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Your time is up!

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Your time is up!

Name: Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)

Age: 24 (?)

Birthday: November 6th

Father: Unknown (deceased)
Mother: Unknown (deceased)
Brother: Lucas (deceased)

Natalie Ouellette was once a normal, unassuming teenage girl, who came from a broken family. Her nature started to change drastically when her family started verbally and physically abusing her (the age of which the abuse began to happen is unknown, although many agree that she was first abused when she was very young); Natalie was unable to tell anyone at the time. The only true person she felt safe with was her older brother, Lucas. That was until she was sexualy abused by him more than once for a period of four years.
During her abuse, she tried to talk to a girl in her class about it, but Mia sabotaged Natalie and spilled her secret, prompting online and real-life harassment during her elementary school years. When Natalie was sixteen, things took a turn for the worst. Natalie's boyfriend, Chris, asked her to talk to him after classes, he admitted to her that he wished to break up and see other people. Citing her macabre art and her negative mindset, as well as her not telling Chris why she felt so negative, she returned home, went into the bathroom, and with her mindset was seemingly even more negative than before, and after keeping everything bottled-up for too long Natalie had finally snapped inside. She self-harmed herself by sewing the corners of her mouth into a smile with black thread and stitches.
Her mother found her doing that and decided to schedule some therapy for her. With her visit to the therapist, Natalie explained that time had been her biggest problem and that she wholly believed that time, and the concept of it, was against her, and was the reason which led to her abuse. After trying to get physiological help, she got sent to a doctor for some 'mental drugs' that would hopefully improve her mental state. He said that she would be back to normal in no time, then slipped an anesthesia mask on her as he performed surgery.
Things went horribly wrong, during the surgery Natalie regained consciousness, and she was able to respond and move around. She then momentarily passed out after coughing blood for an unknown reason. She then woke up again, the doctor from earlier informed her that she was never supposed to wake up and that her appearance had also changed from the botched surgery. Natalie looked into a mirror and quickly noticed that her once hazel eyes had completely changed to a vibrant green. However, Natalie was surprisingly happy with her 'new look'. After she had gone completely insane, she killed the doctor, along with two security guards, and escaped from the hospital.
Natalie returned back home through a thunderstorm and killed her mother, father, and lastly her brother. After the murder of her family, she walked into the bathroom, then suddenly she spotted her father's old pocket watch on the rim of the sink, and listened to the faint ticking for what seemed like an eternity, she dissembled it, so that only the face-off of the watch remained. She repeated what she had told the therapist about time while removing her left eye and dropping it into the sink. She then rorced the small clock into her eye socket until it 'fitted perfectly' and referred to herself as "Clockwork".
Clockwork then walked away from her house as it burned to the ground, along with her family. Now she lives on, carrying her insanity with her and leaving so many dead. Saying that she is the one who determines when their time should come to an end.

Appearance :
Clockwork has pale peach skin, long, messy brown hair and bright green eyes. The clothing she mostly wears is a greyish-blue hoodie, with white colored fur lining the sides of the hood, black skinny jeans and a pair of black knee-high boots. Her most noticeable features are the small clock that replaced her left eye and the corners of her mouth to resemble an upturned smile.

Personality :
Before becoming a killer, Natalie was a shy, polite and sophisticated young girl who only wanted nothing more than to just enjoy her life peacefully with a loving family. But unfortunately, due to her abusive upbringing, her personality noticeably changed to a depressed, nearly-mute, nump, anxious wreck. And after the loss of her sanity, she became a lot more reserved and unemotional, as she prefers to keep her feelings hidden away from others until she feels that it's okay to let them out.
Now, as an adult, Clockwork is very brash and loud-mouthed, as she'll say almost anything to anyone, whenever it offends them or not. This also goes for her sarcastic nature as well, with it mixed in her twisted sense of humour. When she meets new people, she often comes across as violent, sadistic, obnoxious and unladylike.

Powers and abilities:
Clockwork is durable, agile and is fast runner. She also has a pocket watch in replace of her eye which will glow a fluorescent green color in the dark, along with her regular eye, which is a sign of her presence. Clockwork also has a love for (phisical) pain, she'll often smile whenever anyone tries to attack her and will remain totally unphased by it.

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