. After finding out who's Jeff the Killer, she became insane and isolated herself. That changed after going to asylum. After she broke out of the asylum she met Jeff, but that wasn't pretty though. To this day, she still wants to find Jeff. She tends to dress like him, to try and think like him. She'll do anything to find him.

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